

College Students’ Status of Beliefs and Morals and Its Educational Countermeasures Study

【作者】 李佩

【导师】 郭秀兰;

【作者基本信息】 湖北工业大学 , 思想政治教育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 如今的社会主义发展是全面的发展,是生产力发展、法治与民主、先进文化、生态资源全面协调的发展,其中建设社会主义精神文明为物质发展、政治民主提供了强有力的精神动力和智力支持。精神文明的建设包含科学文化教育建设和思想道德建设,这也突出了当代大学生道德信仰建设的必要性,为道德信仰建设提供了强有力的科学导向,特别是在现代文化和市场经济迅速发展的今天,大学生的思想观念和行为举止已与高校大学生的身份不相符,面对学习压力、就业竞争、经济压力,大学生如何能处淤泥而不染,能有正确的世界观、价值观、人生观给以指引,社会、高校、家长以及大学生自身又需要怎样去践行,以帮助大学生形成正确的道德信仰是本论文思考和探讨的核心。本论文从道德品质的构成要素:知、情、意、行的维度来分析大学生道德信仰确立的重要性和必要性以及当前道德信仰形成中存在的问题,结合问题的分析,从当今社会状况、学校教育、家庭环境、大学生自身道德素质四个方面来阐述其问题产生的深刻原因,以社会、高校、父母、大学生个人的合力教育来帮助大学生树立正确的价值观、人生观和世界观,共同构建和谐道德信仰的途径。笔者认为:作为道德主体的大学生在道德信仰形成过程中,必须遵守道德品质的形成和发展的规律,加强学习道德知识,实现对社会主义道德原则和内容规范的认同;在日常道德实践中,把道德知识升华为道德情感和道德意志,形成坚定的道德信念;把道德知识、情感、意志转化为行动,进行正确的道德选择,从而养成良好的道德习惯,并使这种品质由他律走向自律,达到对道德体系的虔诚敬仰,形成坚定的道德信仰。

【Abstract】 Today, the development of socialism is a comprehensive development, thedevelopment of comprehensive, coordinated the development of productive forces, therule of law and democracy, advanced culture, and ecological resources, and building asocialist spiritual civilization and material development, political democracy, a strongspiritual motivation and intellectual support. Spiritual civilization includes constructionand ideological and moral construction of the scientific and cultural education, whichalso highlights the necessity of the construction of contemporary college students’ moralbeliefs, moral beliefs construction provides a strong science-oriented, especially therapid development in modern culture and the market economy today, ideas andbehaviors of college students behave with the identity of the university students do notmatch, in the face of academic pressure and competition for jobs, economic pressure,college students how to be able to mud, but not infected, to have a correct world outlook,values, outlook on life give guidelines, universities, parents and students themselveshow to row, to help college students to the formation of correct moral belief is the coreof this thesis, think and explore.The constituent elements of this thesis from the moral qualities: knowledge, love,consciousness and dimension to the analysis to establish the importance and necessityof students’ moral beliefs as well as the current moral beliefs to the formation of theexisting problems, combined with the analysis of the problem from today’s socialconditionsschool education, family environment, the four aspects of the moral qualitiesof the students themselves to illustrate the profound causes of their problems, to helpstudents to establish the correct values, life and world society, universities, parents,students and individuals work together education, work together to buildthe way ofharmonious moral beliefs.I believe that: students in the process of the formation of moral beliefs as a moralsubject, must comply with the laws of the formation and development of moralcharacter, to enhance learning of moral knowledge, to achieve the recognition of theprinciples of socialist ethics and content specification; in everyday moral practice, moralknowledge into moral emotions and moral will to form a firm moral beliefs; moralknowledge, emotion, will translate into action, the right moral choice, to develop goodmoral habits, and this quality by the law toward his self-discipline, to the devoutadmiration of the moral system, to form a firm moral beliefs.

【关键词】 大学生道德品质道德信仰道德教育
【Key words】 Studentsmoral charactermoral beliefsmoral education
  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】213