

Natural and Humanity:Tian Zhuang-zhuang’s Film World

【作者】 赵冬梅

【导师】 焦素娥;

【作者基本信息】 信阳师范学院 , 文艺学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 田壮壮是“第五代”导演中的一个异类。与其他导演相比,田壮壮的导演之路历经坎坷,他的电影作品不被大多数观众理解和接受。早期拍摄探索电影《猎场札撒》和《盗马贼》的时候,田壮壮倾注了大量的心血和热情,但是几乎零拷贝的票房纪录使他倍受打击;1992年拍摄的《蓝风筝》更是因为涉及敏感题材而被禁拍十年;解禁后的新千年,田壮壮拍摄了多部文艺影片,而这些影片在以消费和大众为主导的社会语境下似乎依然没有什么市场。但是,田壮壮并没有过多的在意名利的得与失,他平和自然地坚守自己内心的感受、坚持自己的创造风格、保持自己对艺术执着的追求,他的电影始终都是真诚的关注人的生存状态和现实境遇、关注人的内心世界和精神信仰、关注人性和自然、挖掘民族文化和历史。正是田壮壮导演曲高和寡的品位、不为外物所动的坚持,才会在这个浮华的社会中有充满人文气息的、叩问生命与灵魂的艺术作品,他是令人尊敬的。本文分四个部分对田壮壮的电影进行全面、系统的研究。第一章从田壮壮成长的社会背景、家庭背景、生活环境、学习经历等方而进行细致、全方位的梳理,总结出他的电影作品中的人文思想是如何形成的。第二章对田壮壮早期的探索电影《猎场札撒》《盗马贼》进行文本解读,从影片的情节内容开始,深挖影片的内涵和意蕴,并从影像本体的纪实风格、影片画面的色彩搭配、影片镜头的拍摄技巧等方面衬托主题、表现探索影片的美学特征。第三章对田壮壮80年代末90年代初所创作的作品进行文本分析,通过对影片的叙事进行归纳和论述可以看出田壮壮处于特殊阶段的艺术观念的变迁,处于经济体制改革时期的影片风格正符合田壮壮这一时期自身的迷茫与彷徨。第四章把田壮壮在新时期创作的几部文艺影片置于消费文化的背景下进行研究,由此表现田壮壮在商业和喧嚣的社会中平静、虔诚的执着,表现他坚持本心、坚持本色的艺术信仰。

【Abstract】 Tian Zhuang-zhuang is "the fifth generation" directors of a black sheep. Compared with other directors, the road of Tian Zhuang-zhuang directed very bumpy, most of the audiences were not able to understand and accept his film. In earlier years Tian Zhuang-zhuang photographed explore movie 《On the Hunting Ground》 and 《The Horse Thief)), he spent a great deal of effort and enthusiasm, but almost zero copy box office record makes him much blow; In1992,the film 《The Blue Kite))because of the sensitive subject matter take ten years are banned; The new millennium after the ban, Tian Zhuang-zhuang took a number of films are rich in culture and art flavor, But the films in consumption and the public for the leading social environment seems to still have no market. But Tian Zhuang-zhuang didn’t too much care about fame and wealth of the gain and loss, he peacefully and naturally stick to his own inner feelings、insist on his own creation styles keep his own persistent pursuit to the art. His movies are always sincere concern person’s survival state and realistic situation、care about people’s inner world and spiritual beliefs、focus on humanity and nature、 excavate national culture and history. Just about Tian Zhuang-zhuang director’s grade too high to be popular、not for external things to move, would have the film that full of culture and inquiry of life and soul in this foppish social. He is a respectable.This text is divided into four parts to make an entire and comprehensive research into Tian Zhuang-zhuang’s films. The first chapter through detailed and comprehensive combing Tian Zhuang-zhuang’s growth of social background、family background、living environment、learning experience and ect, to summarize his movie humanistic ideas is how to form; The second chapter to unscramble Tian Zhuang-zhuang’s earlier films text 《On the Hunting Ground》 and 《The Horse Thief》,start from plot and content of the film, deep excavate the connotation and meanings of the film, then from the documentary style of photographic images ontology、the color collocation of the scenes the lens photographic skill of the film and ect, to foil theme、expression the aesthetics characteristic of experimental film. The third chapter analysis the movie by Tian Zhuang-zhuang creation at the end of the80s, in the early90s, through conclude and discusses the narrative can see the art concept change of Tian Zhuang-zhuang in his special stage, in the economic system reform period, Tian Zhuang-zhuang film style just accord with this period his own confusion and dark. The fourth chapter take several literary film by Tian Zhuang-zhuang creation in the background of consumer culture, after researches can show in business and blatant social Tian Zhuang-zhuang has his calm and devout persistent; can show he insisted on true intention、adhere to the instinctive quality art beliefs.
