

Evaluation of the Geological Environment and Livability of Yunnan Province Mark County Yuejiaping River Basin

【作者】 刘泓伶

【导师】 李波;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 地质工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 地质环境与人类的生存有着密切的关系,地质环境的优劣程度对人类的生活和社会经济的发展存在重大的影响。随着我国经济的发展,结合我国新农村建设的开展,地质环境在农村居民的生存环境方面起着越来越重要的角色,对村民居住地的地质环境以及人居环境的宜居性进行评价探究是非常有意义且有价值的工作。本文以“云南省大关地质灾害监测地质测绘技术研究”为项目依托,结合云南省国土资源厅发布对云南省片区山地综合开发利用土地资源的文件精神,以岳家坪居民居住地的小流域为研究区域,实地调查岳家坪小流域的地形地貌、地层岩性、地质构造、水文地质及工程地质条件等,在室内进行了原始数据统计分析和重要图件的绘制工作,利用层次分析法以及模糊数学综合评价的方法对岳家坪地质环境与宜居性作出评价。针对岳家坪村民的搬迁问题进行探讨,提出治理地质灾害的措施,使之能有效与现行政策法规吻合,避免政府各职能部门审批交叉、重复等不良现象出现。主要工作成果如下:(1)岳家坪小流域地质灾害主要是滑坡,其成因主要分为自然因素以及人为因素两大类。自然因素:滑坡的滑体主要为第四系的松散堆积物,滑移面为土体与岩体的接触面。滑坡形成条件主要为以下四个方面:其一,由于河水的冲刷及侵蚀,斜坡的坡脚逐渐变陡,稳定性变差,从而为滑坡提供了临空条件;其二,基岩上覆的第四系松散堆积物为滑坡的剪出提供了物质基础;其三,松散的土体有利于降雨入渗到滑坡体内,增加了滑坡体重量,从而促使滑坡的形成;其四,由于地震的影响,地震力使得地表出现裂隙,降雨入渗以及地形水活动加强,提供了滑坡下滑力,加速了滑坡形成;人为因素:人类的工程活动如房屋建设,生产活动以及森林砍伐,造成了滑坡的滑动力的加大,人类生活用水对第四系松散堆积土层的入渗作用,使得土体的抗剪强度降低,从而加速了滑坡的形成。(2)针对岳家坪小流域的地质环境条件,通过基于层次分析的模糊数学综合模型法对地质环境质量评价得出:地质环境优等区,该区主要分布在龙塘、头坪子、夼凼坪;面积为3.48平方公里,占总面积的24.91%;地形的坡度平缓,植被发育,人类工程活动较少;断裂及节理构造不发育。地质环境中等区,该区主要分布在岳家坪及赵家坪外围区域;面积为6.41平方公里,占总面积的45.78%;地形的坡度为10°左右,植被发育一般,人类工程活动主要是耕作农产品;断裂不发育,有两组节理发育。地质环境差等区,该区主要分部在岳家坪以及赵家坪村;面积为4.11平方公里,占总面积的29.31%;地形的坡度由于流域的侵蚀切割,地形较陡,村庄建在滑坡体上,人类工程活动强烈,地质灾害如滑坡及泥石流发育;该区岩石破碎,对当地居民的生活及生产带来了诸多影响。(3)通过对岳家坪小流域的人居环境系统因素的分析,更加深入的理解了小流域人居环境形态的演化机制。根据我国人居环境的二元性得出,分析影响岳家坪小流域人居环境空间形态的因素主要是地质环境、社会经济、基础设施、文化习俗和政策干预等因素。(4)通过对岳家坪小流域人居空间形态的分析,利用层次分析法,选择生态环境、社会环境、经济环境及人居环境四个方面的19个目标层对岳家坪小流域的宜居性得出评价结果:对岳家坪的适宜性居住情况影响最大的因子是地质灾害。如若对地质灾害进行防治治理,则岳家坪是比较适宜居住的区域。(5)岳家坪小流域居民回迁的思考,通过搬迁成本计算,迁入地要花费2163.76万元,搬迁损失是1042.77万元,收益小于成本,农户的搬迁就没有必要。因此,排除地质灾害是岳家坪村最好选择。对滑坡治理主要采用排水与支档措施,对泥石流主要采用农业、林业以及牧业措施,并提出优化岳家坪小流域地质环境对策。

