

Research on Canonization of the Chinese Ecological Literature

【作者】 苗翠萍

【导师】 盖光;

【作者基本信息】 山东理工大学 , 文艺学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 我国生态文学的创作与研究始于20世纪80年代,作为一种新型的、备受关注的文艺现象,生态文学发展至今,在创作领域、理论研究及文学批评方面都已产生了广泛的影响。它独特的思想内涵与审美方式不但引发了人们对自然生态、生存环境和历史运演的重新认识,也使人们在自我认识、人生境域、情感激励及审美体验等诸多方面有了全新的把握。文学经典是一个永不过时的话题,经典文库也时刻都在更新,然而文学经典作品所具有的特质却是相对永恒的。当代文学经典化问题的提出,应在确立传统文学经典价值地位的同时,积极例证和实践当代优秀文学作品的经典意义和经典构建。生态文学作品的时代性、价值普适性、未来指导性及艺术审美性等特质既符合经典文本的内涵标准,又具有自身的特殊意义。本文针对生态文学而提出的经典化实践,既是对生态文学意义价值的肯定,也是对当代文学经典文库的补充。本文立足于生态文学的创作和理论研究两个基点来阐释经典化的实施方向。经典文学作品的产生离不开理论导向和批评解析,生态文学经典的构建若想顺利进行必须在理论层面上及时跟进,使生态文学理念更直观的展现在读者面前,帮助人们在阅读生态文学文本时达到对其内蕴的理解,促进读者生态意识的形成。文学经典与优秀的生态文学作品是一个包容与被包容的关系,本文抓住两点的共同性、联系性及生态文学的新特质,肯定了生态文学跻身文学经典行列的可能性与必要性,并在此基础上论述了影响生态文学经典化的因素、生态文学经典化的途径、生态文学经典化的内容与意义。文学归根结底是对人的生存意义的追问与解答,是对人们追求审美的生存方式的记述。生态文学的最终目的便是希望人们能达到一种和谐的生存方式,减轻人类与自然的压力,形成和谐、温暖、共生共荣的发展状态。我们积极实现生态文学经典化也正是希望通过生态文学的这一主旨,使人们从中获得精神之源和行动之能,希望通过作品能够唤起人们的生态意识、实现人的心灵回归。

【Abstract】 The creation and research of ecological literature in China began in the1980s, as a new, art’s phenomenon of concern, the ecological literature has produced greater influence on the creation, the theoretical research and the literary criticism. Its abundant thinking connotation and specially aesthetic mode not only lead people to rediscover natural, environment and the development of history, also make people have a new light on self-knowledge, life circumstances, emotion inspired and the aesthetic experience.Literature classic is an eternal topic, the new outstanding works update every moment, and they have the eternal excellent trait. The contemporary Canonization of literature should establish the status of classical literature, Confirm the significance of classic and Achieve the classic construction at the same time. The ecological literature not only has the characteristics of times, universal Value, future guiding and aesthetic, also has its own meaning. In this paper, the practice about Canonization of ecological literature that confirmed the meaning of ecological literature, also added the contemporary literature classic library.This paper based on two basis points which is the creation and theory research of ecological literature to explain the direction of the Canonization of literature. The generation of the classic needs both the theoretical guidance and the criticism resolution. The canonization of ecological literature that wants to work out smoothly must keep up with the theory, and the theory will give people an intuitive and deep perspective to understand the ecological awareness.The literary canon may contain the excellent ecological literature, so we must grasp their intercommunity, association and the ecological literatures own meaning. This paper affirmed the possibility and necessity of the ecological literature which would be classic, it also discussed the factors influencing the canonization of ecological literature, the approach, the content and the significance.Actually, the content of literature is the answer to that why and how our human been live. It’s a record of our Aesthetic lifestyle. The ecological literature wants people to have a harmonious life, in this life, the relationship between man and nature is harmonious, warm and symbiotic. So the research on canonization of the Chinese ecological literature just wants people to gain the source of the spirit and the energy of our actions, and we hope these literary works can arouse people’s ecological awareness and restore their soul.
