

The Effective of Product Placement:Placement Methods and Category

【作者】 高婧美

【导师】 杨继平;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 应用心理学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着新技术的发展以及国家相关法令对广告时间的限制使得传统广告费用迅速飙升,其传播效果和受众范围已经严重下滑。于是,广告主不得不寻找和开发新的营销模式来宣传其产品。植入式广告是近年来在世界范围内较为普遍使用的一种广告形式。所谓植入式广告就是有目的、有计划的将品牌或服务等隐蔽性的融入到电影、电视、音乐视频、网络游戏等多种媒介当中,达到宣传品牌或服务的目的。成功的植入式广告能通过与情节或情境的自然巧妙融合,使受众在不知不觉中增加其偏好度,与传统广告相比,费用不高,但又能达到一定的宣传效果。产品植入到媒介之后,广告主最关心的就是植入效果如何?本文从四部电影中选取了四个植入式广告作为实验材料,涉及服饰、汽车、通讯、饮料共四个门类,就其植入方式的不同而产生传播效果的不同进行实证研究,得出以下结论:1.视觉—听觉植入和听觉植入的再认率优于单纯的视觉植入;2.对植入式广告态度整体评估较低;3.听觉植入比视觉植入和视觉—听觉植入的接受度高;4.植入式广告能增加部分被试对品牌的购买或使用几率。广告的植入与广告主、制作方及消费者的利益息息相关,希望研究能为广告主和制作方在植入广告时提供一定的参考和借鉴。使得既能给广告主和影视制作方带来丰厚的收益,又不侵害消费者的利益,为媒介的发展提供一个良好、和谐的环境。

【Abstract】 With the development of new technologies and the national policy restricts on advertising of traditional advertisement, so the costs of traditional advertisement growed up, due to the time constraints, the results of communication worse than ever before. Thus, advertisers have to find a new marketing model to promote their products.In recent years, product placement is the one of the common forms of advertising. The product placement is the purpose of which planned into television, music videos, online games and other media, to promote a brand or service purposes. Successful product placement is the integration of the natural circumstances and the products, it can unconsciously increase audiences’preference, compared with traditional advertisement, the cost is not high, and it can achieve the desired of marketing results perfectly.Placed into the media, advertisers are concerned about how effective that is implanted? I Selected four product placement in four films as the experimental materials, it involved in the apparel, automotive, drinks and communications about four categories, I just find the different implanted ways results in different empirical studies, the results as follow:1. Visual-auditory and auditory implants are superior to visual implant;2. The estimate of attitude towards product placement is low;3. The acceptance of auditory implants is higher than visual-auditory and visual implant;4. Product placement can increase probability of purchase.The relationship between advertisers, producers and consumers is very closed, the study hope to provide some advises for advertisers and producers in the placement. It can bring huge profits for advertisers and producers, it’s not against the interests of consumers and provide a good and harmonious environment for the development of media.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期