

The Compact and Countermeasures about College Students’ Network Life Against Campus Cultural Construction

【作者】 钱程

【导师】 李春梅;

【作者基本信息】 湖北工业大学 , 思想政治教育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 互联网技术的飞速发展,为人类创造了一个全新的生活世界。作为网络社会生力军的大学生们自是“网络新人类”中最耀眼的一族。其网络生活现状如何?对当今大学校园文化建设带来怎样的影响?面对影响,高校校园文化建设又该如何变革和创新?已成为新时期高校校园文化建设的重要课题。本文以校园文化建设的基本理论为基础,以湖北地方高校大学生网络生活为样本,通过实地调研和访谈,对大学生网络生活的现状、问题、成因以及大学生网络生活对校园文化建设的双重影响进行了分析,并提出了校园文化建设应对大学生网络生活的对策,旨在推进校园文化健康有序的发展。全文共分六章:第一章,绪论。主要阐述了本文的研究目的和意义、国内外研究现状、研究思路和主要方法、文章创新点。第二章,大学生网络生活与校园文化建设的相关理论分析。阐述了大学生网络生活及大学校园文化的概念,大学生网络生活与校园文化建设的关系和大学生网络生活与校园文化建设的理论基础。第三章,大学生网络生活的现状调查。根据本文研究目的设计调查问卷,抽取若干个高校进行问卷调查,在此基础上总结出大学生网络生活的现状与问题。即:学习与娱乐失衡、真情与冷漠并存、自由与规范冲突、理性与非理性交织、时尚与低俗共舞,并从政府、社会、学校、学生四个方面分析了问题成因。第四章,大学生网络生活对校园文化建设的影响。其积极影响在于有利于营造民主平等的文化氛围、有利于丰富校园文化建设的内容、有利于促进校园文化管理机制的创新、有利于加强校园网络舆论的引导;其消极影响在于:校园主流文化安全构成威胁、校园文化求真精神面临冲击、校园文化向善观念遭到削弱、校园文化传承方式受到影响。第五章,校园文化建设应对大学生网络生活的策略。针对当代大学生网络生活存在的问题及对校园文化建设的影响,根据校园文化建设的总体要求,从校园精神文化、制度文化、行为文化、物质文化四个层面提出了校园文化建设应对大学生网络生活的对策。第六章,结语。总结全文,指出有待进一步研究的问题。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of Internet technology, mankind has enjoyed a wholenew world of life. College students as the social reinforcements of network naturallybecome the most dazzling part of new network owners. How does the situation ofcurrent network life become? What kind of impact does today’s campus cultureconstruction impress on? How does the Colleges change and innovate when they facethe affect of campus culture construction? This has become an important issue for thenew era of campus culture construction.These papers, basing on the theory of the construction of campus culture, choose theHubei local college students`network life as a sample. Through the local research andinterviews, through the analysis about the status, the problem, the causes of students’network life and the double-edged sword impact of the life of college students networkputting on the construction of campus culture, then proposed countermeasures for theconstruction of campus culture when it encounter the life of college students network,designed to promote a healthy and orderly development of the campus culture.This text included six parts.The first chapter, Introduction. Described the research purpose and the significance ofthis study, the domestic and overseas research ideas and methods, the innovation ofarticle.The second chapter, the theoretical analysis of the college students network life andcampus culture construction. It elaborated the concept of College students’ Internet lifeand campus culture, the relationship between the college students network life withcampus culture construction, and the theoretical basis of the college students networklife and the campus culture construction.Chapter Ⅲ, the current survey of college students’ Internet life. According thepurpose, this study designed the questionnaire, collected a number of colleges anduniversities to conduct a survey. Basing on this, this paper summered up the currentstatus and problems of college students’ Internet life. Namely: the imbalance betweenlearning and entertainment, the truth and indifference coexist, the conflicts of freedomand norms, rational and irrational intertwined, vulgar dance with fashion, then analyzedthe cause of the problem from the four aspects of the government, society, schools,students.Chapter Ⅳ, the impact the students’ network of life putting on the construction ofcampus culture. Its positive impact is to create a cultural atmosphere of democracy andequality, be conducive to enrich the campus culture construction, helpful to promote theinnovation of management mechanism of campus culture, to strengthen the guidance ofpublic opinion of the campus network; Its negative impact is, Campus mainstreamculture of safety is threatened, the truth-seeking spirit of campus culture is under the attack,campus culture concept of good deeds is weakened,the way of campus culturalheritage is affected.Chapter Ⅴ, the strategy of campus culture construction response to the students’network of life. the existed problem of college Students’ Internet life and the impact onthe construction of campus culture, Against the general requirements of the constructionof campus culture, from campus spiritual and cultural, institutional culture, behaviorculture, material culture, the four dimensions proposed the countermeasures. of campusculture construction to deal with the life of college students network.Chapter Ⅵ,Conclusion. Concluding remarks, pointing out problem areas for furtherresearch.
