

Research on the Reform of Foresty Property Rights System in Longquan City

【作者】 洪汝锋

【导师】 吴家胜; 李忠敏;

【作者基本信息】 浙江农林大学 , 农业推广, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 集体林权制度改革,是一项涉及广大农民切身利益的深刻变革。本论文对国家林改试点县——龙泉市的林权改革进行研究,旨在为龙泉进一步深化改革提供重要依据及具体建议,并为其它地区提供借鉴。论文运用文献分析、访谈方法、实证研究方法和比较研究方法等,以不同的视角,对龙泉林权改革效果、存在问题进行了分析,提出对策。主要成果如下:(1)论文分析了龙泉林权改革过程中采取的主要措施有:建制度强服务,为深化林改搭平台;做好林权勘界工作,建立林权信息管理系统;大力推进林地流转,促进林业规模化经营;探索森林经营新体制,放活林木采伐自主权;加强科技服务,提高林业生产经营水平。(2)论文分析了龙泉市林权改革效果是:林权抵押贷款实现增量扩面;林权流转形式呈现多样化;林业信息化建设领先全国;科技服务林改成效显著;“以林富民”效果不断体现。存在问题主要有:林权IC卡推开资金缺口大;林权抵押贷款存在较大风险;林权流转有待规范完善;林农脱贫致富同生态建设的矛盾依然突出;林权勘界工作难度大。(3)论文提出龙泉林权改革中值得其他地区借鉴的地方有:制度不断创新;“林保姆”合作方式;林权信息化管理。(4)论文提出进一步深化龙泉市林权制度改革的对策:从加快构建现代林业产权制度角度,提出要抓好林权地籍勘界、抓好资源档案建立促进“林权身份证”覆盖、加大林改经费投入;从加快构建现代林业经营制度角度,提出规范林权流转、大力发展林权交易市场、规范发展林农合作组织、加大政策和资金扶持力度、深化采伐管理改革;从加快构建现代林业金融服务制度角度,提出逐步推进价值评估的大额化、逐步推进担保模式的市场化、不断丰富贷款形式的多样化、注意风险防范的最大化;从加快提升现代林业管理服务水平角度,提出加强信息化管理系统研发、加强信息化管理机制建设。

【Abstract】 Reform of collective forest right system is a deep reform involving withimmediate interests of a great number of peasants. This paper focuses on the reformof collective forest right system of Longquan, the of national forest reform to, supplytheoretical evidence and suggestion for the deeper reform of Longquan and at thesame time set examples for other regions.Many ways, such as literature analysis, interview, empirical research, andcomparative method, are used to analyze the affect of reform as well as the existingproblems, which aims to giving solution to the problems. The results are asfollowings:(1)this paper summarize the measures taken by the Longquan during theprocess of reform, they are improving institutional service and establishing platformfor the reform; establishing the management system for the forest right information,;promoting the circulation of forest land and enhance the scale of forestry;strengthening technical service and improving level of forestry management.(2)The results of the Longquan reform of collective forest right system are asfollows: the forest right mortgage loan was increased, the forest right circulation wasdiversified, the construction of forest information leaded the whole country, the forestfor technical service was improved, and the affect of enriching the people by forestbegan to show. The problems are as follows: the financing gap of forest right IC cardwas big, the forest right mortgage loan was risky, the forest right circulation needed tobe improved, contradict between development and environment protection wasstriking, the forest right surveying was difficult.(3)The quotable measures from which other regions can learn are institutioninnovation, the forest sitter cooperation method, and forest right informationmanagement.(4)The suggestion for the deeper reform of Longquan forest right are asfollows: from the aspect to accelerate the construction of modern forest right,geographic surveying of forest right should be handled well and resources files shouldbe established to promote the cover of forest right ID as well as the investment ofmoney; from the aspect to accelerate the construction of modern management system,the forest circulation must be standardized, the forest right trading market must bedeveloped, and the cooperation construction between agriculture and forestry must bestandardized, there should be more policy and money support; from the aspect toaccelerate the construction of modern financing service system, the evaluating valueshould be enlarged and guarantee mode should be marketized, loan pattern shouldbe diversified, the risk prevention should be maxed; from the aspect of accelerate theconstruction of modern service, the information management system should bedeveloped and the mechanism of information management should be strengthened.

【关键词】 林权制度改革效果评价龙泉
【Key words】 reform of forest rightreformimpact evaluationLongquan
  • 【分类号】F326.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】50