

Study on the Community Structure and Species Diversity of Fagaceae Dominance in Montane Rain Forest in Bawangling,Hainan Island

【作者】 吕晓波

【导师】 杨小波;

【作者基本信息】 海南大学 , 植物学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 海南山地雨林有以陆均松Dacrydium pierrei、鸡毛松Podocarpus imbricatus等罗汉松科(Podocarpaceae)植物为优势的森林群系和以红锥Castanopsis hystrix、公孙锥Castanopsis tonkinensis等壳斗科(Fagaceae)植物为优势的森林群系两大类型,前者分布广泛,面积较大,为研究者重点的研究对象,后者分布较狭窄,往往被忽略。为了更全面了解海南山地雨林的性质与特点,本研究运用常规的群落学研究方法对分布在海南霸王岭海拔1000m左右狭窄沟谷中的,以红锥、公孙锥等壳斗科植物为优势的森林群系开展研究工作,主要的研究内容有:群落的物种组成及外貌特征、植物区系分布特点、主要乔木种群的空间格局及动态变化和群落结构与物种多样性关系等四个方面。研究结果表明:(1)在6000m2的样地中记录了249种植物隶属于84科166属,其中木本种类有192种,草本种类有33种和藤本24种,木本多为高达乔灌木,草本多为蕨类植物,藤本多为木质藤本,有少量板根,少见绞杀现象。群落中的植物,多数是以全缘、革质的中型的单叶为主,以中高位芽的生活型为主,与样地地区的潮湿、高温的环境条件相适应。(2)群落中的植物地理区系分布比较复杂,有10种分布类型,以热带性的区系分布类型为主,说明群落中的植物与热带亚洲区系有着密切的关系,温带性的分布类型次之,说明群落具有过渡性的特征,缺少中国特有分布类型,说明森林群落区系分布研究具有一定区域性。(3)群落中八个主要的乔木种群,使用样方法取样和方差均值比的检验分析,红锥、红椆Lithocarpus fenzelianus和肉实树Sarcosperma laurinum三个种群为随机分布类型,公孙锥、鸭脚木Schefflera octophylla、岭罗麦Tarennoidea wallichii、黄杞Engelhardia roxburghiana和狭叶泡花Meliosma angustifolia五个种群为集群分布类型。反映出群落正处于演替的中期阶段,随着演替的发展,随机分布类型会逐渐上升。各种群的分布格局动态变化过程可分为五大种类型:Ⅰ型:红锥、公孙锥和狭叶泡花种群的集群——随机——随机模式;Ⅱ型:鸭脚木种群的集群——集群——随机模式;Ⅲ型:黄杞种群的随机——集群——集群模式;Ⅳ型:肉实树和红椆种群的随机——随机——随机模式;Ⅴ型:岭罗麦为随机——集群——随机,表现出不同种群的生长、发育模式有较大的差异性。(4)通过种-面积分析,该群落最小面积为4800m2。群落物种丰富,物种多样性较高。通过不同高度、不同径级的多样性相关指数的比较分析发现随着高度和径级的增加,物种个体数量呈现幂函数递减变化,可以用y=1177x-202和y=1216x-2.48方程来说明。物种数量呈现指数递减性变化,可以用y=189.9e-0.36x和y=235.8e-0.53x来说明。Marglef指数则呈现对数递减变化,可以用y=-7.45Ln(x)+19.86和y=-9.50Ln(x)+20.66来说明。Shannon-Wiener指数呈现线性递减变化,可以用y=-0.288x+4.601和y=-0.448x+4.866来说明。而与以上变化不同的是均匀度指数,随着高度和径级的增加,会有小幅的增长。说明随着高度和径级的增加,物种多度趋向均匀,种群配置更为合理。综合结果表明,以壳斗科植物优势的山地雨林群落物种较为丰富,区系成分较复杂,优势种群的分布格局及动态变化存在较大差异,多样性指数与高度和径级多为负相关,小高度和小径级对多样性的贡献度较大。因此对该地区的森林管理要尽量保持群落的自然演替状态,尽量减少人为活动的干扰,对于物种多样性的维持和保护,可以优先考虑小高度、小径级的群体。

