

Study on Reasonable Fertilization under Interplanting Grass in Apple Orchard

【作者】 卢海蛟

【导师】 翟丙年;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 植物营养学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 保证苹果稳产和高产的基本前提是良好的水分和养分供应,陕西渭北地区虽然属于苹果优生区,但干旱缺水和土壤贫瘠是限制苹果生产的主要因素。近年来,为了解决这个问题,陕西渭北地区苹果产业重点推广果园生草技术,然而在生产实践中,有不少果园未能做到科学生草,效果不是很好,也有研究表明,果园生草有与果树争水争肥的现象。因此,果园生草条件下果园的施肥方式、肥料种类、施肥量等都将影响树体的生长发育及果实的产量和品质。本研究采用田间小区试验,以富士系列的玉华早富品种为供试材料,在果园生草条件下,通过不同施肥处理对果园土壤肥力、树体的生长发育、果实产量和品质的影响分析,旨在确立适合渭北地区苹果园的合理施肥技术,为指导果农合理施肥,改善果树生长环境提供技术支撑。通过研究,取得出以下几个主要结论:1果园生草条件下,各施肥处理在苹果各个生育期均能提高苹果园土壤水分含量,但有机无机配施处理和单施有机肥处理的保水能力明显高于其它三个施肥处理;各个施肥处理均能提高水分利用效率,有机无机配施处理下的水分利用效率最高,其产量的水分利用效率较氮磷钾配施处理、单施有机肥处理和氮磷配施处理分别提高了12.15%、25.80%和23.95%。各施肥处理的土壤速效养分和全量养分均高于不施肥处理,且表层土壤养分高于亚表层,以有机无机配施处理或单施有机肥处理为最明显。2果园生草条件下,施肥能提高苹果树的开花坐果率,其中氮磷钾配施处理和有机无机配施处理较为显著,与不施肥对照相比,分别提高17.13%和16.71%。各施肥处理下苹果树的新梢长度均有不同程度的增加,增加最为明显的为有机无机配施处理,其次是氮磷钾配施处理。叶片的百叶厚和百叶重均以单施有机肥处理为最高,较不施肥对照分别提高了8.86%和27.30%,其次是有机无机配施处理,这两个处理间没有显著性差异;施肥也能提高叶片的叶绿素含量,但各施肥处理与不施肥处理间差异不显著。各施肥处理叶片中氮、磷、钾、钙、镁、铁、锰、铜、锌9种元素的含量明显高于不施肥处理,除了锰含量以氮磷钾配施处理最高外,其余8种元素以有机无机配施处理最高。从相关分析可以看出,有机无机配施处理能显著提高苹果树的开花坐果率和叶片质量,促进新梢生长,增加叶片矿质营养元素含量。3果园生草条件下,施肥能增加果实的单果重和单株产量,改善果实品质。单果重以有机无机配施处理的平均值最高,达到245.44g,较不施肥处理提高了14.98%;各施肥处理下的单株产量与不施肥处理比较,氮磷配施处理、单施有机肥处理、氮磷钾配施处理和有机无机配施处理分别增产15.40%、19.27%、30.15%和54.49%。除了可溶性糖氮磷钾配施处理最高以外,果形指数、维生素C、可溶性固形物和糖酸比均以有机无机配施处理最高,不施肥处理最低;可滴定酸以有机无机配施处理最低,不施肥处理最高。维生素C含量有机无机配施处理均显著地高于其它施肥处理,其它施肥处理间没有显著性差异。各施肥处理中可溶性固形物和可溶性糖与不施肥处理间差异显著,但施肥处理间差异不显著。4综合上述生草下施肥处理对果园土壤肥力、水分利用效率、树体生长发育、果实产量及品质的分析结果认为,在本试验的条件下,有机无机配施处理是较为适合渭北旱塬干旱条件下的果园田间施肥模式,既能培肥土壤,增强树势,又能提高产量和改善果实品质。

