

Sap Flow of Casuarina Equisetifolia Plantation in Coastal Sandy Sites

【作者】 白永会

【导师】 游水生; 叶功富;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 木麻黄是木麻黄科最主要树种之一,天然分布于澳大利亚、东南亚和太平洋群岛,现已广泛引种于热带、亚热带地区,二十世纪50年代以来,东南沿海地区已经从国外引进木麻黄,由于木麻黄本身具有耐干旱、耐贫瘠、耐盐碱和抗风沙等生物学特性,所以成为我国东南沿海防护林带、海岸带主要防护林树种,应用于沿海防护林、农田防护林、薪炭林、用材林的营建,贫瘠地、干旱地和盐碱地的改造,庭园绿化和行道树等方面的建设。在防风固沙、改善生态环境和提供用材林等方面发挥着难以替代的巨大作用。然而,长期以来,由于木麻黄林处于沿海与陆地间的交界地带,该地带极易发生灾害性天气,如台风、暴雨、风暴潮、季节性旱涝等自然灾害、另外由于严重的人为干扰使地区性生态条件差等因素制约木麻黄的生长,对沿海防护林体系的可持续发展影响极大。福建东南沿海地区,海岸沙地土质疏松,保水持水能力差,降雨量偏低,季节性干旱很严重,由于林木的生长发育对水分大量的消耗,水分成为限制林木生长的主要因子之一,水分也是木麻黄生长的制约因素之一,由于我国东南沿海木麻黄人工林水分利用特征、水分传输规律、水分生态、蒸腾耗水方面的研究报道比较少,而且木麻黄人工林耐干旱、耐瘠薄的生物学特性的研究、木麻黄人工林的可持续经营问题也引起国内外学者的普遍关注。国内外大量的研究表明,液流在植物的水分生理机制及耗水特性方面占据重要的位置,可以通过液流的特征估测植物的耗水量及其耗水特性,我国针对,大量的树种做了大批关于树干液流的研究,但是木麻黄液流特征和耗水量的研究还未见报道,尤其是木麻黄在喜炎热气候条件下耐干旱、耐贫瘠,抗盐渍、防风固沙等生物学特性必然与其对水分的利用有很大关系。本实验从2011年3月~2012年1月在福建沿海惠安赤湖林场木麻黄人工林设置样地,选取不同胸径大小的样木6株,运用热扩散式探针方法监测木麻黄样木液流速率,同步利用自动气象站监测环境因子。针对木麻黄树干液流特征与环境因子之间的关系进行了系统的初步探讨,从木麻黄样木树干液流、水分蒸腾的角度探讨木麻黄的耗水特性及其耐旱特性,为木麻黄的水分管理提供理论依据,为沿海木麻黄防护林的水分管理、合理经营提供理论依据和实践指导,为该地区木麻黄防护林经营措施提供理论依据。研究结果表明:1.木麻黄边材面积与胸径间存在显著幂指数相关关系,其关系式为y=2.8416X2.0192,R=0.98492。2.不同天气情况下木麻黄树干液流速率分析结果表明:晴天、小雨、多云天气情况下液流变化呈现比较平缓的单峰曲线,峰值均出现在白天;阴天、多云天气和晴朗天气液流速率比较,阴天单峰曲线峰值低;大雨的天气情况下,液流速率呈单峰曲线,整个晚上均有液流存在而且液流峰值较大;台风天气情况下木麻黄液流速率呈双峰或者单峰不规则曲线,有时出现尖锐的峰形,存在一定的峰值,但是峰值不出现在白天,出现在夜晚。3.2011年3月到2012年1月份监测期间,不同月份不同胸径木麻黄树干液流速率变化呈“低~高~低”的总趋势,生长初期3月份液流速率低于生长盛期5月份、6月份、7月份、8月份、9月份和生长末期10月份,但是高于休眠期翌年1月份液流速率,不同月份不同胸径的木麻黄液流速率的最大值和平均值上下波动,但总体上是呈逐渐减小的趋势;不同月份,木麻黄液流的日变化趋势基本一致,但是液流在平均启动时间、平均达到峰值的时间、液流平均迅速下降的时间存在着差异性,液流启动时间逐渐延迟,液流速率的峰值也相应的推迟出现;木麻黄液流启动时间有不同程度的延迟,表现为在生长初期3月份,木麻黄液流启动时间8:00~8:30之间,而在生长盛期5月~9月份液流启动时间要提前,启动时间在7:00~7:30左右,而在生长末期10月~11月份液流启动的时间最晚有的样木在9:50之后,液流达到峰值的时间也在随着生长期的变化而逐渐推迟。液流迅速达到9:50左右,而到了休眠期液流启动的时间有的样木在9:50左右,监测期间液流下降的时间也不同程度的推迟。4.木麻黄树干液流速率与样木胸径之间的关系不显著;表现在胸径相差较大的样木的液流速率相差不明显;胸径相差较小时,液流速率相差很大,未表现为胸径大的样木液流速率就大的规律性。5.木麻黄南北侧树干液流晴天日变化规律基本一致,呈单峰规则的单峰曲线,但在液流启动、到达峰值的时间存在差异;但是界限不明显。南侧树干液流速度和变化幅度大于北侧树干液流速率和变化幅度;木麻黄树干南北侧的液流速率相关分析得出具有显著相关关系;而且相关分析得出树干液流速率与大气温度、太阳辐射、太阳光合有效辐射和风速正相关,与相对湿度呈负相关、与土壤温度相关性不明显。南北侧的树干液流受环境因子的影响基本一致,南北侧液流与气象因子的相关程度排序为大气温度>大气湿度>太阳辐射>太阳有效辐射,日树干液流量集中在7:00~19:30,占全天树干液流量的90%左右;单位面积木麻黄北侧树干液流量是南侧树干液流量的0.13~0.68倍。6.木麻黄液流速率与土壤含水量和土壤温度的关系,由于降雨量的影响,土壤含水量增大时,不同月份木麻黄的液流速率与土壤不同土层含水量与液流速率总体呈正相关趋势;土壤含水量下降时,液流速率与不同土层的土壤含水量总体呈负相关趋势,7月份木麻黄液流速率与不同土层土壤含水量呈负相关性,本实验的研究结果:3月份土壤含水量与液流速率相关性总体趋势呈负相关,5月份监测期间的相关分析表明,在0~10cm土壤水分充足时,木麻黄液流速率与0~10cm、10~20cm土层含水量呈正相关,木麻黄液流速率与20~30cm、30~40cm土层含水量无明显规律性;6月份木麻黄液流速率与土壤含水量正负相关性均存在,总体表现的趋势无规律性。研究结果表明:5月份、6月份、9月份土壤温度与木麻黄液流速率呈正相关,7月份液流速率与土壤温度总体呈负相关,可能是土壤温度过高,抑制根系的生理活动;导致液流速率下降,其它月份相关性不显著。7.通过相关分析结果表明:不同月份、不同生长季木麻黄树干液流受气象因子作用大小是不同的;不同监测期树干液流速率与气象因子的相关性强弱有所差异,呈减小趋势。整个监测期间木麻黄液流速率与太阳光合有效辐射(PAR)、大阳辐射(RAD)、大气温度(T)、水汽压差(VPD)、风速(Ws)呈正相关关系;与相对湿度(RH)呈负相关;然而在8月29日~9月1日台风天气情况下,木麻黄液流速率与相对湿度呈正相关;风速呈负相关,这是由于时间尺度的问题。然而不同的生长季液流速率与气象因子相关顺序大小不一;整个监测期间起主导作用的气象因子为大气温度、水汽压差、相对湿度。采用不同监测期间典型月份(生长初期、生长盛期、生长末期、休眠期)建立木麻黄样木液流速率与气象因子多元线性回归方程,所有方程和回归系数的相关性检验均达到极显著水平。8.估算不同胸径木麻黄样木的耗水量和日平均耗水量;不同胸径的样木耗水量大小不一,未表现出胸径大耗水量大的趋势。在木麻黄生长期的不同月份,6株样木在5月份耗水量和日平均耗水量最大,其它月份均低于5月份,研究结果认为这可能与5月份降雨量大有关系,土壤含水量大的原因;另外监测期间从整个生长季的角度分析,生长盛期耗水量和日平均耗水量最大,其次是生长初期、生长末期和休眠期。

