

The Research of the Method of Parameter Design Based on the Adaptability of Architecture

【作者】 潘望

【导师】 孙一民;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要研究在建筑适应性要求下,如何利用参数化设计方法进行建筑设计。换句话说,如何用参数化设计方法实现建筑适应性。当代社会发展迅速,各种社会问题、环境问题凸显,一方面,建筑作为满足人们生活需要的设施需要面对并满足更为复杂多变的需求;另一方面,随着社会发展,城市的建筑量迅速增长,投资量巨大,对建筑适应性的要求日益增加。一方面,本文从词源学的角度出发,联系生物学、哲学、适应性系统理论等基础学科以及现代主义以来功能-形式学说、有机建筑理论、新陈代谢派、非线性建筑等建筑理论与实践,提出建筑适应性必须在“环境-建筑-人”整体系统中处理建筑问题,把建筑适应性视为整体系统中的对建筑产生影响的以及建筑需要适应的因素,以及组成建筑的一切因素在复杂的相互作用中形成一个平衡状态的过程。在这一基础上,进一步提出建筑适应性要遵循整体性、非线性、动态性以及涌现性的原则。另一方面,本文剖析了参数化设计的内涵,指出参数化设计的基于解析几何理论,把逻辑关系与形体紧密结合的特点,阐述了利用建筑设计逻辑关系、设计图解以及计算机算法生成建筑形体的方法,并介绍了形体生成过程中拓扑变形、折叠、融合的形体生成手法,总结了参数化设计发展过程中,形体探索、非集成化运算设计、集成化运算设计三个阶段的特点,指出集成化运算设计的特点可以实现真正意义上的建筑适应性设计。针对建筑适应性设计的特点,利用参数化设计能够将逻辑关系与形体紧密联系并有效控制的机制特点,以建筑设计方法论和设计图解的为基础,建立以参数化设计方法实现建筑适应性的设计方法。以“环境-建筑-人”整体系统为蓝本,利用参数化全息模型,环境设计过程理论,GIS技术建立虚拟的环境母式;同时采用公众参与方式,利用虚拟现实和人机交互式技术,模拟人群活动特点,并读环境母式给予修正,从而建立初始的“环境-人”系统。在这一系统基础上,制定建筑生成的规则,将环境、人群活动中一切影响建筑或是建筑需要适应的因素设定为参数,去影响和控制建筑的空间、结构、表皮,最终形成适应于环境和人群活动的建筑,从而实现建筑适应性设计。

【Abstract】 This thesis mainly researches how to use parameter design method to carry througharchitecture design,under the requirement of the architectural adaptability. With the rapiddevelopment of our society, many kinds of social and environmental problems emerge. For onthing, as the equipments which meet many kinds of demands in people’s daily lives,architectures would face and meet much more complex and changeable demands. For another,the number and investment of buildings increase promptly. So the demands of architecturaladaptability would increase with each passing day.In this context, for one thing, based on the basic course, including biology, philosophy,theory of adaptable system etc and some theories and practices of architecture since age ofmodernism, including theory of function-from, theory of organic architecture, De Stijl,structuralism, metabolism, deconstructionism, non-liner architecture, the paper proposes thatin order to realize architectural adaptability, architects should solve design problems in theintegral system of "environment-architecture-human", and regards the architecturaladaptability as a procedure of balance which as a result of a serials complex interactionamong all elements which would influence the architecture, which the architecture shouldadapt to and which would make up the architecture.Basing on this view, the paper further putsforward that architectural adaptability should follow the principles of wholeness, non-liner,dynamic and emerge.For another, this thesis analyses the essence of parameter design and then points out thepeculiarities of parameter design, including basing on analytic geometry and the connectionbetween logical relationships and forms. The thesis also elaborates the method of how to usearchitecture design logic, design diagram and algorithm to generate architecture form. At thesame time the thesis introduces the techniques of form generation, including topological,deformation, folding and melting. Based on the development of parameter design, this thesisconcludes the traits in3different periods:form exploring age, age of non-integrable operationand age of integral operation.Then the thesis points out that the integral operation wouldpossibly archive the real architectural adaptable design.Being directed against the characteristics of parameter design, utilizing the mechanism ofparameter design which could combine the form and the logical relationship firmly, basing onthe methodology of architecture design and design diagram, this thesis could builds themethod could build the method of design which use the parameter design to realize thearchitectural adaptability. Basing on the integral system of "environment-architecture-human", utilizing parameter holographic model, theory of environment design process, virtual matrixbuilt by GIS technology, using the public participation way, using technology of virtual realityand man-machine interaction to simulate the characteristic of people’s behaviour, and correctthe matrix, thus build the system of "environment-human".Based on this system, thegeneration regulation of architecture would be decided, the elements from environment andpeople’s behaviour which would influence the architecture or the architecture should adapt towould be set as a series of parameters.The regulations and parameters would influence andcontrol the elements of architecture, including spaces, structure and skins, and finally anarchitecture which would adapt to environment and people’s behaviour has been generated.

  • 【分类号】TP391.72;TU201
  • 【被引频次】9
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