

Research of the Division Based on Soil Testing and Fertilizer Recommendation in Linquan County

【作者】 姚殿立

【导师】 白由路;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业资源利用, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年来,我国部分地区出现了盲目施用化肥和过量施用化肥现象,导致了化肥的施用量急剧增加。在施肥种类上,重无机肥轻有机肥、重氮肥轻磷钾肥及微肥的现象较为普遍,导致土壤营养失衡,生产成本增大,粮食增产幅度减慢,增产增效甚微,农业生产能力降低,不仅加大了施肥成本,而且造成了农田及河流的污染和农产品质量下降。测土配方施肥技术可以提高肥料利用率和减少肥料用量,提高农作物产量,保护农业生态环境,改善农产品品质,培肥地力,节省生产成本,实现农业可持续发展,在农业生产中具有重要的作用。是发展“优质、高产、高效”农业,增加农民收入的有效途径。本研究以安徽省临泉县为研究单元,通过土壤化验(8131个)、田间肥效试验(47个)等工作,探索出适合本地区的施肥规律。1、摸清了临泉县耕地土壤养分状况。全县耕地土壤的养分现状为:有机质平均含量16.79g/kg,全氮平均为1.07g/kg,有效磷平均30.88mg/kg,速效钾平均135.57mg/kg,有效铜平均1.69mg/kg,有效锌平均0.75mg/kg,有效锰平均56.86mg/kg,有效铁平均54.18mg/kg,有效硼平均0.28mg/kg,有效硫平均19.22mg/kg。与第二次土壤普查数据比较,全县有机质平均含量增加了2.57g/kg,增加18.24%;全氮增加了0.074g/kg,增加7.43%;有效磷增加了21.88mg/kg,增加243.11%;速效钾比第二次土壤普查有所降低,降低27.43mg/kg,降低16.83%。按照全国土壤养分分级划分标准,有机质、速效钾属三级水平,有效磷属二级水平,全氮属四级;微量元素中铁、铜、锰较为丰富,硼、锌相对偏低,整体缺乏。总体来看临泉县耕层土壤有机质、全氮、速效钾含量中等偏低,土壤有效磷较丰富,硼、锌缺乏。在肥料投入上要重施有机肥,控磷肥,稳氮肥,补钾肥,增施锌、硼肥。2、对临泉县耕地进行了分等定级。利用县域耕地资源管理信息系统软件,对耕地地力评价结果的外部属性数据库进行操作,检索统计耕地各等级的面积及图幅总面积。以2009年临泉县耕地总面积113474hm2为基准,按面积比例计算各耕地地力等级面积。临泉县耕地总面积为113474hm2,其中一级地22386.15hm2,占耕地总面积的19.73%,二级地46221.29hm2,占耕地总面积的40.73%,三级地29656.77hm2,占耕地总面积的26.14%,四级地15210.24hm2,占耕地总面积的13.40%。3、建立了临泉县主要作物施肥指标体系。在一、二、三、四级地分别建立了小麦和玉米的施肥指标体系,获得小麦和玉米在不同地力水平下的最佳施肥量,同时概化出了不同区域不同作物的施肥配方。利用管理分区进行推荐施肥,在一定程度上提高了施肥的针对性,做到因土施肥、精确管理。根据施肥分区图,进而提出相应的区域施肥推荐方案,指导农民合理施肥。在此基础上,提出作物专用肥配方,组织当地农技部门及生产厂家生产作物专用配方肥,实现区域配方施肥和肥料的集约利用。

【Abstract】 In recent years, blind and excessive fertilizer phenomenon appears in some areas of China, whichleads to a sharp increase of fertilizer application amount. In the types of fertilization, its a commonphenomenon that we pay much attention to inorganic fertilizer and nitrogen, but neglect organic manure,phosphorus and potassium, which result in the imbalance of soil nutrient, production cost increases,grain yield increase speed decreases, profits increase is not obvious, agricultural production capacityreduction, it not only increases the cost of fertilizer, but also causes the pollution of the farmland andrivers and the decline of the agricultural products quality.We can improve the fertilizer use efficiency and reduce the amount of fertilizer by applying soiltesting and fertilizer recommendation technology, increase crop yields, protect agricultural ecologicalenvironment, improve the quality of agricultural products, build up soil fertility, reduce production cost,realizing the sustainable development of agriculture, which is very important in the agriculturalproduction. It is an effective way to develop the "high quality, high yield and high efficiency"agriculture and increase the farmers’ income in.The fertilization rule suit for this area was found out through soil testing(8131) and the fieldexperiment of fertilizer effect(47) in this study based on Linquan county in Anhui province.1Found out the soil nutrient status of Linquan county. The soil nutrient status of cultivated landwas as follows: the organic matter content was16.79g/kg, total nitrogen was1.07g/kg, availablephosphorus was30.88mg/kg, the available potassium was135.57mg/kg, effective copper was1.69mg/kg, effective zinc was0.75mg/kg, the effective manganese was56.86mg/kg, the effective iron was54.18mg/kg, the effective boron was0.28mg/kg, effective sulfur was19.22mg/kg, all of the above werecalculated on average.Compared with the second national soil survey data, the average organic matter content increased2.57g/kg, increased by18.24%; total nitrogen increased0.074g/kg, increased by7.43%; availablephosphorus increased21.88mg/kg, increased by243.11%; potassium decreased27.43mg/kg, reduced by16.83%.According to the nutrient level division standard, organic matter, available potassium belong tothird level, effective phosphorus belong to secondary level, total nitrogen belong to fourth level; iron,copper, manganese are abundant in microelement, but boron, zinc are relatively low and scare as awhole.Overall, in Linquan county, the content of organic matter, total nitrogen, and available potassiumin topsoil are low to moderate, available phosphorus is abundant, and boron and zinc are deficient. Sowe should apply more organic fertilizer, and control the amount of phosphate, stabilize the amount ofnitrogen, replenish potassium and add zinc and boron.2The farmland was classified and grading in Linquan county. County land resourcemanagement information system software was used to operate on the external properties database whichcan evaluate farmland grade, retrieve and statistics the arable land acreage of each grade and the total acreage of the map. Based on total cultivated area of113,474hectares in2009in Linquan county,the acreage of each grade arable land was calculated, the total cultivated area of Linquan county is113,474hectares, of which the first level acreage is22386.15hectares, accounting for19.73%of thetotal, the second level is46221.29hectares, accounting for40.73%of the total, the third level is29656.77hectares, accounting for26.14%of the total, and the fourth level is15210.24hectares,accounting for13.40%of the total.3The fertilization index system of main crops was established in Linquan. Wheat and cornfertilizing index system were established in the first, second, third and fourth farmland grade,the bestfertilizer rates of wheat and corn were gotten in different soil fertility level, and a fertilizationprescription was generalized in different areas of different crops fertilization. To some extent, thefertilization pertinence was improved by using management division to recommend fertilization, andthan we can achieve fertilization according to soil and precise management. According to fertilizationzoning maps, the corresponding regional fertilization recommended plan was put forward to guide therational fertilization farmers. Under this foundation, crops specific formula was proposed, localagricultural department was organized and crops specific formula fertilizer were produced bymanufacturer fat to realize the regional fertilizer and fertilizer intensive using.