【Abstract】 Casuarina equisetifolia is the most main casuarina division one of tree species, naturaldistribution in Australia, southeast Asia and the Pacific islands, now widely introduction intropical and subtropical regions, is China southeast coastal protection of the main forest treespecies. casuarina equisetifolia was introduced abroad into the southeastern coastal area since1950s, has become the important species of coast protection forest, It has played important role inpreventing wind and fixing sand,improving the ecological environment and offeringtimber.However,littoral situated at the where terrene marched with ocean,the gigantic change ofclimate here is easily result in disaster weather,typhoon,rainstorm,storm tide,drought and waterlogging raid the seashore and around area,as well as serious human interference make regionalecological condition factors such as the growth of the discussion, the coastal shelter forest systemto the sustainable development of the great influence. Generelly, coastal sand is loose, retainingwater ability is poor,low rainfall,seasonlly dry is very serious in southeastern coastal areas, wateris the one of necessary ecological factors, According to Casuarina equisetifolia plantations waterutilization.Water ecological research report is less, And artificially Casuarina equisetifoliaplantation sustainable forest management business had caused attention of scholars both at homeand abroad. Although a number of studies have suggested that both at home and abroad, sap flowin plant water physiology mechanism and characteristics of water play an important position, wehad estimated the water consumption through the fluid flow characteristics, but for sap flow in thestudy of the not mature, especially in our country. however,because Casuarina equisetifolia hasdrought resistance,resistance to poor,fight saline,wind break and sand-fixation and other biologicalcharacteristics, in addition, Casuarina equisetifolia sap flow characteristics and water consumptionhad not a lot experiments to do in our country, The biological characteristics and the use of thewater have very big concern. A thermal dissipation probe was used to measure the sap flowdynamics of Casuarina equisetifolia plantations on coastal sandy soil from March2010to January2011at chihu protection forest farm, Hui an county in fujian coastal sand. The6sample trees wereselected in different diameter; photosynthetic active radiation,air temperature,solarradiation,relative air humidity,water vapor pressure deficit,and wind speed were measured at thesame time by the weatherpak~2000.USA. this paper from Casuarina equisetifolia sap flow and environmental factors of the relationship and casuarina moisture transpiration management toprovide water management theory basis. The results showed that:1. The sapwood area of Casuarina equisetifolia and the DBH were used for an index relationship;the correlation coefficients is0.9849.2. The results showed that patterns of diurnal variation of Casuarina equisetifolia sap flow velocitywith