

The Plight and Path Selection of China’s Civil Servant Career Management

【作者】 赵伟

【导师】 王臻荣;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 行政管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 跨入21世纪,随着全球经济、政治、文化、科技的发展,世界各国已经进入一个大的变革时代,新的公共管理问题层出不穷,传统的公共管理问题也在发生着剧烈的变化,各国政府面临的挑战无论是在深度还是广度上都发生了深刻的变化。公务员作为国家和社会的主要管理者,行使着大量的公共权力,其自身素质与能力的高低关系着政府目标能否实现,关系着政府公共管理职能能否实现。因此,我们必须把公务员当作战略资源来看待,通过引入现代人力资源管理理念,开展职业生涯管理活动,把这一重要资源培养好,发挥好,运用好。本文结合新公共管理理念和职业生涯规划相关理论,在分析《中华人民共和国公务员法》的基础上,选取山西省若干省直机关单位的公务员为调查对象,采用问卷调查、个案访谈、文献分析等方法,深入了解和分析我国的现实情况,发现我国公务员职业生涯管理在管理理念的树立、管理环节的衔接、管理目标的设定、发展通道的设置等方面存在着诸多问题,陷入了发展的困境。对于困境产生的原因,笔者从两个方面展开分析。从政府角度而言,文化的缺失、机构的缺位、领导的认识不足等因素制约着职业生涯管理活动的进程;从公务员个人角度而言,自我认识的偏差,实践经验的不足,发展目标的模糊,导致职业生涯管理活动难以持续有效推广,动力明显不足。基于对影响因素的深入探究,笔者立足于我国政府改革与发展的现状,试图紧紧抓住文化建设、周期管理、机制完善三个层面,构建具有中国特色的公务员职业生涯管理模式,选择适合我国发展的公务员职业生涯管理路径,培养一支素质硬、能力强、纪律严、作风优的公务员队伍,提高政府公共管理的效率,为社会主义现代化建设服务。

【Abstract】 With the development of the global economy, politics, culture, science and technology, the world of the21st century has entered a great area of change. Not only do the new public management issues emerge, the traditional public management issues are undergoing dramatic changes. The challenges what governments are faced with have undergone profound changes, both in the depth and breadth. Civil servants as the main managers of state and society, exercise a great deal of public power. Their qualities and capabilities relate to whether the government target could be achieved, and the government’s public management functions could be achieved. Therefore, we should regard the civil servants as strategic resource. Through the introduction of the concept of modern human resource management and carrying out the activities of career management, the important resource can be played well and be made good use of.This paper relays on the new public management philosophy and career planning theory. On the basis of analyzing the Civil Law, questionnaires, interviews, document analysis and other methods will be used. This study selects some provincial units of the civil service in Shanxi Province to investigate the object. Through understanding the current situation of China’s civil service career management, summed up the dilemma of China’s civil service career management as follows:Career management concept is difficult to establish; career management is so lax that there are many drawbacks; Unable to achieve the organic unity of the civil service personal goals with organizational goals of the Government; Poor career development paths.Based on the analysis and research of the plight of China’s civil service career management, I found that two major factors restrict the civil service career management to be effectively carried out. From the government point of view, the government lack of good organizational culture and specialized career management department. Most of the leading cadres lack of awareness about career management, not treating human as a strategic resource. This led to the civil service career management has not got enough attention. From the perspective of individual civil servants, the majority of civil servants do not realize the importance of career planning and management, can not be successfully carried out for self career improper positioning, and career development goals are not clear, leading to career management activities can not been smoothly carried out. Through analysis of the causes, the author attempts to build suitable for China’s civil service career management path from the following three aspects:build the government culture, Carry out a dynamic civil service career cycle management, Improve the civil service career management mechanism. We must cultivate a hard quality, ability, good style civil service troops to prove the efficiency of the Government’s public administration and serve the socialist modernization.

【关键词】 公务员职业生涯管理路径选择
【Key words】 Civil servantsCareer managementPath selection
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期