

Evaluation on Nutritional Value in Common Feed for Blue Fox

【作者】 云春凤

【导师】 高秀华;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 饲料是蓝狐人工饲养的基础,其营养价值直接影响蓝狐的生产性能及产品质量。目前,我国蓝狐饲料的营养价值评价尚处于初级阶段。本研究使用化学分析法和动物试验法分别评价我国蓝狐常用饲料的营养价值,为充分利用饲料资源、合理配制日粮提供理论依据。本研究包括三个试验:试验一:化学分析法评价我国蓝狐常规饲料的营养价值。2009年12月至2011年6月期间,到山东省、河北省、天津市、辽宁省、吉林省、黑龙江省、内蒙古自治区等地的几个大型蓝狐饲养基地进行了饲料资源利用情况调查,采集到蓝狐饲料原料样品6类51种96个。测定水分、干物质、粗脂肪、粗蛋白质、粗灰分、钙、总磷的含量,并此为变量,进行主成分分析及聚类分析。结果表明:鸡骨架、鸭骨架、猪骨泥、牙鲆排、大麻哈鱼排、碟鱼排、小黄花鱼头、明太鱼排、虾蛄的营养成分较接近;红娘鱼、安康鱼、牙鲆、大黄花鱼、海杂鱼、虾虎鱼、小黄花鱼、沙蚕的营养成分较相似;狐狸油、羊油、鸡油、鸭油、猪油、大豆油、鸡肠的营养成分较相似;牛肝、鸡肝、鸭肝的营养成分较相似。试验二:动物试验法评价不同来源蛋白质、脂肪饲料对育成期蓝狐生产性能及血清生化指标的影响。选择55日龄蓝狐80只(公母各半),随机分为4个处理(P植F植、P植F动、P动F植、P动F动)。各处理组日粮营养水平基本一致,蛋白质、脂肪来源不同(P植为豆粕、玉米蛋白粉、玉米胚芽粉,P动为鱼粉、鸡肉粉、肉骨粉,F植为豆油,F动为猪油)。预饲期16天,试验期58天。结果表明:(1) P植组干物质、粗蛋白质、总能消化率和干物质采食量显著高于P动组(P<0.05),血清尿素氮、料重比极显著高于P动组(P<0.01),蛋白质生物学价值、血清总胆固醇极显著低于P动组(P<0.01);(2)雄性蓝狐F植组干物质消化率极显著高于F动组(P<0.01),粗脂肪、总能消化率和血清总蛋白质显著高于F动组(P<0.05),氮沉积、净蛋白质利用率、蛋白质生物学价值、血清总胆固醇、干物质采食量极显著低于F动组(P<0.01);雌性蓝狐F植组粗蛋白质消化率、血清葡萄糖显著高于F动组(P<0.05),氮沉积、净蛋白质利用率、蛋白质生物学价值极显著低于F动组(P<0.01)。试验三:动物试验法评价不同来源蛋白质、脂肪饲料对冬毛期蓝狐生产性能、血清生化指标及毛皮质量的影响。选择129日龄蓝狐80只(公母各半),分为4个处理。试验设计同试验二。预饲期17天,试验期64天。结果表明:(1) P植组干物质、粗蛋白质、总能消化率显著高于P动组(P<0.05),尿氮、血清尿素氮、料重比极显著高于P动组(P<0.01),粪氮、氮沉积、净蛋白质利用率、蛋白质生物学价值、日增重、干皮长、毛皮品质极显著低于P动组(P<0.01),血清总胆固醇、体长显著低于P动组(P<0.05);(2)雄性蓝狐F植组粗蛋白质消化率显著高于F动组(P<0.05),尿氮、血清总蛋白极显著高于F动组(P<0.01),血清总胆固醇显著低于F动组(P<0.05);雌性蓝狐F植组粗蛋白质、粗脂肪消化率显著高于F动组(P<0.05),总能消化率、尿氮、血清葡萄糖、血清总蛋白、料重比极显著高于F动组(P<0.01),蛋白质生物学价值、日增重极显著低于F动组(P<0.01),体长、干皮长显著低于F动组(P<0.05)。综上所述,本研究制定了蓝狐常规饲料营养成分表,绘制了我国蓝狐常规饲料营养成分相似性图谱,为蓝狐养殖企业就近低成本选择饲料原料提供理论依据。动物试验的结果显示,育成期和冬毛期蓝狐均表现出动物性蛋白质饲料的饲养效果优于植物性蛋白质饲料,故实际生产中,不能为了追求低成本而过多使用植物性蛋白质饲料。冬毛期雌性蓝狐猪油的饲养效果优于豆油,故建议多使用猪油。冬毛期雄性蓝狐和育成期蓝狐猪油和豆油能够得到相似的饲养效果,故养殖企业可以根据价格等其他因素适当选择。

