

【作者】 刘天睿

【导师】 胥悦红;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 文化创意产业近些年在各国迅速崛起。受市场需求的拉动和政府大力推动的影响,我国刚刚起步的文化创意产业在这些年中也取得了较快的发展。由于该产业在我国发展时间较短,人们对其认识并不全面,国内的有关理论研究还需进一步充实和发展。作为我国重要的政治、经济、文化中心,北京市在近几年一直很重视文化创意产业的发展,并取得了重要成就。但目前,其发展受到高端人才短缺问题的严重制约。因此,对北京市文化创意产业高端人才培养模式展开研究具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。在这一背景下,本文首先对前人关于文化创意产业、文化创意产业人才的内涵和特点、文化创意产业高端人才培养问题的研究进行梳理,勾画出当前的研究现状。然后,从现实角度对北京市文化创意产业高端人才的现状及问题产生的原因进行分析。通过分析可知,高校人才培养机制的不健全与文化创意企业管理制度的不完善是造成文化创意产业高端人才短缺,中低端人才过剩的主要原因。在理论综述与现实分析的基础上,本文结合“三螺旋模型”创新理论,提出培养文化创意产业高端人才的“三螺旋演进培养模式”。该模式在继承“产学研结合”基本思想的基础上,具有以下新特点。第一,突出了文化创意产业高端人才培养的动态性。这里的动态性有两方面含义:一方面,随着文化创意产业所处生命周期阶段的演进,政府、大学、文化创意产业各方发挥作用的内容与方式不同;另方面,在文化创意产业高端人才不同成长阶段,三者发挥作用的内容与方式也不同。第二,不仅继续强调大学在培养文化创意产业高端人才的作用,更将产业的育人作用提升到与大学同等的地位。第三,将政府作为一个独立、明确的重要要素纳入文化创意产业高端人才培养模式之中。北京市文化创意产业处于产业生命周期的成长期。根据三螺旋演进培养模式,在培养高端人才过程中,大学与产业应在合作中充分发挥培养人才的作用,并由政府提供有力支撑。

【Abstract】 During the past ten years, cultural creative industries grew rapidly (?) the world. With demand’s pulling and government’s pushing, cultural creative industries, which have just started, develop fast in China. Due to the short development time, relative theories need enriching and extending. As the political, economic and cultural center, the city of Beijing has always been valuing the development of cultural creative industries and has made great achievements. However, the further development of these industries is under serious constraint of the lack of top-level talents. Thus, it is of great theoretical and practical significance that the study of top-level talent cultivation mode in cultural creative industries in Beijing is.In this context, first of all, former studies of the meanings and traits of cultural creative industries, talents and the problem of top-level talent (?)dvation mode in cultural creative industries were sorted to sketch out (?)rch status. Then, analysis was made in the current situation and reasons of top-level talent in cultural creative industries. It can be found from the analysis that unsound cultivation system in colleges and (?)ersities and faulty management system in cultural creative companies should be blamed in the shortage of top-level talents in these industries. Based on the summary of theories and analysis of reality, a’triple helix evolution cultivation mode’was proposed combining the triple helix model innovation theory.On the basis of inheriting the thought of production-study-research combination, this cultivation mode has the following new features. Firstly, it highlights the dynamics of cultivating top-level talents in cultural creative industries. There are two meanings of the dynamics here. On one hand, governments, universities and cultural creative industries play different roles along with the evolution of industry life circle. On the other hand, with the growth of talents, the roles of the three also contain different meanings and display in different ways. Secondly, not only does it lay emphasis on the importance of universities in the cultivation of top-level talents in cultural creative industries as former theories did, but it also takes the educational role of industries to the same status with universities. Thirdly, governments, as an independent and unambiguous factor, are included in the top-level talent cultivation mode.The cultural creative industries are in the stage of growth in Beijing. According to triple helix evolution cultivation mode, universities and industries should cooperate and be fully functional, and governments should provide a strong support.
