

【作者】 高玉蓓

【导师】 杨思远;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 吐蕃王朝是藏族发展史上盛极一时的时期,它为整个藏族的长远发展起了奠基作用。这个奠基作用主要体现在藏民族的形成、统一经济体的形成以及同其他民族的交往上,藏族作为中国少数民族中人口较多的民族之一,其经济发展不仅与本民族的生存发展息息相关,而且也直接关系到整个西部乃至整个国家的前进步伐。研究吐蕃经济发展,把握其内部发展规律,正确的运用历史留给我们的宝贵财富,为藏族经济的腾飞增添新的活力。吐蕃经济研究作为藏族经济发展史上的第一篇是藏族经济发展中不可缺少的部分,它对兴衰对今天藏族经济的发展具有重要的启示和指导作用。因此,必须客观准确的把握历史事实,使其能够绽放出最大的光芒而为今所用。在古老神秘的雪域高原上藏族先民曾经经历过漫长的氏族社会发展时期。考古学家对昌都卡若文化遗址、拉萨曲贡文化遗址、山南贡嘎文化遗址以及林芝地区的发掘发现了许多精致的陶制纺轮、捕鱼工具、粟米、石器、骨器、陶器和青铜箭簇,以及较为密集的房屋遗址、石棺墓等。这些发现表明早在四五千年前,雅鲁藏布江、澜沧江、尼洋河、拉萨河的河谷地带,就已经存在氏族部落及村落。另外,此时的藏族先民已经走出洞穴,开始建造房屋,并逐渐从事早期农业、牧业,饲养家畜以及用渔网捕鱼等,甚至能够使用骨针缝制兽皮衣服,制造陶器,编造纺织品。根据敦煌古藏文史料载,在藏族东南部、南部、类乌齐等森林茂密的地区,出现了“森林人”的氏族部落,他们开始在森林里饲养野猪和野鸡等。在西部的双湖、申扎、黑河和阿里等多处发现细石器,表明很早时期该地域的氏族部落就已经开始从事农业生产和牧业狩猎活动。《西藏通史》中曾提到新石器时代晚期,藏族各地分布着许多氏族部落,经过相互兼并,最后形成了十几个部落联盟。随着经济的不断发展,各个部落联盟内部的原始公社制度开始解体,相继跨入奴隶社会。雅隆悉补野部落地处雅隆河谷地带。据藏族历史文献记载,公元前3世纪左右,聂赤赞普被推举为该部落联盟的首领,之后,他逐渐把周围的小邦列国、部落等收编为属民,修建雍布拉康宫,设定“君臣之分”,设御前苯教巫师,逐步建立完善以部落联盟为基础的政权。到第三十代赞普达布聂塞时,兴修水利技术渐趋成熟,农业灌溉有了飞速发展。另外,贸易交换不仅存在于本部落内部而且各部落之间及与中原王朝的经济贸易也逐渐兴起。伴随经济基础的稳固发展,悉补野部落的综合实力大大增强,卫藏“诸小邦中的三分之二均置于它的统治之下”。凭借雄厚的经济势力,三十一代赞普朗日松赞继续扩疆拓土、兼并四邻,伴随苏毗和象雄两个强大部落的归附,吐蕃王国的雏形逐渐显露。公元630年,英主松赞干布继赞普王位,完成了统一青藏高原的大业,迁都拉萨,创制藏文,建立了闻名遐迩的吐蕃王朝。为巩固统治,松赞干布将吐番划为4个“茹”(8世纪又增设了苏毗“茹”)和61个“东岱”(干户),繁荣经济、发展文化、促进生产。同时,建立健全会盟制度、职官制度、强化赞普权力等。松赞干布在位期间,吐蕃的农牧业经济步入正规,为后期吐蕃盛世奠定了坚实的物质基础和根本保障,同时,积极开展对外交往,汲取先进经济文化给养,促进了吐蕃经济、文化的高度发展。唐贞观年间,松赞干布与文成公主联姻,这使吐蕃与中原王朝的经济文化交流达到了前所未有的一个高峰。文成公主入藏所经之路后来形成了一条从长安到拉萨并逐渐延伸至西亚和南亚的“丝绸麝香”通道,中原地区的瓷器、茶叶、丝绸等商品也是经过此路而传入吐蕃,青藏高原的优良马匹、牦牛、沙金、鹿茸、皮毛以及藏药材等也逐渐在内地传播,促进了相互间的经济发展和社会进步。7世纪末到8世纪中叶,吐蕃持续对外扩张,奴隶制经济发展进入鼎盛时期。该时期是吐蕃奴隶制社会的巩固和发展时期,强大的经济实力支撑着吐蕃疆域的扩张,不断的扩张又保证了源源不断的奴隶供给。另外,佛教兴盛,寺庙经济的形成是该时期社会经济的一大特点。同时,吐番与周边中西亚及欧洲等地积极开展经济往来,促进了贸易的发展,汲取了先进的文化。8世纪中叶之后,吐蕃社会内部矛盾日益尖锐,由极盛开始转向衰落。为了巩固王室,赞普热巴巾(赤祖德赞)时期与唐会盟,史称“长庆会盟”。会盟取得了唐番之间的友好交往和互市经济的新发展。8世纪后期,吐蕃向唐朝学习,开始在部分地方施行“均田制”,让部分平民拥有属于自己的一部分土地。吐蕃社会开始出现封建制经济萌芽。9世纪中叶,奴隶属民大起义,王室争权斗争激烈,吐蕃王朝中在风雨飘摇中走向崩溃。卫藏等地形成了互不统属的多个地方割据势力,奴隶制经济逐步瓦解,部分幸存的奴隶主贵族又与各地方宗族势力及寺院各教派势力相互勾结,发展为割据一方的新兴封建领主。一部分属民和奴隶取得了小块土地和牲畜,发展为个体农牧民和自耕农。藏族社会开始进入封建农奴制经济发展阶段。

