

A Study on the Poems of FuShan

【作者】 李洁

【导师】 郭万金;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 明末清初是一个风云变幻的时代,同时也是文化思想和文学创作极为活跃的时代,这一时期形成了中国历史上文化创作的又一次高峰。明亡之后,产生了一大批不仕清廷的遗民,他们的诗歌创作在这个特殊的历史时期呈现出别样的风貌。本文以明遗民诗人傅山为研究对象,他历经明清鼎革之变,坚守气节,隐居不仕,是清初三晋遗民的代表。本文在前人研究成果的基础上,试图将傅山放在整个明清文学史和文化视野中,通过考察其生平地位、诗歌创作、诗学思想及诗歌影响等方面,对他的诗歌成就作出尽可能完整和客观的评述,以期重新审视和评价其在清初文学史上的地位。全文主要分为四部分:一、傅山的生平、地位及文化贡献。简要叙述他的生平经历,剖析其生存状态和生活方式,藉此反映明清易代之际遗民的精神变迁和心理状态。其次对其文化贡献作简要阐述,以期重新审视傅山在清初诗坛的地位。二、傅山诗歌的思想内涵。从思想内容角度对傅山诗歌作全面研究,主要分为四个方面:遗民情结下的家国情怀;对黎民生存环境的真诚关怀;对亲情、友情的眷恋;借史咏怀与借物咏怀。通过对这些诗作的解读,揭示傅山的“悲亡国之凄切”的历史悲凉感,“伤年华之易逝”的生命悲凉感,“哀民生之多艰”的济世情怀与现实社会相矛盾冲撞而发出的“壮志难酬”的慨叹以及渴望“寻求精神之超越”的人格认同感。三、傅山的诗歌理论。傅山的诗歌理论有三:“诗为性情之音”的诗学观点;重视诗文的变幻莫测和创新求异;推崇“以骨气胜”的诗品。通过对其诗歌理论的深入探究,力图构建傅山的诗学思想。四、傅山诗歌的价值与影响。通过对其诗歌价值的进一步探讨,试图重新审视和评价傅山在清初诗坛的地位及他在诗歌改革方面的贡献。除外,本章还指出傅山诗歌存在的不足,并对其存在微瑕的成因进行较为客观、冷静的分析,在看到时代和阶级局限性的同时,对傅山诗歌抱以同情和宽容的态度。

【Abstract】 The time between the later of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty was a particular period and great changes took place together with dynastic changes, which brought deep effect on the society at that time, especially on the Chinese culture. Those who chose not to be an official in Qing Dynasty after the death of Ming Dynasty were called a group of Ming adherents. The creature of their poetry turned on a unique style in that different and particular period, which put Chinese culture creativity into another high level and caught public eyes. This essay is a study on the poems of FuShan, who experienced the change of Dynasties. He lived as a hermit, with poor life but great ambition, which was one of the typical SanJin scholars in that period. Based on the research of others, this essay is meant to put FuShan into the history of ancient culture of Qing dynasty and analyze the poet’s lifetime, poems, poetry thoughts and poetry value, from which we want to get a comparatively comprehensive and Subjective account of his poetry achievements. This essay consists of four parts:The first part is a detailed description of FuShan’s lifetime, status and cultural achievements. Through the examination, we can analyze his lifestyle, and reflect the group of adherents’experience and psychological change of scholars at the early of Qing Dynasty. Besides, the writer has a brief description about his cultural achievements in order to re--valuate FuShan’s status in the fields of poetry on the beginning of Qing Dynasty.The second part begins with an analysis of the topics of FuShan’s poems. We want to carry out a comprehensive discussion about his poetry in the perspective of ideological content. His poetry divided into four aspects:sad feelings for the replaced Ming Dynasty; sympathy to the public; emotional feelings for the family members and friends; poems expressing his innermost feelings. Through the deliberation, we are meant to reveal his historical sad feelings of nation being conquered, the sentimental feelings of sympathizing to public difficult life but do nothing and the personality identified feelings in spirit.The third part is a research on FuShan’s poetic theory. This theory is made up of three parts:first, the poem should reflect the poet’s real feelings and be natural and positive; second, the poet should not be imitative and should be full of self—reativity; third, the poem should highly praise moral integrity and attach importance to the quality of the poetry. After summarizing the poetic theory, the article tries to construct FuShan’s poetic view.The fourth part is a research on the influence and value about FuShan’s view of poetry. Through the deep researching on his poetry view, we try to explain the value of FuShan’s poetry and the effect on the circle of poets at that time. Based on the particular period of FuShan, We try to deeply deliberate the causes of the flaw in an objective and calm way. Considering the limitations of that particular period and class, we should adopt a sympathetic and tolerant attitude towards him and his writings.

【关键词】 傅山诗歌创作诗学思想
【Key words】 FuShanPoetry WritingThoughts of poetry
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期