【Abstract】 The relationship between geological environment and human survival is close,and there is also a significant impact on development of human life and socio-economic because that the geological environment has the level of the pros and cons.The geological environment plays a more and more important role in the living environment of rural residents with the development of Chinese economic and the launching of the new rural construction in China. therefore, it is very meaningful and valuable of the evaluation of researching into geological environment of rural residence and livability of living environment.This article is based on "the geologecal disaster monitoring geological mapping technology in Daguan town in Yunnan province",and combination of the documents on the use of land resources in Yunnan Province Area for Integrated Mountain Development,which is released by the Yunnan Provincial Department.The research is based on actual Yuejiaping River Basin, by field investigations of geographic and geomorphic conditions,lithology,geological structure and hydrogeological conditions,and by analysing statistical and painting raw data in the room, using the analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate the geological environment and livability of the Yuejiaping region. Discusing with relocation of Yuejiaping villagers, proposed measures for control of geological disasters is advanced.It can effectively consistent with existing policies and regulations to avoid the cross and the duplicate of the different departments of government approval。The main results are as follows:(1)The main geological disasters factors in Yuejiaping River Basin is landslide,which is mainly caused by natural factors and human factors.Natural factors:landslide is Quaternary loose deposits, slip plane contact surface of the soil and rock. There are mainly four aspects in formation conditions.First, due to river erosion and the erosion of the toe of the slope gradually steepening, stability becomes worse, landslides have overhead conditions; Second, the bedrock and overlying Quaternary loose deposits matter provides the material basis for the landslide cut; Third, land cultivation, loose soil and vegetation damage are conducive to the infiltration of rain water within the slope and the increasing of the slope weight, reducing the strength of the slip soils or slippery surface, prompting possibility of landslide; Finally, seismic force of the earthquake is changing into the glide force, bringing into the shock loose Quaternary, the formation of cracks, the groundwater and stormwater activities, which accelerate the landslide development.Human factors:human engineering activities such as housing construction, production activities, as well as deforestation, resulting in the landslide sliding force increased, the water for human consumption on the loose Quaternary deposits soil infiltration role, making the soil shear strength reduced, thus speeding up the landslide formation.(2)Drawing the quality assessment of geological conditions of Yuejiaping River Basin through fuzzy mathematical model law,we can devide the region into three parts:first area,the geological environment priority area. The area is mainly located in Longtang hamlet,Toupingzi hamlet and Kuangdangping hamlte areas,which is total3.48square kilometers, accounting for24.91%of the total area.There are gentle slope of the terrain,less vegetation growth and less human activities in this area;fracture and joint structure is not well developed.Second area,medium district of the geological environment, which is mainly in the peripheral region of the Yuejiaping and Zhaojiaping hamlte.This area is total6.41square kilometers, accounting for45.78%of the total area. The slope of the terrain is about10°,and the vegetation development is in general.The human engineering activities is mainly the cultivation of agricultural products,the fracture is not well developed, and there are two sets of joint development.Third area,geological environment poor area,mainly in the Yuejiaping and Zhaojiaping village.There are4.11square kilometers, accounting for29.31%of the total area; the slope of the terrain is due to the erosion of the watershed cutting,forming steep terrain;the village was built on a landslide,has strong human engineering activities.The geological disasters is landslides and debris flow development;the area rock crushing brings a lot of influence on the lives and productions of local residents.(3)By analysis of the environmental system factors in Yuejiaping River Basin, we can get a more in-depth understanding of the evolution shape of the living environment in small watershed areas.Based on the duality of our living environment, we can get that main factors of Yuejiaping River Basin Habitat environmental are geological environment, socio-economic, infrastructure, cultural practices and policy intervention factors, and other factors.(4) We can use analytic hierarchy to analyze of Yuejiaping River Basin Habitat spatial form.There are four selectd aspects including ecological environment, social environment, economic environment and human settlements,which is divided into19target layer to livability of Yuejiaping small watershed areas. We can get that the geological disasters is the key influencing factor of livability in Yuejiaping. Yuejiaping will be livable if the geological disasters are eliminated.(5)Think of Yuejiaping River Basin residents to move back, through the relocation costs to move into the spent21.6376million yuan,and relocation loss of10.4277million yuan, it is not necessary that the income is less than the cost of the relocation of the farmers. Therefore, the best choice of Yuejiaping River Basin residents is excluded geological disasters, and supported files on Landslide and debrised flow mainly to agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry measures, and proposed to optimize the Yue Jia Ping River Basin geological environment countermeasures.
