

A Study on the Identity Transformation of Three Generations of Jewish Americans in American Pastoral

【作者】 褚娜

【导师】 王业伟;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 菲利普·罗斯是当今活跃在美国文坛上的一位有影响力的犹太作家,他的每部作品在文坛上都会引起巨大的反响。菲利普·罗斯深刻洞察美国历史、文化和政治背景,他多方面、多角度地书写美国犹太人的生活,有犹太文学的悠久传统,也有美国文学的时代气息。对于大多数流散于美国的犹太作家,族裔、文化、身份认同等诸问题摆在他们面前,无以回避。犹太作家置身于美国文化与犹太文化的双重影响中,势必在创作中体现出双重文化认同倾向。在罗斯的早期作品中,他似乎想摆脱犹太文化背景对他作品创作的影响,然而他的晚期作品,如《美国牧歌》却反应出了罗斯创作上回归犹太文化背景的趋势。《美国牧歌》中反映出来的整个家族中三代美国犹太人的生活状态和身份差异,就是对这种趋势的最好的证明。本文以文化身份研究为切入点,通过文献研究,文本细读法,重点分析《美国牧歌》中的一个犹太家庭中三代人文化身份的演变,以及作者在作品中对文化身份的理解和建构。本文由六部分组成。引言部分简要介绍了罗斯的生平与创作经历,梳理了国内外的罗斯研究,并概括性地介绍和总结了文化身份的定义作为本文的理论基础。第一章以文本细读的方法分析了一个犹太家庭中三代人文化身份的变迁。第二、三、四章阐释了文中三代犹太人文化身份变迁的两种方式、历史和社会原因以及变迁的结果。经过分析研究,笔者认为菲利普·罗斯通过不同人物形象,展示了美国身份及犹太身份的变化过程。犹太人在美国的身份不是一成不变的,他们的文化身份意识经常会受到社会、历史背景的影响。

【Abstract】 Philip Roth is one of the most influential and prominent contemporary Jewish American writers in American literature. His works enjoy great popularity among the American readers. Philip Roth has profound insight into American historical, cultural and political background. His works depict the life of American Jews from different angles, which reflect the long tradition of Jewish literature as well as the features of present American literature.For most Jewish writers in America, they are confronted with the unavoidable problems of ethnic, culture and cultural identity. They are greatly influenced by American culture as well as Jewish culture. Traces of dual culture identity can be found in their works. Philip Roth is no exception. During the early period, he tried to get rid of the influence of Jewish culture in his writings. However, it is obvious that in his later works, such as American Pastoral, he intended to return to his Jewish background according to the description of the living conditions and identity difference of the characters in his novels.In the thesis, the author gives an interpretation of the novel American Pastoral from the perspective of cultural identity, analyzes the identity transformation of three generations in an American Jewish family, and explores Philip Roth’s understanding and constructing of cultural identity.The thesis is made up of six parts. The introduction part gives a short introduction to Philip Roth and American Pastoral, sums up the studies on his works at home and abroad which offers the readers a bird’s eye view of the previous studies, and provides the concept of cultural identity. The first chapter analyzes the cultural identity of the three generations separately. Chapter Two, Chapter Three and Chapter Four separately focus on the ways, reasons and results of the identity transformation of Jewish Americans. On the basis of the analyses in the above chapters, the last part draws the conclusion that the interpretation and exploration of cultural identity of literary images in the novel is one of the most important themes in the works of American Jewish writer Philip Roth. Cultural identity is not completely fixed and static. It is a process of self-constructing in certain society and history environment. The cultural identity of Jews in America is in the process of transformation. No matter what a subject’s identity is, Jewish or American, the cultural identity is greatly influenced by the historical and social background.

  • 【分类号】I712.074
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