

The Administrative Hearing System on the Influence of the Public Policy Analysis

【作者】 王海涛

【导师】 高力;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 行政管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 公众直接或间接参与社会公共领域事务既实现了公民自身的利益,也有助于实现公共利益的价值最大化。但要提高、深化和拓展公众参与公共政策制定的广度、深度和范围,必须进行制度创新,建构更完善的制度运行机制。近年来,我国在这方面做了一些尝试,其中之一就是在公共政策制定领域引入了听证制度。本文第一部分是绪论,主要包括选题来源及意义、研究综述、研究方法。第二部分是听证制度的概述,包括听证制度的含义和听证的种类。第三部分是听证制度在公共决策中的重要作用,包括听证制度对决策者行为的影响以及听证制度与公共部门决策的科学化、民主化。第四部分是我国行政听证制度存在的现状和问题,总结了我国听证制度的现状和我国行政听证制度存在的问题,问题主要表现为公共性和专家性的缺失,利益组织化的缺失,信息不对称与听证信息不公开,公众参与激励机制的缺失。第五分部是完善听证制度,促进行政决策科学化,包括改进和完善听证制度的目标原则,从决策的意见咨询型听证向博弈型听证转变,从个体参与型听证向团体参与型听证转变,从政府主导型听证向社会化多元主导型听证转变,从权力依附型听证向权力制约和监督型听证转变。同时,必须提高听证代表的代表性、建立中立主持人制度;从法规和程序层面,推进听证立法,扩大听证范围、完善听证会公开制度,改变目前听证没有统一的法律规范的局面,进一步完善听证公开制度;建立决策部门说理制度、完善质询制度,提高听证对政府决策的影响力;降低听证成本,为公民参与创造必要的条件。而行政听证制度作为我国听证制度的一项重要内容,本文也是基于这个层面进行深入探讨。

【Abstract】 The public directly or indirectly involved in the public domain of social affairs, both self-interest of the citizens, and also helps to maximize the value of public interest. However, to improve, deepen and expand public participation in the breadth, depth and scope of public policy making, the need for institutional innovation, and construct a better system to run. In recent years, in this respect, a number of attempts, one of which is the introduction of a hearing in the field of public policy-making system. The hearing system in the public policy making is important pillars of modern democracy and modern administrative procedures system, it’s equal participation in promoting the interests of all parties in the main in the public policy process, to ensure that government is open, fair and impartial exercise of public power, scientific public policy, democratization and the rule of law is extremely important and can not be irreplaceable role for the other system. The hearing system widely used in major changes in the way of the administrative organs of administration by law, a landmark. First, the establishment of the hearing system to help meet the public’s right to ensure that citizens within the larger scope of legal or social organization to participate in public policy development and implementation process, the public advocate in public policy-making process to reflect, for citizens to participate directly in public policy making, benefit-expression, an increase of new channels; Second, the hearing system of rules of public policy making process, promote the public policy of openness and transparency, improve the quality and efficiency of public policy, can effectively monitor the behavior of decision makers and contribute to all sectors of society in public decision-making stage to communicate with each other, enhance mutual understanding and reach consensus, the public policy making process more standardized, rational and scientific level of the public policy; again, the hearing system will help to ensure the legitimacy of public policy, but also helps to reduce the resistance of the policy implementation process as well as the communication mechanism of interest caused by poor policy implementation of deformation.

【关键词】 听证制度公共政策影响
【Key words】 Hearing Systempublic policyimpact
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期