

The Reasonable Connotation and Interpretation of National Self-determination

【作者】 徐蕊蕊

【导师】 贾军;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 民族自决权作为国际法的一项基本原则,曾经在世界反殖民主义运动中起到过积极作用。但是冷战结束后,民族自决权理论却陷入了困境,在理论上对民族自决权形成不了统一的看法,在实践中也被所有反现存制度的势力作为其要求独立的依据。这与其固有的概念模糊性有关,导致了其在国际实践中适用的任意性。这种对民族自决权理论的误读给国家的领土完整与世界的和平稳定带来极大的威胁。本文分五个部分对民族自决权的合理内涵进行阐释,指出了现阶段民族自决权理论的困境,从多个角度着重分析应然的民族自决权是什么,然后指出正确认识民族自决权的合理内涵对于我国目前构建和谐社会的价值。

【Abstract】 National self-determination, as a basic principle of international law, plays apositive role in anti-colonial movement in the world. However, after the Cold War,National self-determination theory was in trouble. There is no unified view on thenational self-determination theoretically, and it is also used as an independent basis inpractice required by those people who force against the existing system. This isbecause of ambiguity of its inherent concept, which leads to abuse of nationalself-determination in international practice. This misreading of the nationalself-determination theory will be great threat to the country’s territorial integrity andthe world peace and stability. This paper has five parts to interpret the reasonablemeaning of national self-determination, pointing out the plight of the nationalself-determination theory at present, analyzing what the national self-determinationought to be from various angles, and then pointing out that the contemporary value ofthe national self-determination.
