

【作者】 周雅舒

【导师】 何勇平;

【作者基本信息】 重庆工商大学 , 思想政治教育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 网络交往正悄无声息地改变着人们,特别是大学生的生活方式以及思想观念,并且十分显著地影响着大学生价值观教育。网络交往既为创新大学生价值观教育提供了良好的条件,同时也给大学生价值观教育的发展带来了新的考验和挑战。本文所探讨的网络交往即是网络文化下的社会交往,网络交往具有现实社会交往所不具备的隐蔽性、虚拟性、自由性、开放性及延展性等特征。根据相关特点,本文探讨了网络交往在为大学生价值观教育提供崭新思想基础、宽广教育视野、先进教育载体和良好环境的同时,也使大学生价值观教育面临着教育理论内容单一、网络价值观教育方式单一以及教育途径单一等困境。并分析了网络交往下大学生价值观教育面临各种困境,主要是受到网络文化、教育者、受教育者和教育硬件几个方面的影响。针对问题,本文将思想政治教育学相关理论与哲学、社会学、教育学等学科知识相结合,以交往理论为研究理论基础,创新性地探讨了价值观教育与交往的内在联系,指出价值观教育的目的是实现人自由而全面的发展,而交往是人全面发展的实现条件之一。交往不仅存在于价值观教育的过程中,并且能有效促进价值观教育目的的实现;同时,价值观教育本身也是教育主体之间的一种交往活动。因此,价值观教育工作要在交往中开展,并且在整个教育过程中教育者与受教育者作为交往中的主体,必须以全面、客观、有效的语言表达为基础,进行平等的互动沟通,从而实现价值观教育的目的。具体来说,在网络交往环境下大学生价值观教育应以马克思交往理论、社会主义核心价值观以及哈贝马斯“互动教育”思想为理论基础,并且始终坚持方向性、网上与网下相结合、继承与创新相结合的原则。在此基础上,教育者要充分重视受教育者的主体地位,积极引导其进行自我评价与自我教育,使其在网络交往中面对多元价值观时仍能坚定地树立主流价值观;其次要拓宽大学生价值观教育的渠道,加强大学生价值观教育的网络硬件建设,合理运用网络交往平台,使网络交往的影响向着有利于价值观教育工作开展的方向发展,有效应对网络文化的冲击;再者要不断丰富大学生价值观教育的方法,教育者要亲自参与到网络交往实践中,在不断地实践体验中及时更新网络交往方式,探索具体有效的网络价值观教育方式,与受教育者在交往的过程中开展价值观教育工作。

【Abstract】 The network communication which involves people every aspect of life, arequietly changing people, especially college students’ life style and idea, andsignificantly affects the values education for college students. Network communicationnot only for the innovation of College Students’ values education has provided goodconditions and environment, but also brought new challenge to the college students’values education development.The network contact this paper discusses is the social communication under thebackground of network culture, and the network communication has concealment,virtual, freedom, openness and extensibility features, which the realistic socialinteractions do not have. According to the characteristics of network communication,this paper analyses the values education of college students with new thoughtfoundation, broad education, advanced education carrier and good atmosphere, at thesame time, also had mad the values education of college students facing the educationtheory content is single, network value education lags behind and education ways anddifficulties. This paper clears the values education of college students is facing variousdifficulties during the interaction of network contact, mainly by the network culture,education, education and education hardware aspects.To solve the problem, this paper innovatively explored the inside connection ofvalues education and communication, and pointed out that the interaction exists in theprocess of value education on the foundation of the" Theory of communication" basicstudy and combining the ideological and political education content with philosophy,sociology and pedagogy knowledge. While the values education itself is regarded as onekind of communications between those subjects of education. Such communicationshould be the equal interaction process, in the comprehensive, objective and effectivelanguage medium between educator and the educated. This paper presents the valueseducation of college students in the network communication environment should basedon Marx’s theory of communication, the core values of socialism and Habermas"interactive education" theory, and always adhere to the principles of direction, theonline and offline, the combination of inheritance and innovation of combining. On thisfoundation, this article propose to extension of College Students’ values educationcontent, pay full attention to the education subject status, and actively guide the selfevaluation and self education, so that could firmly establish themselves the mainstream values in the face of network communication with a plurality of values; college studentsvalues can take a good deal of network culture impacting by broadening the educationchannels of college students values, reasonable using of the network communicationplatform, strengthening the college students’ values education network hardwareconstruction and guiding the network communication influence development directionpositive to values education work; at the same time, in order to enrich students’ valueeducation method, education should be personally involved in the networkcommunication practice, constantly in the practice experience to enhance their abilityand quality, explore the specific effective network values education method, andachieve the aspirations of value education during object communication processing.
