

【作者】 陈进

【导师】 刘苍劲;

【作者基本信息】 重庆工商大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 服务企业要在当前激烈的竞争环境中保持竞争优势越来越困难,而吸引和保留顾客并进行有效的顾客关系管理,已经成为服务企业可持续竞争优势的重要源泉。提供优质的服务是服务企业吸引和保留顾客的重要前提。尽管提供优质的服务是所有服务管理者的愿望,但服务失误不可避免。在服务失误发生后,服务企业如何采取合理的补救措施以重新赢得顾客满意,以及如何对服务补救的效果进行科学评价,这些成为理论界和实践界共同关注的问题。随着市场营销从交易导向转向关系导向,顾客关系的重要性日益显著,使得服务营销与顾客关系密不可分,因此在服务失误和服务补救管理研究中融入顾客关系的视角,显得尤为必要。因而,从顾客关系的角度考察顾客如何对服务失误和服务补救做出反应,以及服务企业的服务补救如何影响顾客后续的行为意向,就更具有现实意义。因此,无论是顾客对服务补救的感知还是顾客对服务补救效果的评价,都会受到顾客与服务企业关系状况的影响。而且,服务补救的效果也会对顾客与服务企业的关系状况产生一定的影响。论文紧紧围绕着三个议题展开:1、服务补救前顾客关系质量对服务补救满意度的作用;2、服务补救满意度对服务补救后顾客关系质量的作用;3、服务补救满意度、顾客关系质量对补救后顾客行为意向的影响。论文在已有文献的基础上构建了服务补救、顾客关系质量、顾客感知公平、补救满意度和顾客后续行为意向的关系模型。同时,将在模型中引入变量顾客关系质量,顾客关系质量在模型中扮演两个角色,一是作为感知公平与补救满意度的调节变量,二是作为补救满意度的结果变量,因此在模型中顾客关系质量分为补救前顾客关系质量和补救后顾客关系质量。并在重庆餐饮行业的背景下进行问卷调查,并针对245份有效样本进行数据分析得到主要结论如下:1、感知公平的各维度对服务补救满意有显著的正向影响。2、服务补救前顾客关系质量的信任和承诺维度对顾客感知公平与服务补救满意度之间的关系有调节作用。3、服务补救满意度对服务补救后顾客关系质量的各维度有正向影响。4、服务补救满意度与服务补救后顾客关系质量均对顾客后续行为意向有显著的正向影响。最后,根据研究结果,针对服务业的实际情况提出建议以及论文的局限和未来研究的方向。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, absorbing and retaining customers, as well as effectively managethem, have become a significant resource of Service Company,s continuouslycompetitive advantage. Providing perfect service quality is an important premise atabsorbing and retaining customers in Service Company. Although providing perfectservice is the dream of the entire service practitioner, the unique feature of serviceproduct makes service problems inevitable. How to take appropriate recovery afterservice, and how to evaluate the effect of service recovery, have become the focus ofboth researchers and practitioners. Considering the importance of relationship visualangle into service failure and service recovery management. So, investigating thecustomer how to react the service failure and service recovery, as well as servicerecovery how to influence the customer’s successive purchase behavior fromrelationship marketing’s viewpoint, has become more and more realistic.Consequently, the perception of customer to the service failure and the evaluationof effect of service recovery, are all affected by relationships between customer andservice company, and moreover, the effect of service recovery also affect therelationships between customer and service company. This dissertation is organizedcentered on the followed three questions:1、The effect of customer relationship on service recovery satisfaction;2、 The effect of service recovery on customer relationship;3、The effect of service recovery and customer relationship on customer behavior.After the interviews with interrelated documents, the research model is constructedwith perceived justice with service recovery, customer’s recovery satisfaction andbehavior intention. Meanwhile, in order to explore the relationship between customerwho experienced service recovery, relationship quality will be the moderator. In thisstudy, the author delivers the questionnaire in the hotel industry and gets245effectivesamples data analysis. The main conclusions are as follow:1、Customer Perceptive Justice affects recovery satisfaction directly.2、Trust and commitment plays a regulatory role between perceived justice withservice recovery and recovery satisfaction.3、Recovery satisfaction affects recovery relationship quality directly.4、 Recovery satisfaction and recovery relationship quality affects follow-upbehavior intention directl.

  • 【分类号】F719;F274;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】193
  • 攻读期成果