

Effective Questions to Explore a Political Class Teaching of Senior Grade One

【作者】 孙小红

【导师】 李翠荣;

【作者基本信息】 河南师范大学 , 学科教学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 法国作家巴尔扎克曾说过:“打开一切科学的钥匙都毫无疑义地是问号”。有效提问是提高教学有效性的手段之一,是教学过程中的重要的环节。有效提问是相对于无效提问甚至低效、负效提问而言的,是指教师提出的问题能使学生产生疑惑、探索的心理,并且这种心理又促使他们产生主动思维,进而持续提出问题和解决问题。高一政治课堂有效提问是指教师要根据高一思想政治课的学科特点在教学过程中能提出激发学生积极思维,发挥学生的主观能动性,不断提出问题和解决问题,从而增强教学的有效性,实现思想政治课教学的知识、能力以及情感、态度、价值观的教育教学目标。有效提问的理论探讨与课堂实践是以苏格拉底的“产婆术”与孔子的“启发式”理论方式,柏拉图、亚里士多德的教育模式,皮亚杰的认知理论,罗杰斯的人本主义学习理论等为教育依据的。高一学生正处于青春期和叛逆期,虽然在身心方面已经有了很大的发展和转变,但其人生观、价值观和世界观还不成熟,需要教师结合学生对有效提问的认知程度紧紧围绕高中思想政治课的“三维教学目标”来对学生进行德育和政治教育,科学引导,使他们逐渐形成正确的观点和认识。通过问卷调查的数据和分析,总结出当前高一政治课教学过程中仍存在低效,甚至无效的现象;教师在课堂提问中存在着种种误区;学生缺乏问题意识;教师提问不能面向全体学生等问题的存在。通过调查研究还可以看出课堂提问的有效性与诸多条件之间存在特定的逻辑关系,而这些条件就是影响和制约课堂提问有效提问的重要因素。影响课堂提问有效性的因素较多,调查显示的是有关问题的排序、问题的难易度、提问的时机和方式以及教师的教育理念等因素较为突出。解决高一政治课有效提问问题的关键在于必须从学生的特点、教材和学科的特点以及存在的具体问题入手,对问题本身进行深入地分析,并在此基础上提出突破问题的基本策略。这些策略主要包括四个部分:第一,根据学生特点进行的有效性问题设计;第二,根据教材内容和教师使命进行有效性问题设计;第三,根据教学环节进行有效性问题设计;第四,根据存在的问题进行有效性问题设计。

【Abstract】 French writer Balzac once said:"to open the key to all science is no doubt that the question mark".The valid question is one of the means of improving teaching effectiveness is an important part of theteaching process. Effective questioning is invalid question, and even inefficient negative effect questions,refers to teachers’ questions enable students to be puzzled, the psychological exploration, and this mentalityand encourage them to produce active thinking, and then continued to ask questions and solve the problem.Effective questions of a political class teachers according to subject characteristics of high ideological andpolitical course in the teaching process can put forward an initiative to stimulate students’ positive thinking,students are continually asking questions and solve problems, thereby enhancing the effectiveness ofteaching, ideological and political teaching knowledge, abilities and emotions, attitudes, values, educationand teaching goals.Theoretical discussion of effective questioning and classroom practices based on Socrates’ midwiferyand Confucius "heuristic theory way, Plato, Aristotle, the mode of education, Piaget’s cognitive theory,Rogers the humanistic learning theory basis for education. High school students are in the adolescent andrebellious stage, has been a great development and changes in physical and mental, but their outlook on life,values and world view is not yet ripe, need teachers and students’ awareness of effective questioningclosely around the high school ideological and political course of three-dimensional teaching objectives tothe students’ moral and political education, scientific guidance, so that they gradually form a correct viewand understanding. Survey data and analysis, summed up the current high political teaching process thereare still inefficient, or ineffective; teachers in the classroom questioning the existence of all kinds ofmisunderstanding; students’ lack of awareness; teacher questions for all students issues such as theexistence of. Through research can be seen that the existence of a particular logical relationship betweenthe classroom questioning the validity of many conditions, and these conditions is to influence and restrictthe important factor of effective questioning in classroom questions. Factors affecting the effectiveness ofclassroom questioning more, the survey shows that the sort of issues related to the degree of difficulty ofthe problem, the timing and manner of questions, as well as teachers, educational philosophy, and otherfactors are more prominent. Of a political class asking questions, the key is to start from the characteristics of students, teachingmaterials and features of the subject, as well as the existence of specific issues, in-depth analysis of theproblem itself, and on this basis, the basic strategy of breakthrough problems. These strategies include fourparts: first, the validity of the design based on students’ characteristics; Second, the effectiveness ofteaching materials and teachers mission design; Third, according to the teaching effectiveness of design;fourth effectiveness of design, according to the problems.
