

Comparative Research between China and the United States Higher Education Social Donation

【作者】 高曼

【导师】 孙士杰;

【作者基本信息】 河南师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,我国高等教育大众化进程加速,伴随而来的是高校的规模和数量也快速膨胀,高等教育发展出现了欣欣向荣的局面,但是经费短缺和学校债务却长期困扰着高校、政府和相关部门,因此,如何有效筹措办学经费便成了一个热点和难点问题。20世纪90年代以来,国家提出多渠道筹集教育经费的举措,在以政府拨款为主渠道的前提下,鼓励通过学费、产业、社会捐赠等多渠道筹措教育经费。经过二十余年的努力,资金来源的多元化格局已经形成。但是长期以来社会捐赠占高等教育经费总额的比例一直上不去,这与我国快速提升的经济发展水平很不相称,在这方面我们亟需借鉴国际经验。美国作为世界上经济、科技、教育最发达的国家之一,在多方位筹措高等教育经费,特别是在吸纳社会捐赠方面有许多成功的经验和做法。本文通过对中美高等教育社会捐赠的比较,分析了中美高等教育社会捐赠的特点,总结了美国高等教育社会捐赠成功的经验,对我国高等教育社会捐赠提出了相应的建议。中美两国高等教育经费来源渠道主要有政府拨款、学杂费收入、学校创收、社会捐赠收入等,不同的是中国高等教育经费主要依赖政府,而美国高校经费来源非常多样,其中社会捐赠所占比例远远高出中国。中美高等教育社会捐赠来源无外乎有基金会捐赠、校友捐赠、企业捐赠、个人捐赠等,但所占比例、发挥作用大小中美两国截然不同。我国社会捐赠虽逐年稳步递增,但比例小。在美国,政府投入、学费收入和社会捐赠收入呈“三足鼎立”之势。美国之所以社会捐赠占有较大比例,主要得益于强大的经济实力、悠久的历史、先进的文化观念、完善的法律政策和有效的社会捐赠组织的管理运作。而我国的高等教育社会捐赠则困难重重,存在捐赠内容单一、捐赠观念落后;基金会收益低;对慈善机构监管不力,缺乏透明度等问题。针对我国高等教育社会捐赠存在的问题提出了以下几点建议:完善法律法规,给予政策支持;注重监督管理,打造透明公益;注重宣传引导,营造浓厚氛围;提高高校基金会收益率;重视校友资源,提高服务意识。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the popularization of higher education in China accelerated, accompanied by the sizeand number of colleges and universities rapid expansion, the development of higher education a prosperoussituation, but the shortage of funds and school debt has long been plagued by universities, governments andrelated departments. Therefore, how to raise school funds has become a hot and difficult problems. In orderto expand higher education funding sources, since the1990s, our country asked the multi-channel andmulti-faceted initiatives to raise funds for education, under the premise of the main channel of governmentfunding to encourage the financing of education through tuition fees, industry, social donations and othermulti-channel funding. After more than ten years of efforts, the diversification of sources of funding patternhas been formed. However, the long-standing social donation account for the proportion of total highereducation funding has been relatively low, this level of economic development is not commensurate withthe rapid increase in China, we urgently need to learn from international experience in this regard.The United States as the world’s one of the most developed countries in economic, technological,educational, multi-faceted financing of higher education funding, in particular, there are many successfulexperiences and practices to social donations. In this paper, the donation of American higher education andsocial comparison, analysis of the characteristics of Sino-US higher education social donations, summed upthe U.S. higher education community to donate a successful experience, the recommendations put forwardby China’s higher education community to donate.China and the United States higher education funding sources of government funding, tuition and fees,schools, income generation, social endowment income, China’s higher education funding is mainlydependent on government, the U.S. colleges and universities and the source of funding is very diverse,which social donation to share the proportion is much higher than China’s.China and the United States higher education community donor source is nothing less than theFoundation donation, alumni donations, corporate donations, personal donations, but the proportion play arole in the size of China and the United States two distinct. Our society donation is steadily increasing yearby year, but the proportion is small. In the U.S., the government investment, fee income and endowmentincome was the "three pillars" of the situation. The reason why the society donated a large proportion, mainly due to the strong economic strength,long history, advanced the concept of culture, a sound legal policy and effective community of donororganizations, management and operation. China’s higher education community to donate my difficulties,there is a single donation of content, the willingness to donate is not strong; Foundation income is low; thelack of supervision of charitable organizations, lack of transparency.The problems of China’s higher education community to donate the following recommendations: toimprove laws and regulations, to give policy support; focus on the supervision and management, to create atransparent public welfare; focus on advocacy and guidance, create a thick atmosphere; improve theearning of colleges and universities foundation; great importance to alumni resources to improve the senseof service.

【关键词】 高等教育社会捐赠比较
【Key words】 higher educationsocial donationscompare