

Study of the Characteristic of Volcanic Cycles and Stages in Carboniferous of Malang Sag,Santanghu Basin

【作者】 赵野

【导师】 柳成志;

【作者基本信息】 东北石油大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文采用旋回-期次-岩相三级划分方案对三塘湖盆地马朗凹陷石炭系火山岩进行喷发旋回期次的划分。其中喷发旋回对应的于火山机构,期次对应于火山机构的形成演化过程,岩相对应于火山机构的喷发类型。综合镜下薄片鉴定、岩心观察描述资料对本区火山岩进行识别,划分识别出火山熔岩、火山碎屑岩两大类,38种岩性;结合测井、地震资料将火山岩相划分为爆发相(热碎屑流亚相、热基浪亚相、空落亚相)、溢流相(上部亚相、中部亚相、下部亚相)、火山沉积相(再搬运亚相、含外碎屑亚相)、火山通道相、侵出相等5个相、9个亚相。应用地震水平切片识别出本工区内部共发育七个较大规模的火山机构,并划分出其对应的类型以及喷发模式,建立了三种适合本工区的火山岩喷发模式:即爆发相→喷溢相/侵出相;喷溢相→火山沉积相;喷溢相→爆发相→(侵出相)→火山沉积相。据此将三塘湖盆地马朗凹陷石炭系火山岩卡拉岗组划分为四个喷发旋回七个期次,将哈尔加乌组火山岩划分为四个喷发旋回六个期次。

【Abstract】 Triple division was applied in Malang sag, Santanghu basin volcanic rocks researches:volcanic cycle, stage and rock facies in this paper. The volcanic eruption cycles correspond tothe conception of volcanic edifices, the volcanic stages correspond to the processing of thevolcanic edifice formation and evolution, and the rock facies correspond to the type oferuption of the volcanic edifice. Comprehensive microscope thin section, core observationinformation to identify volcanic, identifying the volcanic lava and pyroclastic rocks into twocategories,38kinds of lithology; Combination of logging, seismic data,main rock faciesincluded explosive facies (pyroclastic flow subfacies,hot base surge facies, airfall subfacies),overflow facies (upper facies, middle facies, lower sub-facies), volcano-sedimentary facies(handling facies, including foreign debris subfacies), volcanic conduit facies, extrusive faciesand so on five phase, nine subfacies. Applying the technology of seismic horizontal slicesidentify seven large-scale volcanic edificies in work area, and the division of thecorresponding type and eruption patterns, and establishing three volcanic eruption modessuitable for this work area. They include explosive facies→overflow facies/extrusive facies;overflow facies→volcano-sedimentary facies; overflow facies→explosive facies→(extrusivefacies)→volcano-sedimentary facies. Finally Kalagang Formation is divided into fourvolcanic eruption cycles, and seven volcanic eruption stages, Haerjiawuzu Formation isdivided into four volcanic eruption cycles,and six volcanic eruption stages.