a gentle single-peak curve on sunny,cloudy,Light rain days; peaks appear during theday;compeared with sunny day, sap flow velocity is lower peak curve on cloudy day; sap flowvelocity were similar with a gentle single-peak curve on bigger rainy day. and sap flow existwhole all night and bigger and than the day;patterns of diurnal variation of Casuarina equisetifoliasap flow velocity were Twin peaks or irregular curve,with Sharp curve on typhoon day, but therewere certain peak, which doesn’t appear during the day, and appear in the night.3. From March2011to January2012, Sap flow velocity of overall change trend for"low-high-low"during monitoring in different months,Sap flow velocity of the maximum and theaverage were fluctuated during Monitoring different periods, but it is a decreasing trend ingeneral.Diurnal variation of stem sap flow velocity was similar among the different months,However, there are differences in sap flow mean starting time,mean peak time and Sap flow meandescending time among different months. But it is no obvious regularity.It have different degreesof delaying during different growing periods, in Eary stage, Sap flow velocity starting time isabout8:00~8:30; in Intermediate stage, from May to September, starting time is about7:00~7:30;in Telophase, from October to November,sap flow start time starting time is about at latest is about8:30~9:50. in Anaphase, and in the timing of reaching peaks as well as descending is about12:30and21:40, It has different degrees of delay.4. Sap flow velocity of Casuarina equisetifolia also showed non significant correlations with DBH.Bigger diameter at breast height of the sample tree sap flow velocity and DBH of small sampletree sap flow velocity are not difference,it is irregular.5. The Sap flow velocity fluctuated with one climax in sunny day, and the Sap flow velocity onthe south side of the tree was bigger than that on the north side, and its range was wide.Patterns ofdiurnal variation of the sap flow in sunny days were similar during date of Collection,except thatthere was difference in the timing of initiating and reaching peaks,but this difference is notobvious,There were positive correlations between Vs and environmental factors, air temperature,air humidity, RAD, PAR, soil temperature is not obvious. On the south and north sideof tree, the corelation coeficients being in the order Air temperature> RH> solar radiation>photosynthetic active radiation, The sap flux density(Fs) between7:00and19:30was the major inone day, and it was about90percent. the Fs on the north side of the tree was about0.13~0.68ofthat on the south side.6. when the increase of soil water content, Because of the influence of the rainfall, sap flowvelocity and the soil moisture content of different soil layer was positively related to the overalltrend during different months; when the decline of Soil moisture content, sap flow velocity and thepositively related to soil temperature in May,sapflow velocity and soil temperature was negativelycorrelated. in June and in July. Casuarina fluid flow rate soil