【Abstract】 The TuBo Dynasty is a great time in the history of Tibetan, it is a Foundation for the long-term development in Tibetan history. Its Foundation mainly reflected in the formation of Tibetan、the formation of an unified economy and the contacted with other peoples, as a Chinese minority nation, its development of economy not only closely linked with itself survival, but also directly related the entire west and even the entire country. To research in its economic development, grasp its internal laws of development, correct use the valuable asset that history left to us and make the Tibetan economic take off a new vitality. Tubo economic research was the first part in Tibetan economic development history which is an essential element. It palyed an important inspiration and guidance in today’s Tibetan economic and institutional. Therefore, it should be objective and accurate research its historical facts, so that which can shine the maximum light for today.The Tibetan national ancients have experienced a long clan society development time in the ancient and mystical snowed plateau. With the Archaeologists exploded in ChangDo and CaRuo cultural heritage sites, QuGong cultural heritage sites, Shannan GongGa cultural heritage sites and the region of LinZhi who found many exquisite ceramic woven wheels、fishing tools、corn、stone、bone、potteries and bronze arrow cluster, as well as much more intensive housing sites、Sarcophagus, etc. These findings suggested that as early as45000years ago, the valley of YaLuZangBu River, LanCang River and Lasa River had been existed tribal and clan village. In addition, at this time the Tibetan had been went out the caves, to start construct houses and had been gaining early agriculture, animal husbandry, livestock husbandry and fishing with nets, and even to be able to use bone needle sewing clothing, make animal skins, and fabricate textile products.According to the DunHuang historical materials about ancient Tibetan, in the dense forest regions it can be found "forest people" clan of the tribe, such as in southern and Southeast Tibet, LeiWuQi edc. They began to feed wild boar and pheasants. Many fine stone artifacts were found in the west of ShuangHu, ShenZha, Heihe and ALi, which indicated that during the early period the clan tribes in this area had begun to engage in agricultural production, animal husbandry and hunting activities.Yarlung tribe lived in The region of Yarlung Valley. According to Tibetan historical literature record, The3rd century BC Nie Chizan Pu was recommended as this tribe alliance’s leader, after that, he put the small nations, countries, tribes to incorporated gradually for the subject, to construct YongBuLaKang Palace, to set "division of the rulers and the ministers", it is gradually established a regime as the foundation of the tribe alliance. Accompanied with the development of solid economic base noted that complement greatly enhanced the comprehensive strength of the wild tribes,"two-thirds of all small states were placed under its rule in Wei Zang area.With strong economic forces the39-generation ZanPu of LangRiSongZan continued to expand territories, and to merged neighbors, accompanied by the two powerful tribes Soviet Union and Xiangxiong allegiance,the prototype of the Tubo Kingdom gradually emerged.630A.D the wise ZanPu Songtsen became the king. He completed the great cause of reunification in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.relocatied the capital in Lhasa and created the Tibetan language, To establish a world-renowned regime-TuBo Dynasty. He consolidated the rules, divided Tubo into four Ru (8th century added Supi "Ru") and61"dongdai"(QianHu), developed culture,economy and production.At the same time, established a sound Alliance system, official system, to strength his power.During the reign of Songtsen Tibetan agriculture and animal husbandry entered to formal which laid a solid material foundation and the fundamental guarantee for the late Tibetan Golden Age. At the same time, it was positive to develop foreign relations and learned from the advanced economic and cultural provision to promote the development of the Tibetan economy and culture. During the Tang Dynasty ZhenGuan years, the marriage of Songtsen Gampo and Princess Wencheng made the Tibetan and Central Plains between economic and cultural exchanges reached an unprecedented peak.7century to the mid-century, the Tubo continued outward expansion and the slavery economic development had entered its heyday. The period was a time of consolidation and development in Tibetan slavery society. Powerful economic strength to support the expansion of Tibetan territory, the continuous expansion also guaranteed a steady stream of slave supply. In addition, Buddhism flourished, the formation of the temple economy was a major feature of the social economy in the period. At the same time, Tibet a, the West Asia, Europe and other places in the surrounding began to active in economic exchanges and to promote the development of trade and also to learn the advanced culture.After the mid-8th century, the Tibetan internal contradictions was becoming increasingly,heyday began to turn to decline. In order to consolidating the royal family, in ZAP ReBaJin (red Jude Chan) period with Tang formed an alliance which known as "Changqing Alliance". The Alliance made a new economic development of the friendly exchanges between Tang Dynasty and trade. The late8th century, the Tibetan learned from the Tang Dynasty to set up "The land of average"in some places, Some civilians had a part of their own the land. Tibetan society began to feudalism economic budding.In the mid-9th century, Slave and civilian were uprising, the royals are fierce to struggle for power. The Tubo Kingdom in the precarious went to Collapse. A number of local separatist forces were formed in WeiZang and they didn’t belong to each other. Slavery economy gradually collapsed, some of the surviving nobility slaveholders, Clan forces and Monastery forces are in collusion to develop a separatist party of emerging feudal lords. Part of the people and slaves got a small piece of land and livestock, then development of individual farmers and homesteaders. Tibetan society had begun to enter the stage of economic development of the feudal serfdom.

【关键词】 藏族吐蕃经济史经济交往
【Key words】 TibetanTuBoeconomic historyeconomic exchanges