

Research on the Funds Strategic of Shanxi Industrialization Construction in Nineteen Thirties

【作者】 田君

【导师】 孔祥毅;

【作者基本信息】 山西财经大学 , 金融学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 阎锡山是中国近代史上一位具有特殊影响的人物,从二十世纪三十年代初期再次执掌山西政权后,依据其经济金融思想,大力进行经济社会建设,使得山西在抗日战争爆发前五年实现了第三次工业化高潮,他所建立的工业化体系为抗日战争的胜利奠定了重要的工业基础。本文评价总结了阎锡山的重商思想、黄金非货币化思想、信用扩张思想、股份制思想、信用合作思想等,认为其金融思想中体现了货币统一、资本积聚、金融创新等理论;深入分析了在山西政治环境相对稳定而经济萧条、金融滞涩,银本位制度使流通中货币量不足,农产品销售不出去,工业不能发展的状况下,阎锡山编制《山西省政十年建设计划案》,以经济建设为中心,为山西经济社会建设制定了总体框架;中心讨论了阎锡山为推行十年建设计划而采取的金融政策的内容,一方面是通过成立省属金融机构、发展农村金融机构,扩大货币市场,另一方面是通过发行债券和股票、利用外资及无息借款等方式建立资本市场;分析总结了阎锡山在执政山西的这段时期内取得的经济社会建设成效,实现了山西的第三次工业化高潮;通过对这段历史史实的剖析,本文认为阎锡山取得成功的关键之处在于经济战略上找到了正确的方法,即从金融领域的改革入手,聚集工业化建设的资金,以优先发展金融业来带动经济社会的发展,通过这一成功案例,可以证实金融先导理论的正确性与科学性。因此,本文认为一个国家或地区在其经济社会落后的情况下,可以实施政府主导下的金融先导的战略措施,通过政府发挥主导作用,主动提供金融业发展的制度环境,通过金融机制创新,优先发展金融业,用金融业来推动各个产业的发展,以达到追赶发达地区的经济社会效应。

【Abstract】 Yan Xishan was one of the special characters in modern Chinese history. From the early yearof1930s,He was in charge of Shanxi regime once again. According to his monetary and financialthought, he vigorously promoted the economic construction. Shanxi achieved industrializationclimax before the outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan. The industrialized systemestablished by Yan Xishan had laid a solid foundation for the victory of the war. This paperevaluated his financial thought,such as mercantilist thinking,thinking of non-monetary gold, creditexpansion ideas, joint-stock thinking and cooperative credit thought,which embodied in the theoryof monetary unification, capital accumulation and financial innovation. Yan Xishan formulated the ageneral framework for economic and social development in Shan xi through the politicalconstruction plan, when it was silver standard system and agricultural products can not go out withthe reduction of currency in circulation. Yan Xishan taken the implementation of a10-yearconstruction plan and financial policy. On the one hand, he developed capital markets throughthrough the issuance of bonds and stocks, and using foreign capital and interest-free loan.Thisarticle summarized the effectiveness of economic and social development in this period, whichachieved industrialized climax. Through this historical fact, this article considered that the key pointis the economic strategy.It started from the financial sector reform, gathered industrialized buildingfunds to the economic and social development. This fact could confirm the correctness of the theoryof financial pilot from the success stories and this theory has universal applicability of theunderdeveloped regions or countries. So we believe that a country or region can take theimplementation of the strategic measures of financial pilot, besides, the government should providean institutional environment for financial sector development and give priority to development ofthe financial industry through the financial mechanism to achieve economic and socialeffects,which will ultimately catch up with the developed areas.
