

Study on the Partial Nitriifcaiton-Anammox for Treatment of Ammonia Wastewater

【作者】 周德钧

【导师】 周少奇;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 环境工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 由于人类活动对自然界生态系统的破坏,打破了氮素在自然界中的循环,使得水体中氮素浓度过高。传统的硝化反硝化脱氮工艺,虽然能达到一定的脱氮效果,但是因为其工艺流程复杂、动力消耗大、抗冲击能力弱、并且必须外加有机碳源、处理成本高,对高氨氮废水氨氮脱除效果并不理想,因此寻找新的高效、低耗生物脱氮工艺显得尤为重要。而短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化联合工艺能节省能耗、节省碳源、污泥产量少、运行费用低等优点,国内外学者对其进行大量的研究,并取得了一定的成果。本试验采取SBR和UASB反应器来分别启动短程硝化反应和厌氧氨氧化反应,并探讨某些关键因素(如DO、pH、氮素负荷等)对两者的影响,最后在两者稳定运行的基础上考察了联合工艺对模拟氨氮废水的处理情况,所获试验主要成果如下:(1)在硝化反应成功运行的基础上,降低DO为0.8~1.3mg·L-1,可迅速获得NO2--N的积累,经过68d的运行成功实现了短程硝化反应,NO-2-N的积累率达84%以上。低浓度的DO能够抑制NOB的生长,因此采取控制DO浓度的方式可以实现短程硝化。本试验结果表明,DO在0.5~1.3mg·L-1的范围内,能够启动并维持短程硝化反应,并且获得较高的NO-2-N的积累率。(2)控制SBR反应器8h一周期,曝气量为100L·h-1,进水NH4+-N浓度为300~350mg·L-1,CODCr为300mg·L-1,以NaHCO3为碱度,并且将其控制在半碱度左右(即NaHCO3浓度为2g·L-1左右),在此条件下可获得部分亚硝化反应,出水的NH4+-N/NO2--N为1:1.40左右。(3)在进水NH4+-N和NO-2-N浓度为165mg·L-1和220mg·L-1,HRT为73h的条件下运行反应器,经过39d的运行就启动了ANAMMOX反应,出水NH4+-N和NO-2-N的浓度都在5mg·L-1以下,去除率也有90%以上。采取同步升高进水氮素浓度和降低HRT的方法来提高ANAMMOX反应器的氮素容积负荷,经过154d的运行,进水NH4+-N和NO-2-N浓度为250.4mg·L-1和320.7mg·L-1左右,HRT为2.7,氮素容积负荷去除率为4.8kg TN/(m3d)以上,并在133d达到整个试验的最高值,为4.883kg TN m-3d-1。(4)采用模拟氨氮废水作为短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化联合工艺的进水进行研究,在CODCr为300mg·L-1的情况下,工艺CODCr的去除率基本上在88%以上。在工艺运行稳定条件下,NH4+-N浓度350mg·L-1左右,工艺处理水量为21L·d-1,短程硝化反应器出水NH4+-N和NO-2-N浓度平均为132.3mg·L-1和173.6mg·L-1,ANAMMOX反应器处理效果很好,其出水NH4+-N和NO-2-N浓度平均3.9mg·L-1和6.1mg·L-1,联合工艺的总氮平均去除率为85.4%。(5)联合工艺的处理效果受限于ANAMMOX反应器进水的NO-2-N/NH4+-N。当NO-2-N/NH4+-N为1.26~1.45时,工艺的总氮去除率在80%以上,出水中NH4+-N和NO2--N浓度基本上都在10mg·L-1以下;当NO-2-N/NH4+-N为1.1~1.26时,工艺的总氮去除率仍有81.5%,但出水中有一定的NH4+-N积累;当NO-2-N/NH4+-N为1.0左右时,工艺的脱氮效果明显变差,NH4+-N积累迅速,浓度甚至高达130mg·L-1,出水NO-2-N浓度也随之升高。

