

Study on the Pressures Behaviors of "Three Soft" Working Face with Large Mining Height and Controling Technology

【作者】 陈亮

【导师】 孟祥瑞;

【作者基本信息】 安徽理工大学 , 采矿工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 针对淮南矿业集团潘一矿“三软”大采高2141(3)工作面地质条件复杂,本文通过工作面的现场实测,运用数值模拟与理论分析等手段,对该工作面矿压显现特征和煤壁片帮破坏机理及其控制技术进行了深入研究。首先通过对工作面的现场观测,分析得出该工作面直接顶初次来压步距、基本顶初次及周期来压步距和超前支承压力分布范围等矿压显现特征。接着运用数值模拟软件,分别模拟了该煤层在“三软”和“两硬”两种地质条件下受采动影响开采的矿压显现特征,从工作面走向和倾向方向,着重对比分析工作面在推进过程中顶底板的塑性区、垂直应力、水平应力、主应力场、垂直位移和水平位移的分布特征,分析得出“三软”大采高2141(3)工作面的矿压显现特征。然后在现场观测煤壁片帮和理论分析的基础上,运用数值模拟软件,建立多个不同采高模型,模拟分析工作面不同采高下煤壁塑性区、垂直应力和水平位移的分布情况,得出工作面煤壁片帮机理、超前支承压力的影响范围及分布规律。最后综合上述研究结果,得出了“三软”大采高2141(3)工作面矿压显现特征和片帮破坏机理及分布规律,并提出了相应的控制技术措施,为工作面安全过断层提供了技术指导,实现了工作面的安全高效生产,为其他同地质条件下煤层开采积累了宝贵经验。图38表15参50

【Abstract】 In the light of Huainan Mining Group pan mine in "Three Soft" big mining height2141(3) working face with complicated geological conditions, this paper adopted in working face by field test, numerical simulation and theoretical analysis and other means, to analysis mine pressure appearance characteristics, coal wall spalling failure mechanism and control techniques. Based on the field observation of work, was analyzed first weighting interval of immediate roof, first and periodic weighting interval of basic roof, abutment pressure distribution of roadway. Secondly, to get mining pressure behavior with the coal in "three soft" and "two hard" of geological conditions using the numerical simulation. Focus on comparative analysis of working face in the course of advancing the roof and floor of the plastic zone, vertical stress, horizontal stress, principal stress, vertical displacement and horizontal displacement distribution from the working surface strike and dip direction. And then in the field observation of coal wall spalling and the basis of theoretical analysis, using numerical simulation software, create a number of different mining height model, simulation analysis wall plastic zone, vertical stress and horizontal displacement distribution under different mining, to get the coal wall spalling mechanism, advance support stress influence scope and distribution law. Finally based on the above research results, it is concluded that the characteristics of mine pressure behavior and spalling failure mechanism in2141(3) working face and put forward the corresponding control measures, to provide technical guidance for work safety production, achieve the safe and efficient production, for other same geological condition of coal seam mining under accumulated valuable experience.Figure38Table15Reference50
