

【作者】 寇少丽

【导师】 张铭心;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 考古与博物馆学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 人物纹饰即装饰有人物形象的草原“动物纹”艺术’。这些具有人物图像的纹饰,不同于动物纹,体现了古代北方民族对于人的认知,直接反映人及人们的社会生活。该文以青铜时代晚期至早期铁器时代中国北方草原地带所见的装饰艺术人物纹为主要研究对象,系统收集材料,在前人对“动物风格”艺术研究的基础之上,结合考古出土的文化群相,对人物图像本身及这些形象背后的意义做出探讨。该文以环燕山南北及长城内外地带考古出土的北方民族人物纹饰为主,结合国内外传世藏品,根据主题内容和装饰风格等特征,将其划分为早中晚三期和单体人物、人与动物、人物场景三大类型,一方面探讨这些人物纹饰的文化内涵,考察西周至西汉时期古代北方民族的物质文化和精神文明,梳理公元前一千年来古代北方民族之经济社会与文化生活之演变。另一方而分析人物纹饰的文化因素,论证各类人物纹饰与中原及其域外(黑海北岸、西西伯利亚)文化的联系,探讨古代北方民族各个时期与其临近的华夏国家及更远的欧亚草原民族之间的关系及文化交流状况。该文认为早期至中期的人物纹饰整体上没有传承性,并具有很强的地域色彩,战国晚期在吸收中原制作技法和和南俄草原斯基泰等草原游牧文化的基础上开始本土化进程,并在匈奴帝国时期形成了统一的象征民族身份的人物纹饰艺术语言。基于人物纹饰,该文认为这一时期的北方地带是一个种族、经济社会及文化错综复杂的区域,早中期阶段在文化传统上也并不是一脉相承,直到战国后期才开始在以斯基泰游牧文化为主的多民族与多元文化交汇融合的基础上形成了强盛的匈奴文化。

【Abstract】 Ornamentation with human images and it’s activities is a kind of the "Animal style" as well as Scythio-Siberian Art which includes human figures. To some extent the Ornamentation with human figures is different from animal style, Which embody self-cognition of ancient northern people and direct reflected human themselves and their social life.This dissertation mainly studies the Ornamentation with human figures which can be found in the northern China, date from the late Bronze Age to the early Iron Age. Inquire into these characters and the meaning behind the image text on the basis of previous study on animal style art, by means of collecting data systematically which contain archaeological objects.This dissertation gives priority to The Ornamentation with human figures excavated around the areas near to Yanshan Mountain and the Great Wall belt, combined with relics handed down both in domestic and abroad. According to some features especially in motifs and decorative style, the Ornamentation with human figures can be divided into three periods of the early, middle and late age, and three dominant patterns of individual, human and animals, scenes with human.On the one hand, we investigate material and spiritual civilization of China’s northern people throughout exploring the cultural connotation of the Ornamentation with human figures, and try to sort out development of China’s northern people’s economic society and their cultural life since B.C.1000.On the other hand, through analyzing cultural factors of the characters decorated Ornamentation and demonstrate the connection with the culture of Central Plains and abroad (The northern shore of the Black Sea and West Siberia), the author finally inquire into the relationship and cultural communication’s condition among ancient northern people, countries in Central Plains and people in Eurasia grasslands.This dissertation argues that the Ornamentation with human figures generally appears no constant tradition, but is strongly characterized by its regional feature in the early and middle times. In the late Age,about the Huns rises, based on absorbing the technique of Central Plains and the culture of South Russian Steppe Scythian, the Ornamentation with human figures of the China’s northern glassland begins its localization and unified process in the late Warring States, and eventually formed their own language of Art which symbolizes its national identity and the grassland culture during the Huns Empire Period.At this period, the northern area is a place filled with complicated nations, economic societies and cultures. Though having no inheritance in cultural tradition, it forges prosperous Huns culture on the basis of joining and merging multiple nations and cultures which is dominated by the Scythian nomadic culture.

  • 【分类号】C95
  • 【下载频次】244