

Study on Non-destructive Measurement of Agaricus Bisporus’s Qualities with Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy

【作者】 张荣芳

【导师】 王相友; 王娟;

【作者基本信息】 山东理工大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 双孢蘑菇味道鲜美、营养丰富,且具有一定的药用价值,是人们日常生活中较喜爱的食用菌之一。双孢蘑菇的褐变度、硬度、含水率可溶性固形物和蛋白质等成分的含量给双孢蘑菇的风味品质和口感带来很大影响。目前在双孢蘑菇营养评价、食品加工及贮运储藏上,迫切需要了解和掌握双孢蘑菇的褐变度、硬度、水分、灰分、可溶性固形物、蛋白质等成分的含量。传统分析方法属于有损检测,而且存在实验操作麻烦,费时费力,实验废弃物易污染环境等不足。因此,探索基于近红外光谱技术快速、无损检测双孢蘑菇内部品质具有重要的科学意义和实用价值。论文基于近红外光谱分析技术,运用NIRcal软件对双孢蘑菇的褐变度、硬度及其中的水分、灰分、可溶性固形物、蛋白质含量的检测进行了研究。主要结论有:1.异常样品的剔除,更有利于模型的建立;剔除异常样品后所建模型的预测精度更高。2.分析比较了4种常规预处理方法对双孢蘑菇内部品质近红外PLS校正模型的影响,得出二阶导数是适合建立双孢蘑菇硬度、可溶性固形物和水分定量分析模型的光谱预处理方法;多元散射校正适合灰分、蛋白质和褐变度中a*、b*指标定量分析模型的建立;而对于褐变度中的亮度指标L*来说一阶导数是较适合的光谱预处理方法。并建立了基于优化预处理方法和PLS的双孢蘑菇内部品质检测的近红外定量分析模型。3.所用模型的主成分数由测试集的RMSEP和校正集的RMSECV共同优化确定。RMSECV/RMSEP越小,模型的预测能力越强。选取RMSECV/RMSEP达到最小时所对应的主成分数的最小值。

【Abstract】 The Agaricus bisporus not only tastes delicious,is of nutrition richly,also has certain medicinal value, is one of vegetables that people like in daily life. The browning degree, hardness, solube solid, moisture, ash, protein of Agaricus bisporus has a great impact on Agaricus bisporus’s flavor quality and taste. At present it is urgent to understand and grasy how many the content of soluble solid, moisture, ash, protein in the agaricus bisporus in its quality breeding, food processing and storage and transportation field. The traditional analysis methods belong to destructive measurement, and exist shortcomings of experiment trouble, time-consuming and laborious, and expensive drugs with experiment could easily lead to pollute environment, and so on. So it is of great scientific significance and practical value to explore green, rapid, nodestructive method to determine agaricus bisporus interior quality based on the near-infrared spectroscopy technology.Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy technology, the research of nondestructive methods about testing browning, hardness, soluble solids, moisture, ash, protein of agaricus bisporus was studied by using of NIRcal software.The main conclusions are as follows:1.Its is more conducive to the establishment of the model, after removed the abnormal samples the model has the higher precision.2.In order to search an appropriate pretreatment method to nondestructive mensure the interior quality of agaricus bisporus, the effect of4conventional pretrement methods on PLS calibration model has been compared, it can be obtained that the second derivative was the best effect on establishing agaricus bisporus hardness, soluble solids and the moisture quantitative analysis model; the MSC was an efficient method to nondestructive measure to ash, a*, b*, protein in agaricus bisporus with near-infrared spectroscopy; the first derivative was the best effect on establishing agaricus bisporus L*quantitative analysis model. The quantitative analysis models were established by application of partial least squares, in order to measure interior quality of agaricus bisporus nondestructively by near infrared spectroscopy based on the optimization pretreatment methods.3.The principal components of the model was determined by RMSECV/RMSEP. The RESECV/RMSEP is smaller, the stronger of the model predictive ability. Select the smallest principal component corresponding to the minimum value of RMSECV/RMSEP.

  • 【分类号】S646;S226.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】127
  • 攻读期成果