【Abstract】 The nitrogen cycle in nature is broken by the destruction of human activities on naturalecological systems, and nitrogen concentration in water is getting too high. So it is necessaryto work on the experimental and full-scale research of the treatment of high-ammoniaconcentration wastewater. Though the traditional nitrogen removal processe(nitrification-denitrification processe) can achieve the purpose of normal nitrogen removal, itcan’t meet the requirement of treatment of the high-ammonia concentration wastewaterbecause of the weakness of the traditional nitrogen removal processe such as complexity onprocess, large power consumption, weakness of impact resistance, organic carbon addition,high operating cost. Therefore, it is necessary to study on new nitrogen removal processewhich is efficient and has low energy consumption. The partial nitritation-anaerobic ammoniaoxidation (ANAMMOX) has the advantages of low power consumption, no organic carbonaddition, less sludge production and low operating cost, plenty of investigators are workingon this process, and have brought out a lot of results.Nitritation reactor and ANAMMOX reactor were start up in SBR and UASB reactorrespectively, and the influence factors were studied, such as DO, pH, nitrogen loading rateand so on. Then the combined process of the two reactors was operated by synthetic ammoniawastewater. The main results were as follows:(1) On the basis of nitrification, NO-2-N accumulation was quickly obtained bydecreasing DO to0.8~1.3mg·L-1, and nitritation was achieved in68days while NO-2-Naccumulation was more than84%. Nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) were inhibited at low DOconcentration, nitritation could be achieved by controlling DO concentration. This studyshowed that nitritation was start up and operated stablely when DO was at0.5~1.3mg·L-1,moreover, NO-2-N accumulation was at a high level.(2) When an operation period was8hours, aeration flow was100L·h-1, NH4+-Nconcentration was300~350mg·L-1, CODCrwas300mg·L-1, partial nitritation was achievedby using half-alkalinity, while the ratio of NH4+-N/NO-2-N was around1:1.40. (3) When NH-4+-N and NO2-N concentration were165mg·L-1and220mg·L-1respectively, HRT was73hours, ANAMMOX reactor was start up in39days, while NH4+-Nand NO-2-N concentration were both below5mg·L-1, and the removal efficiency were bothmore than90%. In154days, NH4+-N and NO-2-N concentration were around250.4mg·L-1and320.7mg·L-1respectively, HRT was2.7hours, the removed nitrogen loading was morethan4.8kg TN/m-3d-1after raising nitrogen loading of ANAMMOX reactor by raisingnitrogen concentration of influent and shortening HRT. Futhermore, the topmost removednitrogen loading was4.883kg TN/m-3d-1in the day of133.(4) The combined process of nitritation and ANAMMOX was operated by syntheticammonia wastewater, when CODCrwas300mg·L-1, the removal efficiency of CODCrwasmostly more than88%. After the combined process was stable, NH4+-N and NO-2-Nconcentration were around132.3mg·L-1and173.6mg·L-1respectively in the effluent of thenitritation reactor, and NH4+-N and NO-2-N concentration were around3.9mg·L-1and6.1mg·L-1respectively in the effluent of ANAMMOX reactor when NH4+-N concentrationin the inlfuent of the combined process was aroud350mg·L-1, treated water was21L·d-1. Theaverage removal efficiency of total nitrogen was85.4%.(5) The effect of the combined process was limited by the ratio of NO-2-N/NH4+-N inthe influent of ANAMMOX reactor. When NO-2-N/NH4+-N was at1.26~1.45, the removalefficiency of total nitrogen was above80%, and NH4+-N and NO-2-N concentration were bothbelow10mg·L-1; When NO-2-N/NH4+-N was at1.1~1.26, the removal efficiency of totalnitrogen was still81.5%, but there was a certain amount of NH4+-N accumulation; When NO2--N/NH4+-N was around1.0, nitrogen removal effect is significantly worse, NH4+-N wasaccumulated rapidly, the NH4+-N concentration in the effluent reached highly at130mg·L-1,and NO-2-N concentration get higher as the same.