【Abstract】 Good water and nutrient is the basic premise with ensuring stable and high yield,Weibeiarea in Shanxi Provine is the world famous apple eugenics area, but water shortage andnutrient deficiency are key factors that restricted apple development in this area. In recentyear, in order to solve this problem,apple industry in this area focus on the promotion ofinterplanting grass in apple orchard,but in fact, some farmers have been no awared ofinterplanting grass by technology, it is difficult to have a good result. At the same time, someresearches indicated it is a phenomenon that water and nutrients fight between trees andweeds under interplanting grass in orchard. Therefore, fertilization mothod, the type offertilizers and fertilizer rate will affect tree growth and yield and quality of the fruit.A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of different fertilization treatmentson soil fertily under interplanting grass in apple orchard, tree’s gowth and development, yieldand quality of the fruit. The experiment was aimed to establish a rational applying fertilizerfor apple orchard in Weibei area, and provide technical support for farmers and improvingtree’s growth environment. The main conclusions included:1.Apple’s deal with the application of various growth periods can improve the soil watercontent under interplanting grass in apple orchard. However,NPKM treatment and Mtreatment water-retention capacity was significantly higher than that of three treatments.Each fertilization treatment can improve the water use efficiency (WUE). The WUE foryield of the NPKM treatment was the best, show12.15%,25.80%and23.95%respectivelyhigher than NPK.M and NP treatments. Soil nutrition contents of each fertilizationtreatment were higher significantly than no fertilization treatment(CK), soil nutritioncontents of0-20cm layer was higher than that of20-40cm layer. Soil availiable and totalnutrition contents of NPKM treatment and M treatment were the highest.2.Fertilization treatments can improve the apple blossom and fruit rate under interplantinggrass in apple orchard, the apple blossom and fruit rate of NPK and NPKM treatmentswas increased by17.13%and16.71%compared to CK treatment respectively. Appletree’s growth of new branches was increased differently by fertilization treatments, growthof new branches of NPKM treatment was significant highest in all treatments. Weight ofone hundred leaves and thickness of one hundred leaves in M treatment were the highest, and were increased by8.86%and27.30%compared to CK treatment respectively, andhad no difference to that of NPKM treatment. Fertilization treatments can improve leaf’schlorophyll content, but leaf’s chlorophyll content of fertilization treatments had nodifference to that of CK treatment. The fertilizer application improved obviously leafmineral element content, Mn content in leaves in NPK trearment were thehighest,N,P,K,Fe,Cu,Zn,Ca and Mg contents in NPKM trearment were the highest. Toconclusion, we proposed that fertilization application at NPKM treatment improvedobviously apple blossom and fruit rate and leaf quality, increased tree’s growth of newbranches, at the same time, it could icrease leaf mineral element content.3.Fertilization application could increase yield and the quality of fruit under interplantinggrass in apple orchard, Single fruit weight in NPKM treatment was highest, and increasedby14.98%compared to CK treatment. Yield per tree in NP,M,NPKand NPKM trearmentsincreased apartly by15.40%、19.27%、30.15%and54.49%as compared with CKtreatment. Soluble suger content in NPK treatment was highest, fruit shape index, solublesolids, vitamin C and ratio of suger to acid in NPKM treatment were the highest, titratableacidity in CK treatment was the highest. Vitamin C in NPKM treatment was higher thanother fertilization treatments, and fertilization treatments had no difference compared toCK treatment. Soluble suger and soluble solids in different fertilization treatments hadsignificantly difference compared to CK treatment.4.In conclusion, by studying the effect of different fertilizer application on soil feritility,water use efficiency, tree growth and fruit qulity under interplanting grass in apple orchard,the results showed that,in the condition of this experiment, NPKM treatment was asuitable cultivation pattern for orchard, which could improve soil fertility and enhancevigor, and increase yield and the quality of fruit.
