

The Relationships between the Seasonal Variations and the Environmental Factors Were Studied by Canonical Correspondence Analysis(CCA) in Hyriopsis Schlegeli Breeding Pools

【作者】 金芳芳

【导师】 林刚;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 水生生物学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 池蝶蚌(Hyriopsis schlegeli)原产于日本琵琶湖,1997年引入中国并繁殖成功。实践证明,池蝶蚌的育珠能力强,质量优,已在全国淡水珍珠主产地推广养殖。为了解不同投饵施肥方式所提供的食物和生存的环境,2010年5月至2011年3月间对池蝶蚌养殖池塘的浮游植物群落结构和理化因子进行了9次调查,并对养殖池塘的池蝶蚌食性进行了初步研究。主要的研究结果如下:1.全年共检测到浮游植物103种(属),不同施肥方式的浮游植物的密度范围分别为:未施肥池塘在1.8×105-289.5×105cells/L之间;施含益生菌发酵有机肥的池塘在12.9×105-705×105cells/L之间;施发酵后的鸡粪肥池塘在5.4×105-481.6×105cells/L之间。全年采样中未施肥池塘浮游植物密度始终显著低于施肥池塘的浮游植物密度;施含益生菌肥池塘与施发酵鸡粪肥的浮游植物密度之间无显著性差异。2.不同施肥情况的全年群落组成5、6、7月均以绿藻占优势;8、9、10月以绿藻占优势,蓝藻占次优势;11、12、3月以隐藻占优势。应用CANOCO4.5软件对不同施肥情况池塘获得的浮游植物数据和环境因子进行典范相关性分析(CCA),作出物种与环境因子的二维排序图。不同施肥情况的数据均表明,季节性水温是影响浮游植物群落主要环境因素,其次是冬春季的营养盐离子;春末夏初的溶解氧和化学耗氧。样品(cases)的CCA分析表明,抚州池蝶蚌养殖基地四季不分明的特点,春较短,冬季较长,夏、秋、冬季分割明显;蓝藻门、硅藻门主要分布秋季,隐藻门主要分布在冬季。3.池蝶蚌的食物选择主要是藻类,这些藻类取决于季节性的优势种;不同施肥池塘的同种池蝶蚌对食物的选择没有差异;二、三、四龄蚌主要摄食的藻类物种相同,但四龄蚌的摄食强度要比二、三龄蚌大。

【Abstract】 Hyriopsis schlegeli, originated from BIWA Lake of Japanese, was introduced to China in1997, it was proved that it’s powerful pearl breeding ability and superior quality, has already been bred and spread throughout the country. To understand the food and living environment provided by different ways of spreading manure, nine times of water specimen collection, carried out from May of2010to March of2011. We also have preliminary study about Hyriopsis schlegeli on eating habit. Main research results are as follows:1.103categories of phytoplankton were detected all the year around. The density range of phytoplankton between different ways on spreading manure respectively is:the pool without spreading manure had an abundance ranging from1.8×105to289.5×105cells/L;the pool with spreading fermentation organic manure including probiotic bacteria had the abundance ranging from12.9×105to705×105cells/L; the pool with spreading fermentation chicken manure owned the range from5.4×105to481.6×105cells/L.The abundance of phytoplankton in the pools without spreading manure conspicuously lower than the pools spread with manure. There were no significant differences between phytoplankton abundance of varying manure pools.2. The phytoplankton community composition of the three kinds of pools was similar. Green alga was dominated among May to July. From August to October phytoplankton community was dominated by Green alga, Cyanophyta has a high biomass in this stage only. Cryptophyta was dominant in November, December and March. Data collected in a limnological survey, carried out among pools breeding Hyriopsis schlegeli of varying manure state, were ordinated using CANOCO3.1to generalise the way in which the structure of phytoplankton assemblage is conditioned by both physical and chemical variables. In this paper, among the varying manure pools, an attempt to clarify the role played by environmental variables in modulating the structure of phytoplankton assemblages is presented. The results indicate that water temperature is one of the key regulatory factors for phytoplankton abundance. What’s more, seasonal variations of phytoplankton were also influenced by soluble nutrients, such as in winter and early spring. However, in later spring and early summer, COD and DO are playing central roles in regulating the phytoplankton abundance. According to cases ordination by CCA, Hyriopsis schlegeli breeding pools, in Fuzhou Jiangxi province is characterized by not clear seasons that spring is short and winter is long. IN autumn phytoplankton community is dominated by Cyanophyta and Bacillariophyta. And Bacillariophyta is mainly distributed in the winter.3. Hyriopsis schlegeli mainly feed on algae, which depend on seasonal dominant phytoplankton. There are different food choice of Hyriopsis schlegeli which come from pools with different fertilization modes. Although the categories of phytoplankton which three kinds of ages Hyriopsis schlegeli feed on are the same, the more algae the four age Hyriopsis schlegeli eating one time than others.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】S917.3
  • 【下载频次】242