

The Design and Implementation of Laptop Positioning System Based on GPS/BD/GSM

【作者】 江英

【导师】 冯介一;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科技的发展,笔记本电脑越来越普及,成为我们工作和生活不可或缺的部分。但同时我们也多承担了一份风险,笔记本电脑一旦丢失,我们首先面临的将是笔记本电脑本身的经济损失,其次更重要的是里面存储的各种资料的丢失和泄露,这些资料可能涉及到个人隐私、多年工作积累、甚至商业机密,这些损失往往无法估量。基于这些原因,通过定位技术来掌握其所在位置,寻回丢失的笔记本电脑非常必要。定位技术中,GPS定位精度高、性能稳定,但有遮挡的地方无法进行定位;北斗定位精度稍逊于GPS,但其是我国自主研发的卫星导航系统,并可同时进行通信和定位;GSM定位精度虽不高,但它能弥补GPS和北斗有遮挡的地方无法定位的缺陷,其通信体制也非常成熟。所以,在对GPS、北斗及GSM几种定位技术进行了充分研究之后,本文提出了一种基于GPS/北斗/GSM的笔记本电脑定位系统。该系统主要分定位终端和定位监控服务中心两部分。定位终端部分,设计了一块能插入笔记本电脑miniPCIe槽的定位通信板卡,其功能是利用GPS、北斗及GSM进行定位,并与定位监控服务中心进行通信(通过GSM和北斗进行通信)。对于定位监控服务中心部分,如果是小集团模式(针对个人或小单位用户),用户一般没有过多的资金而且也没有必要额外建立一个监控服务中心,只需要一台能收发短消息的手机即可。如果是大集体模式(针对大单位用户),其需监控的笔记本电脑较多,则需要设计通信组件和监控平台,此通信组件用来与定位终端通信,包括发送定位请求获取定位终端GPS、北斗和GSM三方位置信息以及发送资料保护请求远程保护定位终端资料等功能;监控平台是一个基于GIS的管理平台,主要包括电子地图的集成、定位终端位置查询及轨迹查询等功能,这样便可以让用户直观、便捷地对定位终端进行定位与保护了。

【Abstract】 With the development of science and technology, the Laptop is getting more and more popular, and it has become an important part of our life and work. But at the same time, we are also taking more risks. Once the laptop is lost, the economic loss of the laptop itself is the first risk we will face. What’s more important is the datum loss and leakage along with the lost laptop, these losses may be related to personal privacy, work result and trade secret, which are inestimable. Due to these reasons, it is very necessary to find the lost laptop by positioning technology. Among the positioning technology, Global Positioning System(GPS) has high location precision, but is unavailable in sheltered places. BeiDou(BD) has less precision than GPS in location, but it is developed by our country independently, and it can position and communicate at the same time. Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) has less precision in location than GPS and BD, but it is available in sheltered places, and it has very mature communication function. After full study on GPS、BD and GSM location technologies, this article proposed a new laptop positioning system based on GPS/BD/GSM.The system consists of two parts, one is location terminal, the other is the location monitoring service center. the location terminal contains one location and communication board, which can be inserted into laptop miniPCIe slot, it can make use of GPS、BD and GSM location service and communicate with the location monitoring service center (by GSM and BD). For the location monitoring service center, there are two kinds of mode for different users. One is small group mode (for users of individual or small unit), this kind of users generally do not have too much money, and it is unnecessary for them to build an extra formal service center, they only need one phone which can send and receive short messages. The other is large group mode(for users of large unit), this kind of users need to monitor more laptop, so we need to build a formal service center, with communication equipment and monitor platform. The communication equipment is used to communicate with the positioning terminal, its functions include sending requests to the positioning terminal for obtaining position information, and sending requests of data protection to ask for remote protection for the terminal’s data. The monitor platform is a management platform based on Geographic Information System, its functions include creating electronic map for monitoring, performing location query and trajectory query for the location monitoring service center. With these functions and features, this system can make it intuitive and convenient for users to locate terminal and protect the datum they care about.

【Key words】 GISBDGSM
  • 【分类号】TP368.32;TN967.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】497