moisture content of different soillayer was negative correlation overall trend during different months;In different months, underthe condition of soil temperature, sap flow velocity were in July with different soil layer soilmoisture content is negative correlation, this experiment results: march soil temperature and flowrate correlation negative correlation to the overall trends in May, the relevant analysis shows thatwhen0~10cm,10~20cm soil water content is plentiful,Casuarina equisetifolia sap flowvelocity and0~10cm,10to20cm soil water conten twas positively associated;20~30cm,30~40cm soil water content without obvious regularity; in June,Casuarina equisetifolia sap flowand soil water content correlation are positive and negative. the trend of the overall performancewithout regularity. In may, June, September, soil temperature was positively associated withCasuarina equisetifolia sap flow in July.7. According to the correlation analysis,The results showed that: sap flow velocity were impacteddifferent by meteorological factors during the monitoring growing season;different monitoringperiod of sap flow velocity and the meteorological factors associated intensity differences andshowed a trend of decrease. During the whole monitoring sap flow velocity were positivelycorrelated with photosynthetic active radiation(PAR), air temperature,solar radiation(RAD),watervapor pressure deficit(VPD)and wind speed (Ws),and had a negative correlation with relative airhumidity(RH).sap flow velocity with photosynthetic active radiation, solar radiation andatmospheric temperature, water vapor pressure deficit, wind speed are positively related; Andthe relative humidity was negatively correlated; However, Sap flow velocity of Casuarinaequisetifolia positively correlated with relative humidity; Wind speed was negatively correlated during Augest29th and September1th. Various meteorological factors related order size is differrnt,During the whole monitoring plays a leading role of the meteorological factors, Airtemperature,water vapour pressure,relative humidity. During the season of date of collection,Multiple linear regression equations for meteorological factors with sap flow velocity wereestablished, which all met the significance at0.01levels with F test.8. Finally,it can be used to estimate the total water consumption,daily average consumption of allsample trees during the date of collection, sample tree3and sample tree1the total waterconsumption was218t and160t, in the growing season, during July.19th~19.27th and Augest22th~Augest28th. respectively.The water consumption of different diameter at breast heightsample tree did not show big diameter at breast height high water consumption trends, and in thegrowing period of different months,6sample trees in the month of may daily average waterconsumption and daily average consumption were biggest, other months are all lower than in May,in Intermediate stage, the water consumption were biggest, followed in Earystage,inTelophase,inAnaphase, respectively.

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