

Research of Lin Xiyi’s Oral Interpretation of Zhuangzi in Yanzhai

【作者】 王倩倩

【导师】 庄大钧;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以林希逸提出的解庄方法为脉络,依次考察林氏从儒学、佛学、文学方面对《庄子》的解读成果,全面了解林氏的解庄风貌,并在诠释林氏解庄工作的同时考察林氏的三教调和之功,在对庄子文学评论的考察中也侧重其与三教调和相关的理论。本文共分为五章:第一章全面考察林希逸其人的生平、学统、交游情况,其中林希逸卒年问题、艾轩学派的学问特色问题和林希逸经历中与僧门的交往的问题,之前研究者较少提及或者未有定论。对《庄子鬳斋口义》(以下简称《庄子口义》)其书在写作时间、原因以及刻版印刷和流传方面的基本情况做一个梳理,为此书的研究做好背景铺垫。第二章通过研究林希逸带有强烈儒学色彩的解庄方式,考察他对儒庄融合的贡献。采用以原典材料梳理为基础,影响分析以及注释心态分析为辅助的方法就林希逸提出的“见理素定”的读庄方式进行仔细研究。在使用儒学义理尤其是与宋代理学家思想对《庄子》进行解读的过程中,林氏用周敦颐“无极而太极”理论解释庄子宇宙观,用二程“孔颜之乐”解释庄子“逍遥之乐”、用程朱“天理”说解释庄子的道论,用“无容心”思想解释庄子的“顺世”观念,拉近了儒家和庄子的距离,顺利地将儒家思想注入到《庄子》中。林希逸从互通庄儒表层词汇语句道互通庄儒义理,再到塑造庄子“尊孔”的形象,显示出林希逸有将庄子纳入儒学体系的宏愿。第三章考察林希逸“以佛解庄”、运用道家和道教知识解庄以及以文评庄的注释方式。在“以佛解庄”尤其是引禅宗思想解释《庄子》部分的考察中,从禅宗术语、禅门公案、佛家义理以及生死观念四个方面分析林氏沟通两者的视域。第二节考察当前研究比较薄弱的林氏道教思想,发现林希逸对道教“内丹学”的知识有基本的了解,但是却之将归为“养生之学”一律视作“人欲”而不予重视。第三节简要分析林氏散文评点庄子的方法,并对其评点实践中的理学特色进行研究,探讨林氏“义理与辞章并重”在文学上的体现。第四章对林氏《庄子口义》中具有代表性的理论进行专说研究。通过文本的深入解读,研究“庄孟同时救世说”的形成和内涵:运用历史考察和文本阅读相结合的方式研究“《大藏经》出自《庄子》说”的形成及内涵,并分析其合理性;通过历史考察和文本对比阅读的方式研究林希逸“庄列优劣说”的具体涵义及评价标准。第五章为结论,总结全文主要观点,并结合林希逸注《庄》的成就对其《庄子口义》做出评价。

【Abstract】 This paper uses the methods of interpreting the thoughts of Zhuangzi which were raised by Lin Xiyi as a clue to research Lin’s annotation about Zhuangzi. According to the methods, this paper makes use of the vision of Confucianism, Buddhism and literature in turn to research the Zhuangzi interpretation achievements of Lin Xiyi, which will lead to a comprehensive understanding of Lin Xiyi’s interpreting work and to research Lin Xiyi’s achievements on integrating different philosophy thoughts such as Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism at the same time. In the study of Lin Xiyi’s literature review of Zhuangzi, we also focus on the aspects related to the integration of these three religions and his related theory.This paper is divided into five chapters:The first chapter comprehensively introduces Lin Xiyi’s life, learning and social circle, including Lin Xiyi’s year of death, Aixuan school’s characteristics and Lin Xiyi’s interaction with monks. All of these have seldom been mentioned by scholars or come to clear conclusions. It also introduces some basic information about the book Oral Interpretation of Zhuangzi in Yanzhai, including its writing time, writing reasons as well as the basic information about the engraved printing and circulation, paving way for researching the book.The second chapter researches on Lin Xiyi’s contribution to the integration between Confucian and Zhuangzi through the study of his interpretation in a way that has strong Confucianism color. This paper uses the analysis of the original materials as a foundation and impact analysis and the analysis of annotation mentality as an auxiliary way to lead readers to get a deep understanding of Lin Xiyi’s interpretation which used Neo-Confucianism as a principle to read Zhuangzi. While he used the Neo-Confucianism to explain Zhuangzi, he made use of the theory " Wu Chi and Tai Chi "which put forward by Zhou Dunyi, a famous idealist in North Song dynasty,to explain Zhuangzhou’s cosmology, the theory of Confucius and Hui’s Cheerfulness to explain the free and unfettered cheerfulness of Zhuangzi, the theory of heavenly principles to explain Zhuangzi’s theory of "Tao" and the concept of "no desire" to explain Zhuangzi’s thought of "deal with the world with no heart". After doing a series of work, he narrowed the distance between the thought of Zhuangzi and Confucianism and meanwhile put the thought of Neo-Confucianism into Zhuangzi. Lin Xiyi also made an inter-communication of these two thoughts through word explanation, the lower level to inter-communicate on philosophical thought, he even created the image of Zhuangzi who actually respected Confucius. All these facts reveal that Lin Xiyi wanted to draw Zhuangzi into the Confucian system.The third chapter examines Lin Xiyi’s interpretation methods of the Buddhism, Taoism and Literature. In the interpretation about Buddhism, Lin introduced Zen into Zhuangzi as the main approach. So in the first section we will research on Lin’s vision on integrating Zen and Zhuangzi by comparing these two thoughts in terms, stories, philosophical connotations and the view of life and death. In the second section, we will research on Lin Xiyi’s view of Taoism, which was seldom noticed. And we find out that Lin Xiyi had a basic understanding of the knowledge of Taoist theory for inner elixir, but he just classified it into the study of preserving one’s health, which was thought to belong to human desire, the opposite side of the heavenly principles,so that he paid less attention to this aspect. In section three, we briefly introduce Lin xiyi’s critics on Zhuangzi in literature, research his idealist-color in the practice of literature crisis and explore how he attached equal importance to both of philosophy connotation and language style of works in his comments.The forth chapter focuses on Lin Xiyi’s representative opinions. In this chapter we research on the view that Zhuangzi and Mengzi were struggling for the people’s salvation at the same time through the study in-depth reading of the text, including its formation and connotation. We also research on the formation and connotation of the view that Tibetan tripitaka came from Zhuangzi through the combination of historical investigation and discuss its rationality, and we will research on the view that Zhuangzi is better than Lieh Tzu by means of historical investigation and comparative reading of the two texts, try to find out the specific meaning and Lin Xiyi’s evaluation standards.The fifth chapter is the conclusion, in this part we summarize the main ideas of the paper and try to combine Lin Xiyi’s achievements on the history of Zhuangzi research to comment Oral Interpretation of Zhuangzi in Yanzhai

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2013年 11期
  • 【分类号】B223.5;G256
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】149