

The Development and Application of Employees’ Health Information Management System Base on Web

【作者】 宫关

【导师】 刘贤梅; 王兴辉;

【作者基本信息】 东北石油大学 , 计算机技术, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 计算机技术的飞速发展将全球的信息化产业推向了一个崭新的平台,加大各企业信息化建设的投入量,已成为各企业高层人士的共识。基于WEB的职工健康管理信息系统是大庆油田信息系统的子系统之一,是总医院集团的重要管理信息系统的组成部分。论文介绍了课题来源及背景、系统研究目标及意义、预期达到的效果;研究了系统实现的相关技术及方法;阐述了系统的开发及应用步骤,系统主服务器及数据库建设,健康档案内容的确定;分析了系统的体系结构、系统组成和功能特点;重点研究了油田总医院及龙南医院两核心医院原有HIS系统数据的导入,体检数据的导入,成员医院健康数据采集,社区健康档案管理,个人健康信息查询,综合查询统计,信息发布,基础数据维护,系统权限管理,用户授权,系统的信息安全等功能的设计与实现。在社区健康档案管理部分重点研究了机构档案维护、疾病信息维护、居民慢性病档案管理、家庭档案管理、以及居民个人档案管理等内容。在系统权限管理部分重点研究了用户管理、角色管理、部门管理和个人密码管理。在用户授权部分重点研究了R-F-RBAC权限控制方法。在系统信息安全部分重点研究了硬件安全、系统安全和个人信息安全的保障。在以上研究的基础上,本文实现了基于WEB利用B/S架构的油田职工健康管理信息系统。系统稳定、响应速度快、便于扩展,完全符合医院对职工健康信息的管理需求,提高了职工健康信息管理的水平。本系统的使用,改变了油田医疗单位医疗信息彼此分散、缺乏关联,导致职工本人和医务人员无法全面掌握的现状,实现了对现有医疗信息的整合、共享以及对新资源的开发,提高了职工健康信息管理的水平与能力,使职工健康信息的管理真正走向了科学化、规范化、现代化,有助于医院提升发展和提高服务质量。本系统成功搭建了一套科学、规范、智能的管理平台,满足油田医疗行业的业务发展需求,通过该系统在集团试点单位的应用证明,系统达到了预期设计指标,可以在集团内其它相关单位推广应用。

【Abstract】 The flying development of computer technologies drives the global information-basedindustry to a brand-new platform. Increasing the devoted intensity of information-basedconstruction of every corporation has been the common view of every senior people. Thedevelopment and application of employees’ health information management system base onweb is the sub system of daqing oil field information systems, is the component importantmanagement information system of the general hospital group.The paper introduces the origin and background, the target and significance and theexpected effect of the system, researches the related technologies and methods of systemrealization, describes the development and application step, the construction of main serverand database and the health archives content of the system. As a key, the paper researches thedesign and realization of these function modules: data import of two central hospitals’ HISsystem data including Oilfield General Hospital and South Hospital, data import of physicalexamination, data capture of members of the hospital, management of community healtharchives, query of personal health information, comprehensive query statistics, informationrelease, basic data maintain, system jurisdiction management, user grant, information securityof the system. In the part of community health archives management, the paper researches thecontent of body archives maintenance, sadness information maintenance, resident chronicdisease archives management, family archives management and resident personal archivemanagement. In the part of system jurisdiction management, the paper researches the contentof user management, role management, department management and personal codemanagement. In the part of user grant, the paper researches the R-F-RBAC access controlmethod. In the part of system information security, the paper researches the security ofhardware, system and personal information.On the base of the research, the paper using the B/S structure realizes the oil fieldemployees’health information management system based on WEB. The system is steady, fastanswer speed and easy to expand, comforts the employees’ health information managementrequire of the hospital completely, enhances the level of the management.The use of the system changes the present situation that various medical treatmentinformation are separate and short of conjunction, so the employee himself and the medicalpersonnel can’t grasp generally, realizes the conformity and share of the information inexistence, developing of the new resource, enhances the management level and ability of employees’ information, make the management being scientific, canonical and modern, ishelpful for the hospital to advance development and enhance service quality. The systemconstructs a scientific, canonical and modern management platform, satisfies the operationdevelopment need. The application of the system using in group experimental unit proves thatthe system achieves the anticipation design target and can be extended in any other relativeunit of the group.

【关键词】 WEB管理信息系统B/S架构C/S架构HIS
【Key words】 WEBManagement Information SystemC/S structureB/S structureHIS
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】268