

Research on Location and Posture Issue of Maintaining Robots in Nuclear Power Plants

【作者】 李晓昕

【导师】 柳长安;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 核能是现在世界上可利用的重要能源之一,核电站是核能利用的一个重要方面。但是核电站检修维护工作有很多环境是人不能现场操作的,所以在核工业以及核电站进行检修等人无法胜任的工作需要使用核电站检修机器人。本文考虑到核电站的特点以及在检修过程中效率的重要性,研究了流体力学和空间变换理论在核电站检修机器人中的应用。本文首先对核电站检修机器人在检修过程中出现的位姿问题进行的阐述,并把位姿问题分解成检修机器人的路径规划问题和检修设备的姿态判断问题,说明了位姿问题待需解决的必要性。接着,针对核电站检修机器人的路径规划问题和检修设备的姿态判断问题,提出了两种新的算法。针对核电站检修机器人的路径规划问题,提出了一种新的基于流体力学的路径规划算法,其算法将检修机器人的路径规划问题转变成对核电站的地图流场问题的求解,算法除了在路径的平滑度上有了优化之外,在路径生成的效率方面比起以往的人工势场法也有了很大的提高;针对核电站检修设备的姿态判断问题,提出了姿态变换判断算法,算法减少了检修机器人在检修设备的过程中直接访问设备信息存储数据库的次数,从而很好地提高了检修机器人查找设备信息的效率。最后,针对路径规划问题和姿态判断问题,先从理论上证明了流体力学法和姿态变换算法的优越性,再通过仿真对比实验更加说明了流体力学路径规划算法比起人工势场法生成的路径具有更好的平滑度以及更高的效率和姿态变换算法比起常规检修判断算法拥有更高效的查找效率的结论。实现了在位姿问题上的高效性。

【Abstract】 Nuclear power is one of the important energy that is useful in the world,and nuclear power plant is an important aspect of use of nuclear energy. Because of the maintaining work environment in the nuclear power plants where people is forbidden,the work which people can not afford in the nuclear power plants need the use of the robot of nuclear power plants. In view of the characteristics of the nuclear power plants and the importance of efficiency in maintaining of the nuclear power plants,the article does some researches on the Fluid Mechanics and Space Transformation Theory in the appliance of the maintaining robots in nuclear power plants.First,the article introduced the location and posture issue of the maintaining robots in the process of maintaining.The problem is divided into the path planning issue and the posture judgments issue which are necessary to be dealt.Then,in order to solve these two issues,the article posed two corresponding algorithms.One is the Fluid Mechanics algorithm,the other is the Posture Transformation algorithm.The Fluid Mechanics algorithm can get a smoother path than the Artificial Potential Field algorithm do,and the efficiency of the Fluid Mechanics algorithm is also higher than the efficiency of the Artificial Potential Field algorithm.In the process of searching the devices the Posture Transformation algorithm can be able to use less time than the Normal Searching algorithm.Last,the article proved the superiority of two algorithms via two procession. The first procession is proving the superiority of two algorithms in theory,the second procession is proving the superiority of two algorithms through simulation experiments,which include the comparison of path smoothness simulation experiments and the comparison of time simulation experiments.Through these work the article solve the location and posture issue and prove the efficiency of two algorithm.
