

Teacher Leadership:a Research Undergrounds the New Curriculum Reform

【作者】 张长征

【导师】 刘志春;

【作者基本信息】 河南师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着新一轮课程改革的深入进行,管理民主化进程的不断加快,教师在学校管理和教育中的作用越来越大。如何提升教师的领导力,提高教师在学校管理中的领导能力和对学校的影响力,就成了学校管理研究的一个重要课题。在教育改革的进程中,学校领导的管理理念不断转变,教师的自主意识不断加强,教师的领导力越来越得到重视,并在学校的发展进程中得以体现,取得了一定的成绩。受制于科层制和升学教育的影响,在工具理性主义的诉求下,教师不断的被沦为教师机器,在学校管理过程中不断的被边缘化;在科层制的统治下,教师在学校管理工作中集体失语;在分数至上的压迫下,教师成为奴役学生的刽子手。教师在学校的发展中应该有何担当,在学生的成长中应该有何引领,在个人专业化的进程中应该有何展现,以适应新一轮课程改革的进程。提升教师的领导力,就成了我们的主要议题。本文在有关教师领导力的研究成果的基础上,通过对我国当前教师领导力的现状进行研究的基础上,依据相关理论对教师领导力进行了比较透彻的分析与研究。本研究有五部分构成,主要内容如下:第一章主要问题的提出、研究综述、研究意义和研究方法。第二章介绍了教师领导力的概述、价值和理论基础。第三章分析当前教师领导力的困境及其原因。第四章着重研究提升教师领导力的主要原则:主体性原则、开放性原则、示范性原则、竞合性原则。第五章着重研究了教师领导力提升的策略:校长是提升教师领导力的关键,教师是提升教师领导力的核心,学生是提升教师领导力的保证,社会是提升教师领导力的支持。

【Abstract】 With a further development of the new curriculum reform,democratization process continues toaccelerate in school management,teachers are playing irising role in management and education.How toenhance teachers’ leadership, improve their leading skills in management and show a organisationalinfluence, has become an important topic in school management research.In the process of educational reform, the management philosophy of the school leadership keepschanging, the autonomy sense of teachers continues to strengthen, teacher leadership is attracting more andmore attentions, and be reflected in the school development process, with some good results achieved.Subject to the bureaucracy and entrance-based education, the aspirations of instrumental rationalism,teachers are constantly being reduced to teachers’ machine being marginalized in the school managementprocess; under the rule of the bureaucracy, teachers fall collective aphasia in school management; under theoppression of scores, teachers act as the executioner of slavery students. Teachers should be in what placeto undertake school development, should be in what place to lead the student growth, should be in whatplace to show the process of individual professional to adapt to the new curriculum reform process. Toenhance teachers’ leadership, has become our main topics.Grounds on research results of teacher leadership,conbined with the status of China’s current teacherleadership,in accordance with some relevant theories, This paper make a more thorough analysis andresearch on teacher leadership. This study consists of five parts,as follows:The first chapter states the problem approval, research overview, research significance, and researchmethods.The second chapter describes the concept of teacher leadership, the values of teacher leadership andsome theoretical basis.The third chapter analyzes the plights of teacher leadership and their causes.The fourth chapter focuses on the main enhancing principles of teacher leadership: the principle ofautonomy, the principle of openness, the principle of demonstration, the principle ofcooperation-competition principles. Chapter V focuses on the promoting strategies of teacher leadership: The principal is the key toteachers’ leadership enhancing, the teacher is the core of the teachers’ leadership enhancing, students ensureteachers in the leadership enhancing,while the society is support the teacher leadership enhancing fromvarious aspects.
