

Effects of Organic Fertilization on Soil Environment and Growth of Winter Wheat in Weibei Loess Plateau

【作者】 卫婷

【导师】 韩清芳;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 为了探明有机培肥对旱地土壤环境及作物生长的的作用机理,建立与完善适宜的旱区土壤扩蓄增容技术体系,本研究通过在渭北旱塬设置不同秸秆还田和施用有机肥梯度,研究了有机培肥对冬小麦各生育时期的土壤水分、土壤理化性状、冬小麦产量及水分利用效率的影响,主要研究结果如下:1.有机培肥处理能较好地改善土壤水分状况,显著提高收获后0-200cm土层土壤贮水量,起到良好的蓄水保墒的作用。2011年小麦收获后,秸秆还田处理与施用有机肥处理0-200cm土层土壤平均含水量在三个主要生育期(拔节期、灌浆期、收获后)变化规律基本一致,各处理0-120cm土层土壤平均含水量与对照相比,均有所增加,且增幅基本与秸秆还田量和有机肥施用量呈正相关。。2.秸秆还田处理和施用有机肥处理0-60cm各土层土壤容重均低于对照,秸秆还田处理降幅为1.3%~4.0%,施用有机肥处理为3.1%~6.0%,各培肥处理与对照及处理间差异均未达到显著水平。土壤容重随秸秆还田量和有机肥施用量的增加而减少,与秸秆还田相比,施用有机肥更有利于土壤容重的降低。有机培肥处理能够改善土壤团聚体数量和大小状况,从而提高土壤机械稳定性和水稳性团聚体结构水平,两种团聚体0-40cm各土层秸秆还田和有机肥处理>0.25mm的土壤团聚体含量、平均重量直径、几何均重直径均较对照有所提升,且随土层加深逐渐增大,各个土层总体变化趋势基本表现为S_H>S_M>S_L,M_H>M_M>M_L,秸秆还田处理效果略优于施用有机肥处理。3.有机培肥处理对不同土壤养分含量的影响存在差异。有机培肥能显著提高土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效磷及速效钾含量,各处理0-60cm土层土壤有机质及三种速效养分含量均高于对照,变化规律基本相同,为:S_H>S_M>S_L>CK,M_H>M_M>M_L>CK。对土壤有机质的改善作用,秸秆还田处理0-60cm土层平均含量较对照增幅为5.8%~20.2%,施用有机肥处理增幅为4.6%~13.8%;对于不同土层土壤速效磷含量的影响,S_H、M_H两处理0-60cm土层平均含量较对照显著增加69.6%、130.3%,施用有机肥处理优势更显著;对土壤碱解氮及速效钾含量的影响,秸秆还田处理与施用有机肥效果差异不明显,培肥处理两种养分0-60cm土层平均含量较对照增幅依次为5.9%~28.0%、6.8%~31.1%;有机培肥处理对土壤全效养分(全氮、全磷、全钾)的影响力不甚显著,两种培肥处理对于0-20cm全效养分的影响相对明显,与对照相比三种养分增幅依次为3.9%~33.3%、5.9%~28.0%、6.6%~20.4%,随着土层的加深,各培肥处理较CK处理提高的幅度逐渐减小。4.有机培肥对0-60cm土层土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶及磷酸酶活性有明显的增强作用。从各个土层三种酶活性的变化情况看,各培肥处理酶活性值均高于对照,随着土层加深活性逐渐降低,不同处理酶活性随秸秆还田量和有机肥施用量的增加而提高。秸秆还田处理0-60cm土层土壤磷酸酶活性较对照增幅为21.2%~41.8%,施用有机肥的增强效果稍明显一些,增幅为21.4%~48.1%;对土壤脲酶和蔗糖酶活性的影响,两种培肥处理的作用无明显差异,各处理0-60cm土层脲酶活性较对照提高幅度为16.8%~46.6%,蔗糖酶提高幅度为34.4%~98.4%。两种有机培肥处理0-60cm各土层土壤过氧化氢酶活性均略高于对照,但差异不显著,且其活性基本与秸秆还田量及有机肥施用量呈正相关,但随土层变化幅度不大,说明有机培肥措施对增强土壤过氧化氢酶活性方面效果不明显。5.有机培肥对冬小麦旗叶叶面积有明显的提高作用,在抽穗期和灌浆期秸秆还田处理大小顺序为S_H> S_M>S_L>CK,各还田处理较CK平均增幅达15.7%,施用有机肥处理为M_M> M_H>M_L>CK,较CK处理平均增幅达15.3%。6.有机培肥措施不但有利于冬小麦生长发育及干物质积累,对冬小麦的产量增加也有显著效果。2011年收获后不同有机培肥处理冬小麦产量趋势表现为S_H>S_M>S_L、M_M>M_H>M_L,高量与中量秸秆还田(S_H、S_M)和施用有机肥(M_M、M_H)处理冬小麦产量显著高于对照,增幅依次为25.3%、16.9%(P<0.05),20.0%、21.8%(P<0.05)。各培肥处理冬小麦水分利用效率变化规律与产量变化规律一致,S_H、S_M、M_H、M_M处理显著高于对照,增幅分别为30.5%、19.7%、27.7%、24.6%(P<0.05)。

