

Study on the Changes of Young Brother Bank Corporation Business(1937-1945)

【作者】 芦智龙

【导师】 向中银;

【作者基本信息】 重庆师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 聚兴诚银行是我国早期著名的民营商业银行之一,创办于我国社会性质演变为半殖民地半封建、传统封建经济逐渐解体、民族资本主义开始发展壮大的大环境时期。1915―1951年为聚兴诚银行的发展时期,历经北洋军阀政府和国民党政府两个阶段。三十六年的经营历程,尤其本文研究的1937―1945年时间段,聚兴诚银行为西南地区民族工商业的发展、金融市场的繁荣以及商品流通起到了巨大的推动作用,在中国近代金融史上占有重要地位。1937―1945年期间,聚兴诚银行顺应时事,改组旧的组织形式,完成了银行业在战争环境下的业务大变迁,并将银行业发展推向顶峰。聚兴诚银行在迂回曲折的道路中探索生存与发展的方式,积累了在近代中国发展资本主义银行的宝贵经验。本文力求在对战前聚兴诚银行基本业务了解的基础上,逐步过渡到战时聚兴诚银行业务的变迁,包括业务变迁的具体表现、原因分析以及产生的影响,以期对我国现阶段发展商业银行提供借鉴和参考。本文的主体内容包括以下几点:第一,战前的聚兴诚银行及其业务概要。从战前聚兴诚银行创立与发展的背景、历程和组织形式,归纳了战前聚兴诚银行的主要业务:汇兑、存储和信托;第二,战时聚兴诚银行业务变迁。结合杨粲三的经营管理思想,归纳了战时聚兴诚银行业务变迁的主要体现,包括设立重要地区分支行处、灵活发展贴放业务、买卖金银、开展对外投资、扩大经营公债等。与此同时,通过与战前聚兴诚银行的比较勾勒出战时聚兴诚银行的经营路线。第三,战时聚兴诚银行业务变迁的原因分析。在查阅重庆市档案馆未刊行资料、相关论著和报刊杂志的基础上,结合唯物辩证法分析事物变化发展的方法,从内因、外因两个方面作出战时聚兴诚银行业务变迁的归因分析。内因方面主要包括:贴放业务的影响、对外投资的需求等;外因方面主要包括:国民政府加强金融管制、战时通胀的压力、外界银行的发展影响等;第四,战时聚兴诚银行业务变迁的影响。根据战时聚兴诚银行业务变迁的归因分析,提出业务变迁的影响:一是促进战时工商业发展;二是保障战时聚兴诚自身发展;第五,结束语。总结全文,提出今后努力的方向。

【Abstract】 The Young Brother Bank is one of Chinese early well-known private commercialbanks. It is founded in the nature of our society evolved into semi-feudal, traditionalfeudal economy gradually disintegrated, national capitalism began to develop in thecontext of expansion. It is after two times of the Northern Warlords government andthe KMT government during the1915-1951.36years of operating history, especially inthe time of the1937-1945, The Young Brother Bank not only plays a major role for thedevelopment of national industry and commerce for the southwest region, commoditycirculation, promote the prosperity of the financial markets, but also plays an importantrole in the history of modern Chinese financial.During the period of1937-1945, The Young Brother Bank conform to current events,the reorganization of the old forms of organization, and completion of the bankingbusiness in a war environment changes and bank development to the pinnacle of itsdevelopment history. The Young Brother Bank to explore the survival and developmentin the twists and turns of the road, and accumulated valuable experience in moderncapitalism Bank.The main contents include the following: first, the prewar The Young BrotherBank and its business summary. From the prewar The Young Brother BankEstablishment and the development background, process and organization form,summarizes the prewar The Young Brother Bank’s main business: exchange, storageand trust; second, wartime The Young Brother Bank Business change. With the help ofYang Can’s three management thinking, summarizes the wartime The Young BrotherBank changes mainly, including the establishment of important regional branch lines,flexible development business, trading in gold and silver paste, foreign investment,expand the operation bond etc.. At the same time, with the prewar The Young BrotherBank comparative sketch played its Business route. Third, the wartime The YoungBrother Bank business transition reason analysis. In search of Chongqing city archivesnot publish information, related books and newspapers and magazines on the basis, combined with the materialist dialectics to analyse the thing change developmentmethod, from the internal, external two respects make wartime The Young BrotherBank Business Change Attribution analysis. Internal factors mainly include: attachedto business impact, foreign investment demand; external factors mainly include: thenational government to strengthen financial regulation, the wartime inflation pressure,external bank development; fourth, the wartime The Young Brother Bank businesschange. According to the wartime,The Young Brother Bank Business ChangeAttribution Analysis, put forward business change: one is to promote the commercialdevelopment; two is to protect the wartime The Young Brother Bank Development;fifth, the ending. A summary of the full text, put forward the direction of future efforts.
