

Study on the Burden of Proof in Action of Environmental Tort

【作者】 谷丹

【导师】 杨秀清;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的快速发展,环境侵权问题越发严重,环境侵权诉讼大量涌现。然而,由于我国现行立法对环境侵权诉讼中证明责任分配的规定尚有不尽合理之处,致使受害者的利益难以得到应有的保护。本文基于这样的社会背景,在分析我国环境民事侵权诉讼证明责任分配制度的基础上,借鉴其他国家或地区的相关理论及制度的优点,对我国环境民事侵权诉讼证明责任分配的立法完善提出了若干构想,以求为我国环境民事侵权诉讼的证明责任分配理论与实践的发展尽到绵薄之力。除引言和结论外,全文共分为四章,内容如下:第一章,环境民事侵权诉讼的证明责任分配之概述。首先,简要的澄清和阐述了证明责任分配的一般原理,并指出了证明责任分配的重要作用。紧接着对环境民事侵权诉讼做了简要的分析,界定了环境侵权的概念,并总结了此类诉讼的特点。最后归纳了环境民事侵权诉讼证明责任分配研究所要解决两个基本问题,为下文的进一步论述奠定基础。第二章,环境民事侵权责任的归责原则与证明对象。在本章中,作者首先对现代的几种主要归责原则进行简要的介绍,接着从法学理论和经济学理论上分析了环境民事侵权责任的归责原则的最优选择,然后对世界主要国家和地区在此类诉讼中的归责原则的理论与实践进行了比较分析。最后对我国环境民事侵权归责原则的立法规定进行了介绍和肯定,并指出在现行归责原则下的证明对象。第三章,环境民事侵权诉讼的证明责任分配规则之比较。在本章中,笔者首先梳理并总结了世界主要国家和地区环境民事侵权诉讼的证明责任分配规则的理论与实践。接着总结并分析了我国环境民事侵权诉讼的证明责任分配规则的立法现状,并以批判性分析的态度,从理论上和实践上对我国环境民事侵权的证明责任分配规则进行质疑和反思。最后对我国与世界主要国家和地区环境民事侵权诉讼的证明责任分配规则进行了比较分析。第四章,我国环境民事侵权诉讼的证明责任分配规则之重构。笔者对环境民事侵权法律关系各个构成要件的证明责任的具体分配一一展开论述,提出了相关完善建议。最后对免责事由的证明责任问题进行了说明,厘清一些认识误区。

【Abstract】 With the rapid economic development, the environmental tort is moreand more serious, and causes much litigation in action of environmentaltort. However, as some rules in the assignment of burden of proof in actionof environmental tort are still unreasonable, it is hard to protect the victims.Based on such background, after analyzing our country’s law and learningfrom the advantages of theory and system in other countries, this papergives some suggestion to improve the legislation of the assignment ofburden of proof in the action of environmental tort.Besides the introduction and conclusion, this paper has four parts:Chapter1is an overview. In this chapter, the author first clarifies andexplains the general principles of the assignment of burden of proof, andtells the importance of the assignment of burden of proof. Then the authoranalyzes the environmental tort litigation, gives the concept ofenvironmental tort, and summarizes the characters of such litigation. Theauthor finally summarizes two basic problems to be solved in the study ofthe assignment of burden of proof in the action of environmental tort,which establishes the foundation for further discussion.Chapter2is about the criterion of liability and the proven object inenvironmental tort liability. The author first introduces some moderncriterion of liability, then explains the optimal choice of the environmentaldistort criterion of liability in perspective of law theory and economictheory, and analyzes the fundamental theory and legislation of criterion ofliability in such tort in world. Based on this, the author introduces and accepts the legislation rules of environmental tort criterion of liability inour country, and tells the proven object in current criterion of liability.Chapter3is the comparison of rules in the assignment of burden ofproof in the action of environmental tort. The author first summarizes thetheory and practice of the rules in the assignment of burden of proof in theaction of environmental tort in the world. Then the author summarizes andanalyzes the legislation of the rules in the assignment of burden of proof inthe action of environmental tort in our country, and critically reflects therules in the assignment of burden of proof in the action of environmentaltort in theory and practice. Finally the author compares the rules in theassignment of burden of proof in the action of environmental tort in ourcountry with other countries in the world.Chapter4is the rebuild of rules in the assignment of burden of proofin the action of environmental tort in our country. The author separatelydiscusses three important parts in the assignment of burden of proof in theaction of environmental tort: infringement, damage result and causation,and gives suggestion to improve. Finally the author explains the burden ofproof in disclaimer subject and clarifies some misunderstandings.

  • 【分类号】D925.1
  • 【被引频次】2
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