

【作者】 肖典慧

【导师】 刘薇琳;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 成人教育学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 基础教育的任何发展与改革,最终都是要通过教师有效地教育实践才能实现。而教师教育实践质量的不断提升,离不开教师专业能力的不断发展与进步。教师继续教育是教师专业能力发展的重要契机与保障。因此,对占教师数量大部分的基层中小学教师继续教育的现状进行调查研究,发现其存在的问题与不足进而试探性地提出解决的方法与途径是十分必要的。本研究以成人学习理论和教师专业化理论以及终身学习理论为主要理论支撑,以云南省基层中小学教师师资队伍的现状为基础,结合云南省多元民族文化的大背景,对云南省十三个市州的基层中小学教师进行问卷调查和访谈。在此次调查与访谈中,直接针对教师的继续教育情况设计了大量问题,涉及教师接受继续教育的内容面、对教育效果的评价、参与继续教育的动机、所期待的教育形式及时间等等。调查显示,云南省基层中小学教师继续教育现状有许多不尽如人意的地方:忽视具有云南省地域特点的“大一统”教育内容与形式;过度关注知识技能的传授,忽略教师自身的参与性;缺乏对教师职业生涯发展的关注;忽视教师内在的学习需求;评价机制不完善;培训效果不够明显且满意度较低;学历教育所占比重较大;教师专业能力发展不均衡等等。通过对国内外教师继续教育的经验总结以及对基层中小学教师能力具体要求的分析,提出针对云南省基层中小学教师继续教育的相关意见与建议:重视基层教师特别是少数民族地区教师的地域特点教育;均衡开展各层次各级别教师继续教育工作;提供更具建设性的学习内容以满足教师学习的内在需求;完善继续教育的评估体系,确保培训质量;建设相应的精神奖励和物质保障机制,提高教师参加继续教育的积极性;从长远发展的角度看待继续教育的实施;关注广大基层中小学教师整个职业长远可持续的发展。

【Abstract】 Development and reform of basic education are ultimately educational practice by teachers can be achieved. Continuously upgrade the quality of teacher education practice, inseparable from the teachers’ continuous professional development and progress. The continuing education of teachers is an important opportunity for teacher professional development and security. Therefore, the current number of teachers accounted for the majority of primary school teachers continuing education to conduct research, and found the problems and shortcomings and thus tentatively propose ways and means to solve is very necessary.In this study, adult learning theories and teacher professionalization theory and lifelong learning theory as the main theoretical support based on the status of teachers of primary school teachers in Yunnan Province, combined with the background of the multi-ethnic culture of Yunnan Province, Yunnan Province, a municipal The grass-roots primary and secondary school teachers in the state conducted a questionnaire survey and interviews. Directly designed for the continuing education of teachers in the survey and interview a number of issues involving the teachers to receive the contents of the surface of the continuing education, evaluation of the effect of education, the motivation to participate in continuing education, the expected form of education and time, etc. Through investigation, we found there are still many unsatisfactory:ignore the diverse ethnic culture, educational content and form of Yunnan Province, primary school teachers on the continuing education; excessive focus on imparting knowledge and skills, to ignore the participation of the teachers; lack of teacher career development concern; ignored inner teacher learning needs; evaluation mechanisms are inadequate; training effect is less obvious and less satisfied; academic education a larger proportion; teacher professional development is not balanced.Through continuing education experience of domestic and foreign teachers as well as the specific requirements of primary school teachers capacity analysis, comments and suggestions for continuing education for primary school teachers in Yunnan Province: the great importance of grass-roots teachers, especially minority teachers in multiethnic culture and education; balanced to carry out continuing education at all levels and at all levels of teachers; provide a more constructive learning content to meet the internal needs of the teachers’learning; improve the continuing education evaluation system to ensure the quality of training; construction of the corresponding spiritual reward and material security mechanism, improving teachers’ enthusiasm to participate in continuing education; look at the implementation of continuing education from the perspective of long-term development; concerned about the long-term sustainable development of the majority of primary school teachers throughout their careers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【下载频次】113