

Research on Flexibly Supported Wind Turbine Pitch Bearing and Its Design Parameters

【作者】 黄浩然

【导师】 芮晓明;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 风电变桨轴承作为风电装备关键零部件之一,其设计和制造是制约我国重大装备业实力整体提升的一个瓶颈。本文选取某典型兆瓦级风电机组的变桨轴承——双排四点接触球转盘轴承为研究对象,根据赫兹弹性接触理论对承受径向力、轴向力和倾覆力矩的该转盘轴承建立力学模型,并利用Newton-Raphson方法对该模型进行数值仿真。该模型不仅考虑三个方向的联合载荷的作用,同时考虑了包括径向游隙、沟曲率半径系数、接触角和双排滚动体间距等参数在内的众多重要轴承设计参数。在该模型的基础上,以弹性力学等理论为基础,详细推导了在轴承外载荷和滚动体接触力等负荷下转盘轴承内、外套圈的弯曲变形公式,联立多非线性超越方程组求解四点接触球转盘轴承的相关力学问题。对赫兹弹性接触理论下建立的刚性套圈模型和弹性力学下建立的柔性套圈模型进行数值仿真,考量两个模型下轴承四个接触对的载荷分布以及载荷分布范围、内、外套圈上滚动体的接触应力分布、套圈弯曲变形与力矩分布等问题。着重对影响轴承承载能力的重要设计参数径向游隙、接触角、沟曲率半径系数等进行了仿真,并给予了详细的分析,提出了对应的轴承设计建议。文章所做以上工作为四点接触球转盘轴承,甚至转盘轴承的设计提供了重要的理论依据,具有一定的工程实际应用价值。

【Abstract】 Wind turbine pitch bearing is one of the key components of wind power equipment, whose design and manufacturing is a bottleneck restricting to enhance the overall strength of major equipment industry in China. This paper selected a typical MW wind turbine pitch bearings-double row four point contact ball slewing bearing for the study. A pitch bearing mechanical model was established according to the Hertz elastic contact theory that consider radial force, axial force and overturning moment, and use Newton-Raphson method for numerical simulation of the model. The model is not only consider the three directions of the load, but also take into account a number of important design parameters, including radial clearance, groove radius of curvature coefficient, contact angle and double roller bearings spacing, etc. Based on the theory of elasticity, the equations about the bearing internal and outer ring bending deformation under the rolling contact load and the bearing load were detailed induced, and multiple non-linear transcendental equation group were solved to analyze four-point contact ball bearing related mechanical problems. The rigid ring model based on the theory of Hertz elastic contact and the flexible ring model based on the theory of elasticity were taken to numerical simulation, researching on the load distribution and distribution span of the four bearing contact diagonal, rolling element contact stress distribution, ring bending and torque distribution problems, etc.. Focusing on the research of some important design parameters impacting the carrying capacity of the bearing, including radial clearance, contact angle and groove radius of curvature coefficient, a detailed analysis was given, and the corresponding bearing design recommendations were presented. Work done by this paper provides an important theoretical basis for four-point contact ball slewing bearing, and even slewing bearing, and has some practical application value of engineering.
