

A Study on the Legal System Construction of Rainwater Utilization

【作者】 李丽

【导师】 韩广;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 水是生命之源,在人类的生存和发展中发挥着极其重要的作用,十人类不可或缺的物质条件之一。然而随着社会经济的不断发展和城市人口的快速增长,工业、农业和生活供水需求不断升级,人类正面临着愈来愈严重的水资源短缺、水质恶化和环境污染等方面的威胁。这一问题在城市发展中犹为突出,且还将会随着城市的进一步发展变得更加严重,并且也已经成为制约城市社会、经济健康可持续发展的重要因素。我国也不例外。从美国、德国等国家目前的研究与实践结果来看,积极开发利用城市雨水资源,将其作为城市第二水源,主要用作工业用水、景观用水和市政杂用水等,并建立城市雨水资源利用法律制度是解决这一问题的有效途径。但是,城市雨水资源利用法律制度在我国是一种新的制度,国内既没有现成的理论体系可参考,也没有广泛的实践经验作支撑,存在着城市雨水资源利用法制思想认识缺位,雨水资源权属不明析,缺乏工程技术规范与标准,缺少环境影响评价制度等问题。而在一些国家则无论是理论上还是实践中都有相对完善的例子,积累了丰富的经验,形成了相对完善的法律制度,如雨水排放许可制度、雨水排放收费制度、经济刺激机制等,值得我们学习和思考。我国城市雨水资源利用法律制度体系要得到进一步的完善,必须取长补短,在借鉴国外先进的立法经验的基础上,结合我国国情,从城市雨水资源利用中的雨水权属问题、组织保障、城市雨水资源利用的具体制度及其法律责任等方而进行构建。

【Abstract】 Water, as the source of life, plays a very important role in human survival and development. However, with the constant development of social economy and the rapid increase of city population, the demand for water from industry, agriculture to domestical activities increases ceaselessly, so that human is both facing more and more serious shortage of water resources, and water deterioration and environmental pollution are worsening. The problems in the development of the city are still outstanding, and with the further development of the city, it is becoming more and more serious. Urban water shortage has become the bottle-neck of urban society, economy sustainable development.Based on the experiences from the United States, Germany and other developed countries, their present researches and practices, and the positive development and utilization of urban water resources as a secondary water source using for industry, landscape and daily life, the establishment of urban rainwater utilization law system is the effective way to solve this problem in China.Urban rainwater utilization law system in our country is a new system, and till now there is no searchers established theories able to consult with, no extensive practical experiences able to absorb. There exist problems in the construction of urban rainwater utilization, i.e. legal ideology vacancy, lack of engineering and technical norms and standards, lack of environment impact evaluation system. However, in some western countries, whether in theory or practice, have had relatively perfect examples. The legislation of rainwater utilization in this country is much more mature, their practical experience and all kinds of urban rainwater utilization law systems are worth of learning and contemplation, scuh as rain water sluice permission system, rain water sluice charges, economic stimulus system. The urban rainwater resource utilization policy and legal system of China still has room for improvement, we should drawing on the experiences of other countries, aptly thinking specific conditions, trying to conclude some insights into ownership, organization guarantee, its legal liability and other aspects of urban rainwater utilization of rainwater in China.