【Abstract】 A field experiment was conducted to determine the effects of organic fertilization on aridsoil environment and mechanism of crop growth under differently organic fertilizer supplies.In order to provide and perfect the basic theoretical to establish and the soil ameliorationtechniques system for arid areas of Weibei Loess plateau of Shaanxi. We studies the effects ofdifferent manure and wheat straw returning treatments, taking no organic fertilization as thecontrol, on soil moisture of each winter wheat growth periods, soil physical and chemicalproperties, crop yield and water use efficiency (WUE). The main results are as follows:1. The fertility treatment can better to improve the soil moisture conditions, play a goodeffect in moisture conservation.After the wheat harvest in2011, the average soil content andincrease soil water storage in0-200cm layer at harvesting stage significantly,(depth0-200cm)of manure and wheat straw returning treatments have the same change law in three maingrowth period of winter wheat (Jointing, Filling and Harvesting), compared with CK, theaverage soil content (depth0-120cm) of organic fertilizer treatments are all increase, and theamplitude was positively correlated with the application rate of manure and wheat straw.2. After the wheat harvest in2011, the soil bulk (depth0-60cm) of manure and wheatstraw returning treatments are lower than CK, the straw treatments decline1.3%~4.0%, andthe manure decline3.1%~6.0%, no significant between treatments. The soil bulk is reducedwith rate of fertilizer increase, and the manure is better than straw returning treatments. Thefertility treatment can better to improve the number and size of soil aggregates, therebyenhancing the structure level of mechanical stability and water stability aggregates structurelevel. The two aggregates in0-40cm soil layer, the straw returning and manure treatments allhigher than CK in soil aggregates content, MWD and GMD, and gradually increases withdepth, the variation trend is: S_H>S_M>S_L, M_H>M_M>M_L, and the straw returning is better than manure treatment.3. Fertility treatment differences in the impact of different soil nutrient content. Usingorganic fertilizers improved the amount of organic matter, and available nutrient(N,P and K).In the0-60cm layer, content of organic matter, and available nutrient(N,P and K) were higherthan that in the control, and the order is: S_H>S_M>S_L>CK, M_H>M_M>M_L>CK. For organicmatter in0-60cm layer, the straw returning treatments were5.8%~20.2%, the manuretreatments were4.6%~13.8%higher than CK, and the straw effect is slightly better thanmanure treatments; The content of available P in0-60cm only SHand M_Hwere16.91%and9.16%significantly higher than CK, and the manure is better; The straw and manuretreatments have the similar effect in of available N in0-60cm, were5.9%~28.0%and6.8%~31.1%higher than CK. The influence of organic fertility treatment effect on soil totalnutrients (TN, TP, TK) is not marked, only0-20cm is obvious, compared with CK, theincrease followed by3.9%~33.3%,5.9%~28.0%and6.6%~20.4%, and with thedeepening of soil layer, the increase is gradually reduce.4. The fertility treatment can better to improve the soil Urease, Invertase andPhosphatase of0-60cm soil layer. Using organic fertilizers were more than that in the control,with the deepening of soil layer,the increase is gradually reduce,and the enzyme activityincreased with the increase in the amount of straw or manure.For the Phosphatase in0-60cm,the straw returning treatments were5.8%~20.2%and the manure treatments were4.6%~13.8%higher than CK; For the Urease and Invertase in0-60cm, the straw returning andmanure treatments have the similar effect, and the Urease of each treatments4.6%~13.8%higher than CK, and the Invertase increased34.4%~98.4%; The two kind of fertilitytreatment were slightly higher than CK of soil Catalase in0-60cm soil layer, but notsignificantly. The Catalase activity have positive correlation with the amount of strawreturning or manure application, but little change with soil depth, The fertility treatment cannot better to improve the soil Catalase activity.5. Organic fertilizer can improve the flag leaf area of winter wheat significantly,the orderof straw returning treatments at heading stage and filling stage is SH>SM>SL>CK, comparedwith the CK, all straw returning treatments have an average increase of15.7%, the order ofmanure treatments is M_M>M_H>M_L>CK, all manure treatments are15.3%higher than the CK. 6. Not only the growth and dry matter accumulation of winter wheat under continuousapplication of organic fertilizer can promote significantly, but the yield also had a significantincrease. After2011harvest, for the yield of winter wheat, the order of different fertilizerapplication treatments is: S_H>S_M>S_L, M_M>M_H>M_L, S_H, S_M and S_H, SMwere significantlyhigher than CK, the increase followed by25.3%,16.9%(P<0.05),20.0%、21.8%(P<0.05).WUEYhas the similar law with yield, SH, SMand SH, SMwere significantly higher than CK,the increase followed by30.5%,19.7%,27.7%and24.6%(P<0.05).
