

The Research of Landscape Architectural Sandy Green

【作者】 赵英力

【导师】 瞿志;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2013, 硕士

【摘要】 2005年6月,国家林业局发布了《中国荒漠化和沙化状况公报》,公报显示2004年,我国沙地面积达到170万平方公里,占国土面积的近1/5,其中90%分布于西北地区。在过去的几个世纪里,对当地人们的生产生活造成了很大的影响。随着对沙地的治理工程的开展,人们在对沙地进行合理绿化治理方面的热情日益高涨。笔者在2012年参与了“中国西部防沙治沙经济示范区”的总体规划项目,这个项目便是对沙地新型绿化形式的一种探索。由此产生了对于沙地绿化治理方面的思考。由于近些年人类在和沙地的对抗中取得了不错的进展,尤其是我国北方部分地区在对沙地的绿化治理中取得了令人瞩目的成就。在传统的沙地绿化中,对植物的种植以及对资源的利用方面长期处于相对保守的状态。对沙地绿化的态度多以防护为主,避免或者禁止人们的休闲、娱乐等活动。在经历近半个世纪的传统沙地绿化以后,部分沙地景观效果得到了明显改善。在人均休闲、游憩空间逐渐减少的情况下,人们逐渐产生出在沙地上拓展活动空间的诉求。研究从对沙地状况分析入手,对传统沙地绿化进行分析总结。在目前对沙地绿化理解的基础上将传统沙地绿化措施进行分类汇总。再由传统沙地绿化带来的效应和人们对活动环境诉求的矛盾出发,分析传统沙地绿化中可以发掘的潜力,以及这些潜力是否可以在对沙地的新型绿化方向中找到突破口。论文的重点讨论部分,是在对传统沙地绿化有了初步认识的基础上,分析沙地绿化与一般园林绿化之间的连接点。进而尝试在沙地绿化的基础上分析园林植物在休闲、游憩方面的绿化应用。最后由实践项目将研究的内容进行尝试应用。

【Abstract】 The sandy land in China is over1,700,000square kilometers which is about one fifth of Chinese area.90percent of the sandy land is located at northwest of China. In past few centuries, sandy land has effect people both in daily lives and crop production. Based on the previous practice of sandy land control projects, people are looking for more effective and appropriate ways of developing sandy area with enthusiasm. The author has attended the project of "the demonstration area for regional planning plan of western sandy area in China" which is a new mode exploration of sandy area development. Based on the project, the author started to think about the sandy area development.The ways of expanding human activity areas by sandy area development project have been discussed in the article. In recent years, significant processes have been made in sandy area govern administer and control projects, especially in mid-north China. But the traditional methods of replanting plants and the redevelopment of the existing resource limit human activities. After five decades exploration, people are looking forward new methods of sandy area development which could offer more opportunities of human activities. This article will discuss the methods of involving human activities to the sandy land development projects.The article will start from the analysis of the sandy land and the traditional sandy green method. Based on the classification of traditional sandy green methods, the article will analyze the opportunities of human activities possibilities in the sandy area development projects. The key point of the article is looking for the junction between the sandy area green development and the common landscape architecture design. The assumption of the project would be the new landscape architectural sandy green system which would offer more space or ways for human relaxation.The research did in this article would be applied into real project. More imagination would be made for future sandy area development projects.
