

The Explored of High Frequency Ultrasonic Detection and Low Frequency Ultrasonic Penetration

【作者】 陈忠元

【导师】 陈娟;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 控制工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科技的发展和社会的进步,无论是对于工业制造还是人类自身,无损、无副作用都成为高频词汇。超声波因其优良的声学特性、无毒无害的显著特点而被越来越广泛的应用在检测、治疗等领域。本文以超声波的传播特性与声学机理为依据,探究了超声波在检测与医疗方面的两个典型应用,在总结前人工作的基础上,进行了一定的创新,主要研究工作如下:(1)根据高频超声波在各种介质中的传播特性以及其自身的透射、反射规律,完成高频超声波测厚传感器的设计,包括超声波聚焦直探头、超声波TR双晶片探头以及超声波轮式探头。(2)根据超声波脉冲反射法的机理,本文结合FPGA的自身特点,设计了高速、高精度的超声波测厚系统。完成了超声波回波信号的硬件处理电路及相应的FPGA程序设计。与传统的基于单片机的便携式测厚仪相比,该系统采样速度快且测量精度高。(3)结合前人工作及相关文献,本文探讨和研究了低频超声波促渗法的主要机理。设计了频率为28KHz的低频超声发射电路。以经皮给药系统为基础,自主设计实验,研究影响低频超声波促渗作用的主要因素以及低频超声波的促渗效果,通过对比,得出实验结论。

【Abstract】 With the development of science and technology, the environmentalprotection called people more and more urgent requirement. No matterfor industrial manufacturing or human itself, nondestructive and withoutany side effects have all become high-frequency words. Because of thegood acoustic and avirulent characteristics, ultrasonic is more and moreextensive application in the test, treatment, and other fields. This paperexplores the two typical application in the area of ultrasonic detectionand medical care which base on the main propagation characteristics andthe acoustic mechanism of ultrasonic.This paper comes to a certaininnovation on the former related work and puts forward the idea of thefuture. The main research work are as follows:(1)According to the propagation characteristics of ultrasound in thevarious media,this paper completed the design of the ultrasonic probewhich include the ultrasound probe of focus straight, the ultrasoundprobe of TR and the ultrasound probe of wheel-style.(2)According to the mechanism of ultrasonic pulse reflection methodand the characteristic of FPGA, this paper designs the system of ultrasonic thickness measurement which is high speed and highprecision.The hardware circuit of ultrasonic echo and the softwarebased on FPGA are completed. Comparing with the traditional portablethickness gauge based on single chip micyoco, this system has a higherspeed of sample and high accuracy. With the help of the ultrasoundprobe of wheel-style,the continuous measurement of thickness with allthe cover can be compeleted.(3)Combining the pervious work and the related literature,the paperdiscussed the mechanism of the ultrasonic penetration enhancersmethod.On the basis of transdermal drug delivery systems, the paperdesigns the experiments to study the main factors which influences theeffect of ultrasonic penetration enhancers method.All of the above workis the data accumulation and theoretical exploration for the ultrasonicbone.
