

The Research about Evaluation Index System of Healthy City in Xinjiang

【作者】 刘艺

【导师】 李维青;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 生态学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 “健康城市”这一理念,是世界卫生组织(WHO)在20世纪80年代,基于城市的快速化发展而带来的一系列相关问题而提出的,旨在“以人为本”和“可持续发展”的目标下,引导城市朝着健康的方向发展。本研究以健康城市理论作为指导,结合新疆城市发展特点,参照世界卫生组织制定的健康城市10条标准,对比、分析了国内外有关健康城市评价指标体系的相关研究,尤其参照了与新疆城市发展现状相近的城市,在健康城市建设初期,制定评价指标体系的指导思想及偏重点。通过我国近些年来城市发展主题的回顾和未来发展趋势分析,比较了生态城市、宜居城市、卫生城市、花园城市等城市理念与健康城市的联系和区别,为新疆健康城市相关活动的开展提供理论参考。经广泛调查和研究新疆城市发展现状的基础上,采用了理论分析法与专家咨询法相结合,进行评价指标的理论初选及指标体系的设计;分别从城市的环境系统、社会系统、健康服务系统和公众健康系统四个维度构建了新疆健康城市评价指标体系;运用层次分析法对已构建的指标进行系统分析,依据城市化发展水平和数据的全面性,选择了新疆的乌鲁木齐、库尔勒、吐鲁番三所城市作为实证分析典范;将“压力源”作为评价公众心理健康的特色指标,采用问卷法与座谈法相结合进行调查分析。经研究得出以下结论:(1)对比、分析了国内外有关健康城市评价指标体系的相关研究,概括出不同评价指标体系的指导思想及偏重点,为新疆健康城市的建设提供参考。就目前而言,健康城市评价指标体系的发展还不够完善,尤其缺乏心理健康、突发事件的应对等影响公众健康的关键因素。(2)新疆健康城市评价指标体系共分为4个维度,由46个指标组成。其中环境指标分为环境质量与环境建设两个层面,指标共14个,占总比例的30%;社会指标分为经济、教育、安全与社会保障四个层面,指标共11个,占总比例的24%;健康服务指标分为经费保障与卫生服务两个层面,指标共6个,占总比例的13%;公众健康指标分为人口信息、健康形成与压力源三个层面,指标共15个,占总比例的33%。(3)通过选择评价指标体系中的部分指标对新疆乌鲁木要齐、库尔勒、吐鲁番三所城市进行实证分析,得出三所城市健康水平有着逐年提高的趋势。伴随着经济的发展及城市建设的全面展开,新疆城市化进程不断加快,城市人口增加,规模扩大。而快速的城市化发展同时也带来了快速的工业发展、人口聚集、土地资源紧张、水资源的过度利用等生态环境问题。脆弱的生态环境不仅降低了城市生态系统功能,还影响到了城市的可持续发展。(4)本着健康城市“以人为本”的理念,在公众健康指标的研究中以“压力源”作为特色指标展开了调查。通过调查研究表明,压力是影响公众心理健康的主要因素之一。经调查分析被试人群的压力源表明,社会压力与精神心理层面的压力已成为影响市民心理健康一个不容忽视的问题,而主要压力影响分别来自于孩子教育、食品安全、突发事件应对、自由时间的支配、人际关系处理等问题。

【Abstract】 “Health City” was putted forward by the World Health Organization (WHO) inthe1980s, based on the rapid development of city and brings a series of relatedproblems, Its aimed at “people-oriented” and “sustainable development”, guiding thehealthy development of city.The Healthy City theory as the guide, combining the city developmentcharacteristics of Xinjiang, according to the10standards of Health City article madeby the World Health Organization, and analy zed the related research about HealthyCity evaluation index system from domestic and foreign, especi ally with near to thepresent situation of the development of the Xinjiang city, in a earlier stage of development of Healthy City, the guiding ideology and partial key for make evaluationindex system. Tho ugh the review of the development of city theme our country inrecent years and the analysis of future development trend, compared the relation anddifference from “Ecological City”,“Livable Cities”,“Sanitation City”,“GardenCity” with Healthy City, to provide reference theoretical for Xingjiang Healthy Cityactivities.Based on the extensive investigation and research of the present development ofXingjing city,take the methods of theoretical analysis and expert consultation forevaluation index theoretical chose an d the index system primary design; Buildingfour dimensions of xinjiang city health evaluation index system separately from thecity’s environmental system, social system, health service system and the publichealth system; Use the AHP for empirical analysis, chose the Urumqi,Korla,Turpanthree cities in Xingjiang as the empirical model based on the urbanizationdevelopment level and the comprehensi ve data; Take the “pressure source”as aspecial index for public mental health evaluation, use the methods of questionnaireand discussion. The study results are as follow:(1) contrast and analysis the related research about the Health City in different country,summarized the guiding ideology and partial key from the evaluation indexsystem, provide the reference for the construction of Xingjiang Health City. For thepresent, the development of Health City evaluation ind ex system is still noperfect, especially lack of mental health, incident response on the key factors ofpublic health.(2) Xinjiang Health City evaluation index system is divided into fourdimensions, composed by46index. Which environmental indicators divided intoenvironmental quality and environment constr uction two levels, index of14andaccount for30%of the proportion of the total; Social indicators divided intoeconomy, education, safety and social security in four aspects, index of11,accounting for24%of the proportion of the total; Health services funds guaranteeand the health service is divided into two levels, the index of6, accounting for13%of the proportion of the total; Public health indicat ors divided into populationinformation, health formation and the pressure source three levels, index of15,accounting for33%of the proportion of the total.(3) Through the evaluation index system to empirical analysis for Urumqi, korlaand Turpan of Xingjiang,the health level of the three city has incresed by yeartrend.With the development of econo my and urban construction started in xinjiang,accelerating the urbanization process, the urban populat ion increase, enlarging thescale. And rapid urbanization development also brings a rapid industrialdevelopment, the concentration of population, land resources nervous, waterexcessive utilization and other ecological environment problems. Vulnerableecological environment not only reduce the urban ecological system functions, butalso affects the sustainable development of the city.(4) The Health City advocated the idea of “people oriendted”, use the “pressuresource”as a special index for public health research.Research has shown that stress isto influence public mental health of one of the main factors. the investigation and analysis of the test pressure source show that social pressure and the spiritualpsychological pressure has become citizens mental health effects a problem to bereckoned with, while the main stress influence from the child education respectively,food safety, emergency response, free time control, interpersonal and etc.

【关键词】 健康城市评价指标乌鲁木齐吐鲁番库尔勒
【Key words】 Healthy CityEvaluation indexUrumqiTurpanKorla
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期