

【作者】 肖艳华

【导师】 薛新力;

【作者基本信息】 重庆工商大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 黄庭坚为有宋一代著名的大诗人,在诗法和诗艺上独树一帜,以“点铁成金”、“脱胎换骨”的诗论及大量诗作而为后世所景仰。同时词作数量也相当可观这不仅反映在陈师道以“秦七、黄九”并称,以为“今代词手”,更表现在李清照《词论》标举黄庭坚为一代名家。本文分别从黄庭坚贬谪巴蜀诗词作品的文本和创作背景两个方面入手,对该时期的诗词作品做分析研究,力图在全面呈现山谷贬谪诗词风貌的基础上对起进行客观的定位和评价,本文分为以下几个方面进行讨论:第一、介绍山谷贬谪巴蜀时期的经历,结合时代背景对其人做简要评述,主要介绍黄庭坚贬谪文学的研究现状,纵观黄庭坚的一生,贬谪黔州、宜州两地不过8年,但是这一时期给黄庭坚本人带来的影响却是不可估量的,黄庭坚贬谪时期的作品研究近年来也得到了学界的关注,学界重点放在了对山谷贬谪生活写作考察、诗词作品研究以及作品接受与影响研究几个方面,丰富完善研究成果,对于促进这一学术领域的未来发展具有非常积极的意义。第二,从贬谪巴蜀诗词的文本入手,对各个类型的贬谪诗词做分类分析,结合不同的题材深入研究。黄庭坚因其知识渊博,经、史、子、集,无不通晓,以好用典为特征,又能够注重技巧巧妙融汇,针对黄庭坚诗论以“点铁成金”、“脱胎换骨”、“无一字无来处的”特点对于贬谪诗词的对仗、用典、修辞三个方面做了重点分析,从字法和句法两个方面说明其诗词艺术特征。第三、从贬谪文学与贬谪文化的关系入手,探讨了巴蜀山川风物,独特的气候,人民生产劳作,草木鱼虫,友人之间交往对于山谷创作的影响,谪居巴蜀六年间,山谷饱览西南山川风物、与当地官员友人密切交往,留下了大量的历史遗迹,对当地的文化教育发展做了重大贡献,也是巴蜀人民的宝贵精神财富。

【Abstract】 HuangTingjian for the famous poet of the Song Dynasty generation unique Poetry lawand the art of poetry,"the Golden" and "reborn" poetics and poetry, admired for futuregenerations. Word for a considerable number reflects not only in Chen Shi Tao Qin, Huangnine "adding that" this pronoun hand, but also in the generation of masters of the Qingzhao"word on the" standard cite Tingjian. Overall, however, the ages Tingjian works tend to thepoles, debating. In this paper, starting from the Tingjian relegation Prachuab period the text ofthe poem works and creative background, two aspects of the poetry of the period of work todo analysis, trying to have been carried out with the objective of positioning and evaluationbased on the comprehensive presentation of the valley relegate poetry style, this articledivided into the following aspects were discussed:First to introduce the valley relegation the Prachuab period of experience, combinedwith the historical background to do a brief review of its human, important mediators ofTingjian relegate literature Research Throughout the life of the Tingjian the, relegate Qianstate, Yizhou, but8years, but thisTingjian I brought a period of impact is immeasurable,Tingjian relegate period of work in recent years has been the concern of academics, theacademic focus on the acceptance and influence on the valley relegate life writing study,study of poetry works and worksseveral aspects, improve the research results to promote thefuture development of the academic field has been very positive.Second, from the start of the relegation Prachuab period the poetry of the text, theclassification analysis, a combination of different themes in-depth study of the relegation ofthe various types of poetry. Tingjian for its knowledgeable, classics, history, children, set allfamiliar with, characterized by easy to use Code, but also to focus on skills ingenious blendTingjian poetics "Golden Touch","completely changed","no one writing can not be at the"characteristics relegate poetry antithesis, with typical rhetoric in three aspects key to itspoetry art features from the word, and syntax two aspects.Relegate literature and relegate cultural relationship from the start of Ba and Shumountains and scenery of communication between the valley created a unique climate, thepeople’s production and labor, vegetation, fish and insects, friends, Exile Prachuab six years,the valley enjoy the Southwestthe mountains and scenery, close contacts with local officialsto friends, leaving a large number of historical sites, made a significant contribution to thedevelopment of local cultural and educational, but also the precious spiritual wealth of thepeople of Ba and Shu.

【关键词】 黄庭坚巴蜀贬谪诗词地域文化
【Key words】 HuangtingjianBashuRelegate poetryGeographical and cultural