

【作者】 邓罡

【导师】 王蓓;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 当代中国正处于从传统社会向现代社会的转型期,伴随改革三十多年的经济快速发展,推动着社会政治领域都发生着巨大的改变。在经济发展、社会进步的同时,大量的社会问题逐渐出现,并且似乎到了解决老问题的速度赶不上新问题产生的速度的尴尬境地。对此,在大力开展制度创新以应对这些产生的问题同时,也需要具有长远的、宏观战略性的规划和设计。中央相关文件最近提出“顶层设计”一词,旨在于较短的时期内,以中央政府之力,去主持建立新的体制,这种设计无需指令性计划那样非常具体而是一个框架性的宏观设计。为此,本文以“公共财政”和“政治共同体”之间的关系为主轴,试图通过对历史的研究,梳理出公共财政与政治共同体聚合、分离等演变之间关系的内在逻辑,以期能够为政治、社会问题的解决提供一个便捷的观察视角,作为顶层设计考量的一个方面。第一章为导言部分,主要介绍了选题的研究背景、意义、国内外研究现状以及研究的思路、方法和创新之处。第二章为基本概念理论综述,阐述本文所运用的公共财政、政治共同体、异化这三个重要概念第三章以包括古希腊、古罗马、天主教、英美等西方历史上重要的政治共同体的演变为例,结合史实,分析为什么当时旨在维护政治共同体稳定和完整的公共财政政策,反而会导致一种意外的相反结局,是因为:1、政治共同体在演化过程中,掌握主要权力者,在公共财政问题上,没有适应社会上对于公正认知的变化,背弃了公共财政的“公共”属性,自身合法性受到挑战;2、政治共同体在关注自身统治阶层“垄断租金”最大化的同时,并没有将公共财政使用于鼓励各种可以带来降低社会交易成本,增加社会福利的制度变迁,而是仅将公共财政用于有利于统治阶层的方面;3、与公共财政高度相关的行政官僚系统自身结构的逐渐膨胀,财政系统运作的成本增加、效率降低,各种依靠公共财政而成长起来的利益集团,在政治共同体内部培养了分裂的倾向,以保护利益集团自身的利益。第四章分别以中国明朝和战国时代的日本,这两个东方国家为例,分析“节源而不开流”的小农经济政策和以保证中央集权专制的“王族供养”政策所期望达到的巩固明朝政治共同体统一完整的公共财政政策,最后反而演化成为“强枝弱干”的情况,使得明朝中央政府无法应对后金和农民起义的危机,最终走向灭亡。以及结束日本战国时代的三位枭雄:织田信长、丰臣秀吉、德川家康,他们在打击传统“御家人”的封建制度,实行“兵农分离”,控制重要的矿产方面的公共财政的传承之处,最终作为武士的德川及其“家天下”却又无法挽回的走向了末路。第五章则是观点总结与汇总,旨在探索公共财政与政治共同体演变之间的关系,发现一定的规律,从公共财政的角度去观察和理解现实的世界中政治共同体之间与其内部发生的政治事件。

【Abstract】 Contemporary China is in from traditional society to modern society transition, accompanied by the reform more than thirty years of rapid economic development, promote social and political fields have undergone tremendous changes. In economic development, social progress at the same time, a lot of social problems appeared gradually, and it seems to solve the old problem of speed to catch up with the new problems arising from the speed of the embarrassing situation. In this regard, to vigorously carry out system innovation to cope with these problems at the same time, also need to have long-term, macroscopically strategic planning and design.The central related document put forward recently "top design", designed in a relatively short period, with the central government to force, presided over the establishment of the new system, this design eliminates mandatory planning that very specific but a framework of macroscopically design. Therefore, this article to the "public finance" and "political community" of the relationship between the spindle, attempts to sort out the historical research, public finance and political community polymerization, separation between the internal logic of the evolution, in order to provide political, social problem solving provides a convenient point of view, as an aspect of top-level design considerations.The first chapter is the introduction, mainly introduces the research background, significance, research status at home and abroad and the research ideas, methods and innovations.The second chapter is the basic concept theory, elaborates the public finance, political community, alienation of this three important concepts.In the third chapter, including ancient Greece, ancient Rome, Catholic, western history important political community evolution as an example, combined with the facts:analyze why was designed to maintain the political community stability and integrity of the public finance policy, it will lead to an unexpected opposite end.Because:1, a political community in the process of evolution, master the major powers, in public finance issues, not adapted to the society for justice perception changes, denied public finance "public" attribute, its legitimacy is challenged.2, the political community, in the interest of their own ruling class"monopoly rent" maximized at the same time, and no public finance to encourage all can lead to reduce social transaction cost, increase the social welfare system, but only the public finance for the benefit of the ruling class, and public finance is highly correlated with the bureaucratic structure of the system itself gradually expansion, financial system operating costs increase, reduce efficiency, all rely on public finance and grew up in interest group, political community internal training division tendency, in order to protect the interests of their own interests.The fourth chapter respectively to Ming Dynasty China and Japan Warring States era, the two eastern countries as an example, analysis of "the source and without flow" smallholder economy policy and to ensure that the centralized authoritarian "Royal support" policy to achieve the desired to consolidate the political community integrated public fiscal policy. Instead evolution as a"strong weak stem branches", make the central government could not cope with the peasant uprising of the crisis, and eventually die. As well as the end of the Warring States period of Japan’s three heroes: Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Leyasu Tokugawa. They are fighting against traditional "royal family" of the feudal system, execute "agricultural separation", control of important mineral resources in the public finance heritage place, eventually as a knight of Tokchon and its"home world" but cannot recover toward in the end.The fifth chapter is the summary and the summary, aims to explore the public finance and the evolution of the relationship between the political community, found a certain rule, from the angle of public finance to observe and understand the real world political community between its internal political events of the.

【关键词】 公共财政政治共同体异化
【Key words】 public financepolitical communityalienation