【Abstract】 As the fundamental element of blue fox farming, the feeding, especially its nutrient value, affectsthe productive performance and products quality directly. However, the evaluation of feed for blue foxis still at an early stage in China. In this study, we tried to evaluate the nutrient values of certainfeedings which are commonly used in blue fox farming using methods of chemical analysis andevaluation in vivo, expecting to provide useful advices for feeding selection of blue fox farmingbusiness.Three tests were conducted in this study:Test1: The nutrient value evaluation of normal feedings for blue foxes in China using methods ofchemical analysis. The test was conducted from December,2009to June,2011, when the utilization offeeding resources in Shandong, Hebei, Tianjin, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia et al, whereblue foxes are widely raised.96animal feedstuff samples of51species from6types were collected andanalysed for moisture, DM,EE,CP, crude ash, Ca and TP. Taking the nutrient content as variables, weconducted the principal component analysis and cluster analysis using SAS. The results showed asfollows: The nutrient values of Chicken skeleton, Duck skeleton, Pig bone paste, Soleus bone, Chumsalmon bone, Butterflyfish bone, Head of small yellow croaker, Walleye pollack bone, and Squilla wereclose. Lepidotrigla, Anglerfish, Soleus, Large yellow croaker, Low-value small fish, Gobiidae, Smallyellow croaker, Clamworm had similar nutrient values. Fox oil, Sheep oil, Chicken oil, Duck oil, Lard,Soybean oil had similar nutrient values. Chicken liver, Duck liver, Beef liver had similar nutrient values.Test2: Effects of different dietary protein and fat sources on the blue foxes of growing periodusing evaluation in vivo.80blue foxes of55-day-age with similar body weight were selected andrandomly divided into4groups with10males and10females each. The nutrient levels of different dietswere consistent despite different protein and fat resources. Two dietary protein sources were plantprotein(soybean meal, corn protein meal and corn germ meal) and animal protein (fish meal, chickenmeal and bone meat meal), two dietary fat sources were soybean oil and lard, in four kinds ofexperimental diets (P plant+F plant, P plant+F animal, P animal+F plant, P animal+F animal). Theexperiment included preset period for16days and test period for58days. The results showed as follows:(1) Digestibility coefficients of dry mass, protein and energy, dry matter intake(P<0.05)in P plant groupwere significantly higher than P animal group, BUN and feed-weight ratio of P plant group weresignificantly higher than that of P animal group(P<0.01), but biological value of protein, serum albumin,efficiency of feed utilization in P plant group were extremely significantly lower than P animalgroup(P<0.01).(2) Digestibility coefficients of dry matter(P<0.01),digestibility coefficients of fat andenergy and total serum protein(P<0.05) in F plant group (bean oil group) were higher than F animalgroup (lard group), but nitrogen retention, net protein utilization, biological value of protein, totalcholesterol and daily matter intake(P<0.01) in F plant group were lower than F animal group for maleblue fox. Digestibility coefficients of protein and blood glucose(P<0.05) in F plant group were higher than F animal group, but nitrogen retention, net protein utilization and biological value ofprotein(P<0.01) in F plant group were lower than F animal group for female blue fox.Test3: Effects of different dietary protein and fat sources on the blue foxes of growing-furringperiod using evaluation in vivo.80blue foxes of129-day-age with similar body weight were selectedand randomly divided into4groups with10males and10females each. The trial design was the sameas test2. The experiment included preset period for17days and test period for64days. The resultsshowed as follows:(1) During the growing-furring period, digestibility coefficients of dry matter, proteinand energy(P<0.05),urine nitrogen, blood glucose, blood total protein and feed-weight ratio(P<0.01) inP plant group were significantly higher than P animal group, while fecal nitrogen, nitrogen retention, netprotein utilization, biological value of protein, gain per day, skin length and fur quality(P<0.01),andblood total cholesterol and final body length(P<0.05) in P plant group was extremely significantly lowerthan P animal group.(2) Digestibility coefficients of protein(P<0.05), urine nitrogen and blood totalprotein(P<0.01) in F plant group were higher than F animal group, but blood total cholesterol (P<0.05)in F plant group were lower than F animal group for male blue fox. Digestibility coefficients of proteinand fat(P<0.05), digestibility coefficients of energy, urine nitrogen, blood glucose, total blood protein,and feed-weight ratio(P<0.01) in F plant group was higher than F animal group, while biological valueof protein and gain per day(P<0.01),and final body length and skin length(P<0.05) in F plant group waslower than F animal group for female blue fox.In conclusion, the nutritional contents of common blue feeds were determined. Two mapsdisplaying the similarity among the feeding resources for blue foxes in China were drawn to offer thetheory basis for blue fox farming business to choose their feed resources wisely. Through animalexperiments, we found that animal protein is better than plant protein for blue fox both in growing andgrowing-furring period. Lard is better than soybean oil for female blue fox in growing-furring period.For male blue fox in growing-furring period and blue fox in growing period, lard and soybean oil aresimilar.
