

Study on the Plant Species Diversity of Each Grade Road in Jinzhong Basin

【作者】 万江丽

【导师】 王应刚;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 自然地理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文围绕晋中盆地各等级道路两侧植物多样性展开研究。研究区域涉及的地市主要包括太原市、吕梁市和晋中市。其中,包括太原市六个区、阳曲县、清徐县,吕梁市的交城县部分、文水县、汾阳市、孝义市,晋中市的榆次区、平遥县、介休市、太谷县、祁县等。研究涉及高速公路、国道、省道、县乡道路、农村道路等五个等级的道路。根据调查数据,对五种各等级道路绿化带的乔木层、灌木层、草本层植物的物种丰富度指数、辛普森指数、均匀度指数等进行计算分析。从研究结果可以看出,各等级道路两侧植物多样性总体随着道路等级的降低呈不断增加的趋势。但是,高速道路总体情况较为特别,植物多样性较高。总体上来看,随着道路等级的降低,草本植物物种多样性呈缓慢增加的趋势、乔木和灌木的物种多样性呈减少的趋势、灌木植物的群落优势度呈增长的趋势、乔木层植物分布的均匀度越来越高。部分研究结果规律不明显,这可能是由多方面原因造成的,包括各个路段修建时间、受人类活动干扰程度、绿化设计的差别、植被恢复时间长短等都是造成植物多样性差异等原因。与其他道路相比,高速路具有特殊性,其绿化带设计较为规范,两侧的全封闭也使得绿化带受人为的干扰影响较小,这是造成规律不一致的主要原因。总体上看,道路两侧乔木和草本植物物种多样性相对比较稳定,而灌木的分布情况差异较大。除高速公路以外,其他等级道路两侧绿化过程中对灌木的重视度不够。本文通过对晋中盆地道路两侧植被的植物物种多样性进行典型样方调查研究,合理运用生态学原理,来探讨晋中盆地道路绿化带植物多样性的变化规律和自然演替规律,提出人工植被建设中出现的一些关键性问题,对进一步指导道路绿化带的植被恢复工作具有重要的理论价值与实际意义。

【Abstract】 This paper launched a series of studies with species diversity focuses on the different levels of road greenbelt in Jinzhong Basin. The cities involved in the study area are the Taiyuan City, Lvliang City and Jinzhong City. Includes six districts of Taiyuan City, yangqu County, Qingxu County, Jiaocheng County, Wenshui County, Fenyang City, Xiaoyi City, Jiexiu City, Pingyao County, Qixian County, Taigu County, Yuci District. This study involved five different levels roads, includes the highway, state roads, national highway, county roads, rural roads. In this research, the species abundance, Simpson index, Shannon-Wiener index, pielou’s index for the tree layer, shrub layer and herb layer for five different levels of road greenbelt were inverstigated.It can be seen from the results that, as the road grade decrease the plant diversity on both sides of the road showed a increasing trend. However, the general situation of the highway is rather special. Overall, as the reduction of road grade, herbaceous species diversity showed a slowly increasing trend, the species diversity of trees and shrubs showed a decreasing trend, the shrub plant community dominance showed a increasing trend, the tree layer of plant distribution uniformity getting higher and higher. The laws of some of the findings is not obvious, this may be caused by a variety of reasons, including the the construction time of various sections, the degree of interference by human activity, the different design of the greenbelt and the time to restore the vegetation. Compared with the other road, the highway has the particularity, because the green belt design more standardized, fully enclosed on both sides also makes the green belt subject to human interference less impact, which is the main reason for the law is inconsistent. Overall, on both sides of the road, trees and herbaceous species diversity is relatively stable, while the shrub distribution of differences.In this paper, through the typical quadrat investigation on the species diversity of road greenbelt in the Jinzhong Basin, use the ecological principles to explore the variation species diversity of road greenbelt.lt has important theoretical value and practical significance to the explore of species succession laws of Jinzhong Basin and to answer some key issues of artificial vegetation construction, and further guidance in the area of vegetation construction.

【关键词】 物种多样性晋中盆地道路植物物种
【Key words】 Species diversityJinzhong BasinRoadPlant species
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期