

The Clinical Research of Xiaoke Decoction in the Treatment of Xiaoke Yin Deficiency and Heat of Blood Stasis Synd

【作者】 庞玺奎

【导师】 南征;

【作者基本信息】 长春中医药大学 , 中医内科学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:完成消渴平汤的临床试验研究,并对其临床疗效作出科学公正客观的评价,讨论散膏与消渴关系,为临床实践提供一种安全有效的中药治疗消渴的新方法、新思路。方法:吉林省中医院糖尿病疗区和南征教授工作室就诊病人各30例,随机分组对照。治疗组给予消渴平汤,对照组口服盐酸二甲双胍片,每四周为一个疗程,不间断观察两个疗程,统计比较临床疗效。结果:消渴平汤治疗消渴病阴虚燥热兼瘀证30例,治疗组总有效率为80.00%,消渴平汤和二甲双胍在临床症状、体征及各种理化检查方面均有临床疗效治疗组在主要症状、体征和理化检查方面优于对照组。结论:消渴平汤能明显的改善消渴阴虚燥热兼瘀证患者的症状、体征,是在中医理论指导下的纯中药制剂,疗效可靠,可以在临床中辨证使用。

【Abstract】 Purpose: at the compietion of XiaoKeping efficacy studies,and on its clinicl efficacy tomake scientific and objective evaluation of clinical practice,to provide a safe and effectivetraditional Chinese medicine treatment of diabetic new menths、mew ideas.Methods: in JiLin Province Chinese medicine hospital diabetes therapy region andStudio of NanZhengEach of the30cases patients,randomized controlld trial,patients in thetreatment group were given XiaoKe ping soup,the control group was treated with metforminhydrochloride tablets,every week for a course of treatment,continuos observation oftreatment two.The sthatistics of the two group before and after treadtment of symptoms signs.Results: XiaoKeping Decoction for treating diabetes of yin deficiency of blood stasissyndrome in30cases,the treatment group total effective rate was80.00℅,the clinicalsymptoms,signs and all kinds of physical and chemical.Conclusion: Xiaoke decoction can obviously improve the heat and yin deficiencyXiaoKe disease patients with blood stasis symptoms,signs,is guided by TCM theory of pureChinese medincine,the curative effect is reliable,can be windeiy used in clinical.

  • 【分类号】R255.4
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