

The Confliction of an and Shi to the Government in Tang Dynasty and South China Literature

【作者】 陈超

【导师】 罗时进;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 江南地区在唐代的安史之乱以后再次成为了士人的荟聚之地,他们于此或是避难,或是仕宦,希冀在战火纷飞之中找寻到心灵的另一片洞天福地。由于经济、交通和人文等优势,士人又大多聚集在江南东道的润州、苏州、湖州、杭州、越州等地,以及与江南东道邻近的江南西道的洪州、饶州、袁州等地,并且这两道的士人又常以集会的方式,或是以诗文唱和为手段,彼此往来,因而在他们之间有一个相对稳定的交往范围。因此,若在中国舆图上对士人汇聚之地以点阵标示,则可清晰地看到,安史之乱以后在江南形成了一个以两浙地区为范围的人文生态圈。这一时期在两浙地区形成的人文生态圈,以江南东、西道诸州为地域空间,相对稳定的诗文社交网络为外在表现形式,迥异于京都的诗学趣味为内在特质,我们因此称之为“大历江南诗文化圈”。在这个江南诗文化圈中,集会作为突出的人文现象,既是连接士人的情感纽带,又是士人诗酒风流的人文舞台。以集会为视角,不仅能深入地考索大历时期江南诗文化圈的运作机制,而且能呈现特定时期士人耽嗜雅集唱和的原始情态以及这些雅集唱和对江南文化史的意义。本文共分三章。第一章论述大历江南诗文化圈提法的合理性。文章分三节,第一节以京都诗文化圈为参照系,提出了大历江南诗文化圈的说法,并阐述了江南诗文化圈的内涵。第二节以大历时期的湖州和越州为例,阐释大历江南诗文化圈中这两个重要的文学地理空间如何形成,在这个过程中湖州和越州如何成为江南本土诗人乘势崛起的诗学舞台。第三节论述大历江南诗文化圈异于京都诗文化圈的独特诗学景观:雅集和联句,江南本土文士与诗僧。第二章以浙西联唱为个案,论述大历江南诗文化圈的特征与生成机制。第一节叙述了浙西联唱的缘起——《韵海镜源》的编纂。第二节论述大历江南诗文化圈的生成机制,以浙西联唱中颜真卿与皎然二人对浙西集群的作用为例,探讨了江南诗文化圈中业缘、血缘和地缘社会关系对诗文化圈内部文学空间生成的重要作用。第三节以浙西联唱中皇甫曾、张志和和耿湋三人前后参与的雅集为例,分别揭示了江南诗文化圈的外在表现形式——江南诗学社交网络的特征:即流动性、审美性和开放性。第三章论述大历江南诗文化圈对江南文化地理的贡献。第一节指出江南诗文化圈中士人的大量江南书写,无论是在写作理念还是写作内容方面都深化了早期唐人对江南的概念化认知,从而进一步强化了文学创作中江南地域特征的闲、雅品格,浙西联唱中张志和《渔父词》所提炼的江南渔父意象是这一认识的升华。第二节论述大历江南诗文化圈中的文学活动,以浙西联唱导源,唐宋时湖州形成了郡守文学雅集唱和的传统。第三节认为诗文化圈的郡守文学风尚对明清江南历史文化记忆影响深远。以浙西联唱为例,湖州太守颜真卿通过主盟浙西联唱之事,极大地提高了湖州城市文化声誉,因而占据了湖州文学太守谱系的显要位置。而与浙西联唱相关的人、事、地,均成为了后代追忆雅集风流的怀古诗文书写对象,是湖州文化遗产的重要组成部分。

【Abstract】 The south areas in the tang dynasty over again after rebellion of An and Shi, become the ssemble land of philistine’s.They gathered here to asylum o r become an official of the world in flames, hoping to find another place that perches in the soul. The economy, communications and human, and they are mostly in the jiang nan azumachi runzhou, suzhou and hangzhou, yuezhou huzhou and so on, and with the neighbouring azumachi the west of raozhou yuanzhou hongzhou and so on, and the two of the philistine, with a rally in the way, or verse bass means of each other, so that they have a relatively stable society scope. Therefore, if the chinese veteran to meet the, with chorographic map, we can clearly see the philistine in the jiangnan after rebellion of An and Shi caming into a circle of the ecological of the two parts of zhejiang. The same period in two areas of ecological get the ring to the scopes of jiang nan, and relative stability in the area of social networking for the external form, and differed in kyoto of interest to the internal qualities, we therefore call "the poems cultural circle of Da li period ". in the south of the poem cultural circle, as the assembly of the phenomenon, the philistine emotional connection and then romantic poetry, wine of the stage. For a meeting, can not only deeply into the operation mechanism of the south poem cultural circle in this period,but also appear a specific period and then given a set of primitive modal and the bass; assembly on the meaning of Jiangnan cultural history.This article falls into three chapters. the first chapter is the reasonableness of the nomination of the Da li poem period cultural circle. The article falls into three sections,the poem in kyoto cultural circle,and for reference made the name of the poetry of the Da li period and the connotations of the south poem cultural circle.The second section taking huzhou and yuezhou for example in Da li period, which illustrates how the two important Literature geographical space come into being and how huzhou and yuezhou become a single step up the jiang nan cultural circle of the stage during the process. The third section dealing with the landscape poetics of poems of Da li period differs from kyoto cultural circle,which including assembly and joint sentence, indigenous scribes and the monk.The second chapter to get to the case of the west zhejiang. poets series with characteristics and generation mechanisms of the jiang nan cultural circle in Da li period.the first section describes the compositional of the west zhejiang poets series with the compilation of the book about rhyme poems, which become opportunities and an important part of the west zhejiang poets series. A total of eighty scribes get to the prologue of the west zhejiang poems series,that pattern has taken initial shape. The second session deals with generation mechanisms of the the Da li poem period cultural circle, emphasizing the important role of Yan-zhengqing and Shi-jiaoran in joint sentenc in west zhejiang to elucidate the scholar and blood and landras social relationship with t generation space of the poem cultural circle. The third make the three people of an important contribution to participate in the form set for example,they are of Huang-fu Zhang-zhihe and Geng-wei,which demonstrates the social extern network form and the characteristics of jiangnan poem cultural circle:obility the aesthetic and openness.The third chapter expound how the poems cultural circle of Da li period effects the south literature geographical circle.The first section point out the poem on the writing jiang nan in the writing of philistine, idea of respect or writing to the early tang people’s awareness of the conceptualization. thus further intensify literary works in the area of free and character. Zhang-zhihe in the west zhejiang. poets series are successful in refining the father of the image is the distillation of this understanding. The second section explanates actities in poems cultural circle of Da li period which bedin with west zhejiang. poets series that foemed the custom of mayor gathering togetger sing poems. The third section expounds that the mayor literature custom had an important effect on south history and literature memory. To get to the west zhejiang. poets series for example, as huzhou viceroy, Yan-zhengqing by the lord taking parting in the poets series in west of zhejiang dramatically improving the culture and the reputation of huzhou city.So,literature viceroy and poets,event and place have become the future peopl try to get memory from this poetic writing, which is an important component of huzhou and cultural heritage.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期