【Abstract】 There are two major types of Montane Rain Forest in Hainan, One is that Dacydium pierrei and Podocarpus imbricatus of Podocarpaceae is dominance in community and the other is that Castanopsis hystrix and Castanopsis tonkinensis of Fagaceae is dominance in community. The former distrbution is very prevalence and it is as preferred study object to study by most researcher, but the latter distrbution is more narrow and isn’t noticeed by scholars.For full understanding of the characteristics of Montane Rain Forest in Hainan,we use the conventional method of community study to research the community that lie on the elevation1000meter valley and Castanopsis hystrix and Castanopsis tonkinensis of Fagaceae is dominance in community. Our works include four parts species composition&physical characteristics, the areal-type,population pattern of the major population&the dynamic change and species diversity.The research results indicates:(1) In6000m2sample plot, there are249species that blong to84family and166genus.Among249species, there are Xylophyta192species,Herb33species and Liana24species. Xylophyta is main high strong tree.Herb is almost Pteridophyta.Liana is majority woody.Garroting and buttress root are few found in this region.In sample community the leaves are almost entire,leather, mesophyll and simple leaf and the life form are major Meso-Phanaerophyte.The community characteristices are fit for the high tempreture and wet environment.(2)The areal-type of sample plot is very complex.There are10areal-types,that tropical type is major and means the plants of sample community relationship with the plant of trocpial Asia is very close,temperate zone is second and indicate the sample plot community transition.The special species of China was not almost found in this sample community that because of the restrictive condition of areal-type of forest study.(3) In this plot,there are eight major tree species.By method of Variance/Mean, we found that Castanopsis hystrix, L. fenzelianus A. Camus and Sarcosperma laurinum are random distribution pattern and Castanopsis tonkinensis, Schefflera octophylla, Tarennoidea wallichii, Engelhardia roxburghiana and Meliosma angustifolia are cluster distribution pattern. By study on dynamic change of population distrbution pattern, we can draw a conclusion that there are five change types of different grade species.Castanopsis hystrix,Castanopsis tonkinensis, Meliosma angustifolia belong to the type Ⅰ of Cluster——Random——Random, Sch efflera octophylla belong to the type Ⅱ of Cluster——Cluster-Random, Engelhardia roxburghiana belong to the type III of Random——Cluster——Cluster, Sarcosperma laurinum and L. fenzelianus A. Camus belong to the type IV of Random——Random——Random, Tarennoidea wallichii belong to the type V of Random——Cluster——Random.By the analysis of change of these species distrbution pattern, we find that the change are because of the biology characteristices of these species itself, interspecific competition, intraspecies competition and environmental factor.(4)By study, we find that the minimum area of community is4800m2.There are rich species.We compare the species diversity between different height and different DHB.We find that the individual number relationship with height and DHB is negative correlation and may reflect by y=1177x-2.02and y=1216x-2.48.We find that the species amount relationship with height and DHB is also negative correlation and reflect by y=189.9e-0.36x and y=235.8e-0.53x.We find that Marglef exponent relationship with height and DHB is also negative correlation and explain by y=-7.45Ln (x)+19.86and y=-9.50Ln(x)+20.66.The Shannon-Winener exponent relation with height and DHB is also negative correlation and explain by y=-0.288x+4.601and y=-0.448x+4.866.But the Evenness indices is different that it relationship with height and DHB is positive correlation. Along with the height and DHB rises, the species abundance tend to uniformity, population configuration is more reasonable.In this region,there are more abundant species and the areal-type is very complex and population distribution pattern forming and changing have more different factors and between diversity with height and DHB is negative correlation.Small height and small DHB is very important,that we try our best to keep it natural and reduce human intervention, and we may first consider the small height and small DHB for protecting and remaining the species diversity in Bawangling, Hainan Island.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 海南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】Q948
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】138